Rank | Title | Last Edit
Logos 5.3 Beta 3
The “Send to Kindle” link is found on the Resource Information tab (i) of each resource (but not Personal Books).
Greg Decker, 2014 November Rev #3
Logos 6.0 SR-2
Exegetical Guide Added Gregory-Aland numbers to the Online Manuscripts results of Textual Variants, which were missing.
Angela Murashov, 2014 October Rev #3
Logos 5.3 Beta 4
Background code changes were made to support new data types.
Angela Murashov, 2014 October Rev #1
ProcDump Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, Gen, L4, Mac4 If instructed to by Tech Support, please follow these instructions to create a crash dump of Logos 4: Download and unzip “procdump.exe”.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2014 October Rev #8
Export a Logos Resource to an eReader format (Kindle, Nook, etc.)
For most books this process will take between 15 and 30 minutes.
TCBlack, 2014 October Rev #3
Logos 5.2b Beta 1
Book Bugs    In LLS:AUTHCHRNTY the Read Aloud now starts reading at the users current location rather than backing up to the beginning of an article.
Todd White (Faithlife), 2014 October Rev #6
Logos 5.2b SR-4
Personal Books    Compiling a book with English milestones and references as a different language (in PBB settings) will now compile correctly.
Angela Murashov, 2014 October Rev #2
Logos 5.3 Beta 2
Personal Book Builder    Personal books will now build correctly from resources with embedded images.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2014 September Rev #3
Proclaim Bug Fixes Audio no longer plays when using the Logo quick screen.
Spencer McKimson, 2014 September Rev #1
Logos 5.3 Beta 1
A core component was rewritten in C# and native C++ for greater cross-platform support and performance.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2014 September Rev #6
Logos 5.2b
Added ‘Quick Buy’ option.
Dylan Rondeau, 2014 August Rev #5
Logos 5.2b RC 1
Purchasing a resource via the “Quick Buy” button in Bookstore will now give a processing indicator with “Cancel” button for 15 seconds to prevent accidental purchases.
Dylan Rondeau, 2014 August Rev #1
Logos 5.2b Beta 6
New Features Guides    Added ‘Quick Buy’ option to the Bookstore section.
Angela Murashov, 2014 July Rev #4
New features include media and service item type filters, organization based on the media series, various different views, and an improved UI Audio fading; Audio will now fade out when stopping background audio In App help links to support pages have been added to the Help menu The Proclaim logo has been updated Toast messages that link to a media browser search have been enabled Bug Fixes A crash related to the import/Export presentation tool has been fixed Fixed a UI bug on Windows related to the Import/Export presentation tool Hebrew text is now rendered correctly instead of backwards Using higher resolution thumbnails; thumbnails should now look better and less pixelated
Spencer McKimson, 2014 July Rev #1
Logos 5.2b Beta 4
The Bookstore on Verbum will now correctly display book cover images.
Angela Murashov, 2014 July Rev #1
Logos 5.2b Beta 3
Passage Guide    Added the “contains-cross-reference-footnote” trait to a huge number of resources, which should now populate in the Cross References section of Passage Guide.
Dylan Rondeau, 2014 June Rev #2
Logos 5.2a RC 3
Implemented the new Cover View, which focuses on looking through the Library by book cover.
Dylan Rondeau, 2014 April Rev #2
Logos 4.6c SR-7
Background code changes were made to support new data types.
Angela Murashov, 2014 March Rev #1
Logos 5.2a
Implemented the new Cover View, which focuses on looking through the Library by book cover.
Angela Murashov, 2014 March Rev #8
Added a new quick screen which renders a Bible reference entered on the fly using the OSB service item.
Spencer McKimson, 2014 March Rev #1
Fixed presentation control focus issue after clicking quick screen button.
Spencer McKimson, 2014 March Rev #1
Logos 5.2a RC 1
My Library    Fixed bug that caused the info pane to show “Logos Edition” instead of “User Created” for Personal Books.
Dylan Rondeau, 2014 March Rev #1
Logos 5.2a Beta 6
Personal Book Builder    Improved the performance of rebuilding personal books with a lot of articles.
Dylan Rondeau, 2014 March Rev #1
Logos 5.2a Beta 5
Personal Book Builder    Fixed bug when right-clicking on a Personal Book Body file did not give the ‘Delete’ option.
Angela Murashov, 2014 February Rev #4
Logos 5.2a Beta 4
Bug Fixes Bible Sense Lexicon    Removed repeated book names in the Lemma reference list.    
Angela Murashov, 2014 February Rev #4
Logos 5.2a Beta 3
Fixed issue where Rank numbers could displace info from other columns.
Dylan Rondeau, 2014 February Rev #2
Logos 5.2a Beta 2
Personal Book Builder    Compiling a doc with a hyperlink in a Heading will now respect the proper font size of the heading style.
Angela Murashov, 2014 January Rev #2
Logos 4.6c SR-6
Background code changes were made to support new data types.
Angela Murashov, 2013 December Rev #3
Logos 5.2a Beta 1
Implemented the new Cover View, which focuses on looking through the Library by book cover.
Dylan Rondeau, 2013 December Rev #1
Logos 5.2
Note we do not support footnotes within tables.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2013 November Rev #9
Logos 5.2 RC 1
Citations    Page numbers are applied consistently to citations in the Bibliography.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2013 November Rev #2
Logos 5.2 Beta 2
Passage Lists    Added ‘Save as Passage List’ support to Example Uses, Grammatical Relationships, and Preposition Use section of the Bible Word Study guide.    
Dylan Rondeau, 2013 October Rev #7
Logos 5.2 Beta 1
Note we do not support footnotes within tables.
Dylan Rondeau, 2013 October Rev #6
Logos 4.6c SR-5
Background code changes were made to support new data types.
Angela Murashov, 2013 October Rev #1
Logos 5.1b SR-1
Copy Bible Verses     Copy Bible Verses will now include book, chapter and verse number information.
Angela Murashov, 2013 October Rev #1
Logos 5.1b
‘Louw Nida #’ link is included in the ‘See Also’ section that opens to the appropriate Ln number (or range) .     
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2013 September Rev #6
Logos 5.1b Beta 1
‘Louw Nida #’ link is included in the ‘See Also’ section that opens to the appropriate Ln number (or range) .     
Angela Murashov, 2013 September Rev #3
Logos 5.1a
Search Panel Clause     AND/ANDNOT/OR are now supported in Clause Search.     
Angela Murashov, 2013 September Rev #7
Logos 5.1a Beta 3
Copy Bible Verses     Renamed paste target for ‘OpenOffice’ to ‘LibreOffice Writer’ and implemented ‘LibreOffice Writer’ support to CBV tool.
Angela Murashov, 2013 August Rev #4
Logos 5.1a Beta 1
New Features Search Panel Clause AND/ANDNOT/OR are now supported in Clause Search.
Kelly Flones, 2013 July Rev #5
Logos 5.1 SR-1
Fixed bug which caused the book of Luke to appear in the ‘Johannine Epistles’ reference range.
Kelly Flones, 2013 July Rev #7
Logos 4.6c SR-1
Bug Fixes Search Panel Bible Fixed bug which caused the book of Luke to appear in the ‘Johannine Epistles’ reference range.
Kelly Flones, 2013 July Rev #3
Logos 5.1
Create two stubs in Personal Books panel, one for Sermons and one for Illustrations.
Kelly Flones, 2013 June Rev #16
Logos 5.1 RC 2
Bug Fixes Citations Fixed crash generating citations for resources with book, journal, and article titles defined.
Kelly Flones, 2013 June Rev #1
Logos 4.6c
Logos 4.6c New Features Importing Implemented support for importing Sermon Files from Libronix DLS.
Kelly Flones, 2013 June Rev #2
Logos 5.1 RC 1
Personal Book Builder Fixed bug which caused error in log file when input text box was created.
Kelly Flones, 2013 June Rev #3
Logos 5.1 Beta 9
Personal Books Removed confusing line borders between sections when creating a new personal book.
Kelly Flones, 2013 June Rev #1
Logos 5.0b SR-3
Logos 5.0b SR-3 Logos 5.0b SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 5.0b, Logos 5.0b SR-1, and Logos 5.0b SR-2 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Copy Bible Verse Fixed bug which caused verse number text to be unusually large when pasted into Microsoft Word.
Kelly Flones, 2013 May Rev #5
Logos 5.1 Beta 7
Implemented support to transfer series prioritization when resources are assigned to new series.
Kelly Flones, 2013 May Rev #2
Logos 5.1 Beta 5
Personal Book Builder Added ability to create a text input box.
Brisa Davis, 2013 May Rev #4
Logos 5.1 Beta 4
Library Implemented support for custom Series metadata which can be edited in the info pane.
Brisa Davis, 2013 April Rev #2
Logos 5.1 Beta 3
New Features Bibliography Added Undo and Redo support for adding and removing citations.
Brisa Davis, 2013 April Rev #2
Logos 5.1 Beta 2
New Features Importing Implemented support for importing Sermon Files from Libronix DLS.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2013 March Rev #2
Logos 4.6c Beta 2
New Features Importing Implemented support for importing Sermon Files from Libronix DLS.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 March Rev #2
Logos 5.1 Beta 1
Personal Books Implemented support for Lectionaries and Bible Harmonies using dynamic text.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 February Rev #5
Logos 5.0b
Logos 5.0b New Features Highlighting Implemented ability to use numbers for highlighting keyboard shortcuts.
Brisa Davis, 2013 February Rev #5
Foxe’s Book of Martyrs.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #7
Logos Websites
Logos Websites Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General See also List of known public Logos servers *.logos.com sites http://bible.logos.com/ http://blog.logos.com/ http://books.logos.com/ http://code.logos.com/ http://community.logos.com/ http://library.logos.com/ http://sermons.logos.com/ http://tips.logos.com/ http://topics.logos.com/ http://wbsa.logos.com/ http://wiki.logos.com/ http://www.logos.com/ Other Logos Sites http://www.12daysoflogos.com/ http://www.bellinghamtechnight.com/ http://www.biblesoftware.com/ http://www.biblestudybus.com/ http://www.biblestudymagazine.com/ http://www.bibletechconference.com/ http://www.biblia.com/ http://www.calvin500.com/ http://www.eastonsbibledictionary.org/ http://www.edgewiki.com/ http://evangelicalexegeticalcommentary.com http://hdcommentary.com/ http://www.lexhambibledictionary.com/ http://lexhamenglishbible.com http://www.libronix.com/ http://www.libronix.net/ http://www.logosbiblewidget.com
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #17
Website Wishlist
Urgently need a book searchsimilar to the advance book search in Amazon.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #14
Feature Wishlist
If I could limit the number of verses theese windows automatically open, this would maybe help.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #111
Bug Report
Bug Report Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General Forum Bug/Crash reports In order to create the most effective bug reports for technical support issues on the forum, please submit a formatted report.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #9
Cannot connect to Logos servers
Here are some solutions: 1) First, the most common solutions offered by Logos Support http://www.logos.com/L4/support/unabletoconnect 2) Expired security certificates If you’ve checked all of the Logos suggestions, and that didn’t help, another more obscure possible cause is that you’ve got expired security certificates that are causing your machine to view the Logos server as non-trustworthy.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #8
Using a PL to copy a verse in Multiple Translations
You will see them listed here along with the number of Bibles in your collection (your number will probably be different depending on your Library content).
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #13
Resource Review
.; considerable depth; tends toward conservative evangelical perspective Encyclopedias – Theological Type Name of Resource Summary Comments General Resource: Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible Tends toward evangelical perspective General Encyclopedia of Christianity Tends toward a more liberal perspective Historical Dictionary of Historical Theology Concentrates on authors Encyclopedias – Historical Type Name of Resource Summary Comments Archeol Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land (1996) Standard reference; in most packages Maps and Charts Type Name of Resource Summary Comments Combo Logos System Maps / Images Comes with Logos packages; extensive and indexed Combo Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions Good charts; maps in color; good 3d reconstructions Combo Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, Revised Charts by book; older BW maps Maps Nelson’s 3-D Bible Mapbook Simple maps in
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #103
Logos 4 COM API
LogosDataType A supported data type.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #35
Logos 5.0b SR-1
Bug Fixes for Mac Cited By Fixed crash when results are sorted by book.
Brisa Davis, 2013 February Rev #2
Logos 4.6b
Logos 4.6b New Features Highlighting Implemented ability to use numbers for highlighting keyboard shortcuts.
Brisa Davis, 2013 February Rev #3
Logos 4.0 Portfolio
Critical Review of Books in Religion, 1988–1998 (11 vols.)
john nerdue, 2013 January Rev #1
New Page (Logos 4.0 Portfolio)
Critical Review of Books in Religion, 1988–1998 (11 vols.)
john nerdue, 2013 January Rev #2
Logos 4.6b Beta 2
New Features Highlighting Implemented ability to use numbers for highlighting keyboard shortcuts.
Brisa Davis, 2013 January Rev #3
Logos 5.0b Beta 3
Search Panel Basic Fixed bug which prevented the number of results from displaying in bold for grouped Analysis results.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 January Rev #2
Logos 5.0b Beta 2
New Features Highlighting Implemented ability to use numbers for highlighting keyboard shortcuts.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 January Rev #3
Logos 5.0b Beta 1
Personal Books Fixed crash caused by files containing a hyperlinked image.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 January Rev #6
Logos 4.6b Beta 1
Personal Books Fixed crash caused by files containing a hyperlinked image.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 December Rev #3
Logos 4.6a SR-3
Logos 4.6a SR-3 4.6a SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 4.6a, SR-1, and SR-2 with the following additions: New Features Data Types Implemented support for new data types Papaldocs (Papal Documents) and RC (Roman Catechism).
Anthony Grubb, 2012 November Rev #2
Logos 5.0a
Bible Word Study Added support for Cascadia Syntax Graphs Grammatical Relationships.
Brisa Davis, 2012 November Rev #7
Logos 5.0a Beta 1
Bible Word Study Added support for Cascadia Syntax Graphs Grammatical Relationships.
Brisa Davis, 2012 November Rev #5
Books Missing Pagination
Books Missing Pagination See Books Missing Pagination and Other Indexes
Rosie Perera, 2012 November Rev #8
Logos 5.0
New Features (with purchase) Bible Sense Lexicon Bible Facts: Events Bible Facts: “Referred to as” section Bible Word Study: Phrases Bible Word Study: Sense Clause Search Exegetical Guide: Senses Information: Show Referent Sermon Starter Guide Speaker Labels visual filter Timeline Timeline Events visual filter Topic Guide New Features (free) Bible Facts (replaces Biblical People, Places, Things) Bible Facts: People now includes anonymous people and groups Bible Word Study: Roots (requires reverse interlinears or morph Bibles) Bibliography Documents Documents menu with advanced columns, sorting, and filtering Exegetical Guide: Syntactic Force (requires Lexham Syntactic Greek NT) Guides menu with advanced columns, sorting, and filtering Information: Show Translations Library: Community Ratings & Tags Library: Filter by collection Locked Book Previews Passage List: Memorize Root Search (requires reverse interlinears) Search Helps Search: Results show highlighting
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 November Rev #3
Info for MJ
Info for MJ go to BWS: Using Original language words go to BWS: Saved Bible Word Study’s just copy the heading text (you don’t need to enter the editor) and use the format below: [[text_that_shows_for_the_link >> Name_of_wiki_page # Exact_text_of_heading_in_wiki_page]] (paste what you copied to Exact_text_of_heading_in_wiki_page) example from above: [[Using Original language words >> Bible word study # Using Original language words]] another: [[Saved Bible Word Study’s >> bible word study # Saved Bible Word Study’s]] i fixed links in this section 2.4.2 Guide sections: Bible word study As for my circles with numbers: i use Paint.net, it is free.
steve clark, 2012 November Rev #5
Logos 4.6a
Logos 4.6a New Features Personal Books Implemented syntax for Sermons and Illustrations.
Brisa Davis, 2012 October Rev #5
Logos 4.6a RC 1
Logos 4.6a RC 1 New Features Personal Books Added new field types for Sermons and Illustrations.
Brisa Davis, 2012 October Rev #4
Logos 4.6a Beta 5
Personal Books Sermon File Type Passages, topics, tags, and dates specified in the metadata are preserved in the compiled document and restyled.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 October Rev #4
Logos 4.6a Beta 4
New Features Personal Books Refined syntax implementation for indices.
Brisa Davis, 2012 October Rev #4
Logos 4.6a Beta 1
Home Page Fixed bug where the titles and book covers for Pre-Pubs and Community Pricing were not functioning as hyperlinks on the Mac home page.
Ann Boyles, 2012 September Rev #4
Logos 4.6a Beta 2
New Features Personal Books Implemented syntax for Sermons and Illustrations.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 September Rev #6
Logos 4.6
Reading Plans Added support for Group Reading Plans utilizing group memberships from Faithlife.com.
Adam Borries (Logos), 2012 September Rev #9
Logos 4.3 Beta 3
Resource Panel Fixed bug that could cause a portion of the vertical line separating volume number from title on a resource title page to overlap text in multi-column layout (e.g., title page in “The Contemplative Pastor”).
NB.Mick, 2012 September Rev #6
Logos 4.6 RC 1
Logos 4.6 RC 1 Bug Fixes Resource Panel Fixed bug which caused verse numbers to overlap Bible text in certain Bibles when viewing ‘Bible text only’.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 August Rev #1
LUKE TIMOTHY JOHNSON I am looking at The Teaching Company’s download of CD’s on Luke Timothy Johnson’s book, Early Christianity: The Experience of the Divine.
Vivian Matheson, 2012 August Rev #1
Logos 4.6 Beta 4
Bug Fixes for Mac Personal Books Fixed bug which prevented invalid document file paths from being deleted.
Brisa Davis, 2012 August Rev #2
Logos 4.5c SR-4
Logos 4.5c SR-4 4.5c SR-4 includes all the features of Logos 4.5c, SR-1, SR-2 , and SR-3 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Start Up Fixed bug which caused crash when entering a serial number while installing program from a disk.
Brisa Davis, 2012 August Rev #2
Logos 4.6 Beta 2
Bug Fixes Command Box Fixed crash caused by opening a layout or personal book.
Brisa Davis, 2012 August Rev #5
Logos 4.6 Beta 1
New Features Reading Plans Added support for Group Reading Plans utilizing group memberships from Faithlife.com.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 July Rev #6
Bug: Passage Guide keeps switching from Zechariah 12 to Nahum 3:18-19 when scrolling through a commentary
I have tried several times to restart Logos, or to unlink all books and then reconnect them in linked set A.
Samuel, 2012 July Rev #1
Logos 4.5c
Program Settings Added application setting for “Include Deuterocanonical Books.”
Tonya J Ross, 2012 June Rev #3
Logos 4.5c RC 1
Personal Book Builder Fixed bug which caused inaccurate warning message to briefly display when opening Personal Books panel.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 June Rev #2
Logos 4.5c Beta 4
Bug Fixes Citations Fixed bug which caused book citations to pull information from the book’s build, rather than the information on Libronix.net.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 June Rev #6
Wiki Macros
staticmap | size=400x200 | zoom=13 | type=terrain | center=Bellingham, WA}} | size=400x200 | zoom=13 | type=terrain | center=Bellingham, WA Supported Parameters center Describes the center of the map.
Ryan Riley, 2012 June Rev #1
Wiki Help
Wiki Quick Start (move to separate page?)
Ryan Riley, 2012 June Rev #5

Logos Bible Software Wiki

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