Logos 5.2 Beta 1

Logos 5.2 Beta 1 ( was released on October 7, 2013.

New Features

  Headword results that are ambiguous now append the article title in parentheses.
   Made KeyLinking more sensitive to Hebrew and Greek marks. For example, previously double-clicking the root עֵזֶר would take you to I עזר, even though the better match is I עֵזֶר.
   The guide definition section displays the actual headword that was matched.
   Typing text in the resource navigator box returns better suggested words.

   Resources will now default to opening on the right, while guides will open on the left; only applies to the first panel opened in a blank layout.

Media Resources
   Implemented controls for different views of stereoscopic images on Mac.

My Library
   Implemented “Search this resource” to context menu in Library.

Passage Lists
   Implemented “Save as Passage List” to the context menu of several Guide sections, Bible Facts sections, and the ‘Cross References’ section of the Explorer tool. (See Known Issues, Known Issues for Mac.)
   When saving search results as Passage Lists, the list will now open in the same panel as the corresponding Search. Also applies to saving as Bibliography, Collection, and Word List. (See this thread.)

Prayer List
   Implemented Group Prayer Lists that are Prayer List documents that have been shared with an existing Faithlife group. Each member of the group may add/view prayer request items.

Search Panel Basic
   Implemented linguistic sensitivity for searches. For example, “[match breathing,accents] ὀπτάνομαι” would search “be sensitive to breathing marks and accents in this term”. (See this page for a list of commands.)

Smart Selection
   Smart Selection has been implemented for select resources (See this thread for more info), and a toggle has been added to Program Settings.
   Smart Selection allows for text selection based on word, clause, sentence, and paragraph groupings. Holding Alt/Option will allow normal selection, and Alt/Option+RightClick will select the word’s logical cluster.

Bug Fixes

Bible Sense Lexicon
   Sense verses are now grouped by lemma. (See this thread.)
   References in the Lemmas section are now sorted canonically.

   APA citation style now shows page numbers for resources that are indexed by page number.

Context Menu
   Translation of the book of Ecclesiastes is now correct in the French UI.(See this thread.)

Copy Bible Verses
   When opening Copy Bible Verses in it’s docked location and clicking Ctrl+F11 (or Option+Command+B) it will now open to it’s last floating location not the default location.

Data Types
   Right-clicking on punctation in the ESV no longer returns incorrect references.
   Bibliography pop ups no longer display a strange-looking horizontal line at the bottom with no further information.

   Changes made to the settings in Example Uses section are now respected. (See this thread.)
   Added an ‘Edit’ option to the context menu in the Guides pop-up panel.
   Corrected formatting of references in Biblical Events sections of the Passage and Topic guides.

   The “About” section of the Help menu now shows what base package you have purchased. (See this thread.)

   Applying a highlight with an image will no longer displace the text or cause incorrect word breaks. (See this thread.)

Home Page
   When working offline Prayer Lists are now visible on the home page.

   Bible references are now being displayed when ‘Show other references’ is not selected in Settings.
   Added ‘Translations’ setting in the information panel. (See this thread.)

   Fixed crash when running a search in Exegetical Guide on John 18:1, using the ESV in the word-by-word section and then clicking the link to LSJ.

LLS Resources
   Applying the “>>Inline Pointers<<” highlighting style to text preceded by superscript will now display the “>>” correctly.
   Fixed issue where select lectionaries showed the wrong date in the active reference box upon scrolling.
   Footnotes will now appear properly on page in select resources utilizing tables. (See this thread.) Note we do not support footnotes within tables.

   Localized the ‘Collections’ heading in the info pane of the Library panel for Swedish.
   Localized all the instances of ‘Results’ in the Preposition Use section of the Bible Word Study guide for Spanish.
   Fixed truncation of ‘Agregar’ button in the Word List Add menu for highlights.

   Collections saved as Parallel Resources will now be correctly loaded when opening a resource of those collections, and left/right arrows will cycle through them. (See this thread.)

My Library
   Fixed issue where queries within quotes were being matched with aggregates of My and Community tags. (See this thread.)

Personal Books
   Creating a PB with the Latin language setting in Word will no longer give the warning “Unknown language: ‘la-Latn’“.

   Fixed issue where using Print/Export on select resources with “Show page numbers” enabled caused 100 page output. (See this thread and this thread.)
   When opening Print/Export in it’s docked location and clicking Ctrl+F11 (or Option+Command+F) it will now open to it’s last floating location not the default location.

Resource Panel
   Bibliographic citation popups will now have dividing lines to match Windows implementation.
   Suggestions for Hebrew words in the Navigation bar will now be sorted with exact matches first.

Reverse Interlinear
   RVI will now focus on the selected original language word if the translation is too long for the panel.

Rich Text
   Black backgrounds for text entry will now be applied correctly.
   Deleting an item in a numbered list will no longer cause list items to lose their numbering or be numbered incorrectly.
   Inserting a hyperlink will no longer cause words entered after that point to also be hyperlinked.

Search Engine
   Fixed issue where select words were not word-broken correctly, leading to incorrect selections and missing results.

Search Panel Basic
   Redundant sections have been removed due to better integration with the Topic & Sermon Starter Guides.
   Tooltips will now properly display for “Search for...instead?” links and will open in the same panel. (See this thread.)
   While set to Spanish, using the Spanish words for tags will now give proper results.

Search Panel Clause
   Results in Analysis view will now be abbreviated horizontally rather than truncated vertically.

Search Panel Morph
   Improved sorting for lemma suggestions for “lemma:” searches – exact matches should now be listed first.

   Fixed crash in Settings when tabbing to dropdown menu of ‘At startup open to’ and pressing down arrow to select layout. (See this thread.)

   Fixed a crash launching the program to work offline.
   The Hebrew milestone upgrade will no longer end prematurely upon encountering a faulty index file.

Topic Guide
   Links for relevant information between Topic Guides and Bible Facts have been improved. (See this thread.)

Word Lists
   Changed error message wording: “Text does not contain any usable word data.” (See Known Issues for Mac.)

Bug Fixes for Mac

   Box around Clippings now resizes properly with font slider. (See this thread.)

   Documents and existing guides can now be opened by clicking and dragging the title of the document. (See this thread and this thread.)

Home Page
   The scroll bar in the Customize menu is now aligned correctly.

   Fixed crash when trying to save a named layout.

   When opening the application in French UI, the login screen text is now being displayed correctly. (See this thread.)

   The About window is no longer blank in the Portugese UI.

Media Resources
   The “Related Media” links now work correctly in select media resources.

   Background button no longer truncates when selecting a color. (See this thread.)
   Keyboard shortcuts for subscript and superscript now behave as listed in the Help file. (See this thread.)

Passage Lists
   Context verses in Memorize view are once again in gray text.
   Fixed styling of the ‘Add Versions’ hyperlink.

Personal Books
   Currently selected Personal Book will now have a blue bar on the left, rather than a blue background.
   Additional metadata fields are no longer truncated when compiling a Personal Book. (See this thread.)

    Fixed crash when switching from Greek Lemmas (Modern) to Greek Lemmas (Erasmian).

Rich Text
   English text no longer jumps to the left of pasted Hebrew text in Notes. (See this thread.)

Search Panel Basic
   Hyperlinks to the Topic and Sermon Starter Guides now turn orange on hover.

   The “You must restart Logos...” message under Hidden Resources is no longer truncated. (See this thread.)

Bug Fixes for Windows

Exegetical Guide
   In Word by Word section for Galatians 5:22, each fruit of the spirit is a separate entry instead of just one word.

Media Resources
   Fixed crash when rapidly switching between ‘Fit’ and ‘Actual Size’ in image resource.

Passage Lists
   Cursor focus is no longer lost in Quiz text boxes when switching between List and Memorize views.

Personal Books
   Prioritizing a personal lectionary will no longer cause errors preventing it from being rebuilt. (See this thread.)

   Fixed crash when trying to print/export large infographics.

Rich Text
     Hebrew text no longer switches direction when English is typed on the same line. (See this thread.)
   Attempting to sync after changing password while logged in will provide a message prompting a restart and re-login.

Known Issues

Passage Lists
   The Biblical Events section of the Topic Guide is missing the “Save as Passage List” option.

Known Issues for Mac

Passage Lists
   The Lemmas section of the Bible Facts panel is missing the “Save as Passage List” option.

Word Lists
   The error message does not display a yellow background.

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