Feature Wishlist

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Add features that you’d like to see added to Logos here.


  • The ability to choose between downloading resources from the Internet or from a local source during the initial installation and the ability to backup these resources from within the program so that re-installation is easier.


  • An “Additional Resources” section to the passage guide for user-added direct links to non-commentary resources dealing with the present passage. -Philip Spitzer
  • Passage guide (optionally) pick up web references / reading list from topic.logos.com – mjsmith
  • List of saved (populated) guides with ability to delete them – mjsmith

Tabs & Panel linking

  • Add an ‘X’ for closing a Tab and/or possible a keyboard shortcut to close a Tab. -sclark
  • When you right click on a Tab and in the drop down list, please add function ‘Copy Tab to Floating window’. -sclark
  • It would be nice when in a Bible that i could tell it to go to a Link (like A or B which is already setup in another tab or pane) without associating this Bible with that Link (i.e. leaving this Bible with No-Link). -sclark
  • When re-docking a floating window, please put it back in the pane where it came from. -sclark
  • When clicking on the icon in the active tab a drop down list/menu shows. ‘Send hyperlinks here’, please get this to work, as in when a tab is setup with this and i open a search or whatever else, please have it go to this pane/window. -sclark
  • Make it possible to overlap layouts, that is, when a new window opens and a completely new layout has been made on it, give the user chance to dock the whole window on the main one and to switch from the first layout to the new one. -marco foti
  • It would be nice to have a ‘main resource’ among those assigned to the same link set. That is, this resource should never change when another assigned to the same set changes, while when the main changes, the others follow. -marco foti -keithw
  • If I have several commentaries on the same linkset they keep jumping around. If I had the possibility to switch-off the constant refreshing of the linksets and refresh with a “refresh-button”, that would be great. (JH)
  • If I go to a specific book of the bible and I have some Guides and the Text Comparison linked to my text, those will open the whole chapter and slow down the machine. If I could limit the number of verses theese windows automatically open, this would maybe help. (JH)

General wishes for L4

  • Better customization of homescreen layout. See http://logos.uservoice.com/forums/42823-logos-bible-software-4/suggestions/1528415-additional-layout-customization?ref=title
  • Add sermons/commentary from textweek.com to My Passage Guide. See http://logos.uservoice.com/forums/42823-logos-bible-software-4/suggestions/1715323-add-sermons-and-commentary-from-textweek-com-to-my
  • Add to the Library Pannel a column showing the indexes. See http://logos.uservoice.com/forums/42823-logos-bible-software-4/suggestions/1535467-add-to-the-library-pannel-a-column-showing-the-ind?ref=title -ffenby
  • Ability to Highlight Clippings – CAmos
  • Do not display the splash screen when hyperlinking to LOGOS from another program (at least not after the first time). -ffenby
  • Do not display the splash screen when hyperlinking to Logos from another program (e.g., PowerPoint) – Jeff Aman
  • Bring back PRA for sequencing through collections or MyTagged items, also at the end or beginning have it wrap when using Left/Right arrow. -sclark
    • Implemented with “Show in parallel resources” collections in 4.0b (Bradley Grainger)
  • When we have a Bible open and in its scripture text entry box, could you add a drop down with a list of previously typed in scriptures. -sclark
  • When tagging in the Library, it would be great when i start typing that a drop down list would appear with tag names, so i could select a tag name that i already created. -sclark
  • Documentation of the definitions used for the literary typing -mjsmith
  • Please add some screenshots to the Help system. Some of us are not familiar with name of the window parts in the Help info. -sclark
  • Ability to read scripture in sentence by sentence format (based on punctuation) -mjsmith
  • Ability to attach a note to a range of verses -mjsmith
  • Notes collapsible with either title line or first line used as title -mjsmith
  • Linkage of Scripture and Lectionary parallel i.e. all versions = liturgical date; specific version = calendar date -mjsmith
  • Correction of shortcut function so that the shortcuts remain functional – mjsmith
  • More powerful and user customizable shortcuts. – sburrow
  • In L3 we had the choice of reading the bible in paragraph style or verse by verse. I have not been able to find how to change the bibles to verse style in L4. Can this feature be added to L4?
  • And, in L3 we had the ability to have “Bible Text” only – which stripped off the publishers marginal notes and section headers. We need that feature restored to L4.
  • Interface with topics.logos.com via a Visuwords type (Word) pane so that one can easily find related words – mjsmith
  • Tip of the day and Serendipitous Discovery on Home page – mjsmith & others
  • Ability to create personal markup styles i.e. a template to remind one what the markup means – mjsmith
  • Make the Audio Bible addin work with L4
  • Be able to pull up maps from Holman Bible Atlas into Bible Places for zooming in. The distance calculator doesn’t have to work, but it would make maps more readable (especially those with call-outs that can’t be read in normal view). I have seen some HBA maps show up at times in Biblical Places. -sclark
  • Noticed that images are zoomable in Biblical Places as well. It would be nice to be able to select an image (or map) from a book and zoom in on it. It would mimic the user using a magnifying glass on a printed copy. -sclark
  • Rate and tag resources from any view (e.g. While reading, while viewing in collection long view, while viewing in library list, etc.)
  • Make it possible to export a passage that includes user added notes as footnotes and that includes all the markups added by the user.
  • Summarization visual filter. -Agielczyk
  • Greek and Hebrew vocabulary word of the day as an option on homepage -reobrien
  • Copy Bible Verse Syntax [FullBookName], [ShortBookName], [ChapterNum] have limited functionality, they can only be used in “ForEachVerse” but users want to use them in the header or footer sections.
  • When opening “Collections” as a new tab, could the “View” (button) selection default to the way we customize it so that it opens to that next time. That is, I prefer the books listed to be listed tightly together rather than as a larger view. When I customize to display as minimal in list and close and re-open program, it currently opens to the large view. – D.McAllan
  • In collections, ability to choose multiple books at a time using ctrl and shift keys. Also for selection area to remain where the last selection was taken from and not go back to the top each time. Making it like the Library. Also make the Collections Open box size remain the same size as you scroll down (based on longest collection name). Currently the scroll bar changes its position based on the longest name currently in the box. If you don’t watch what you are doing, you could end up deleting a collection since it moves around. Plus it is hard to keep your mouse on the scroll bar.-Praiser
  • The feature discussed in http://community.logos.com/forums/t/6491.aspx -Praiser
  • Highlighting features: -sburrow
    • Auto-Hide Highlighting pane
    • Rearrange categories
    • Hide and/or rearrange individual styles
    • Drag individual styles to shortcut bar
    • Make a ‘favorites’ category to which you can drag individual styles
    • The ability to add new highlights in the same fashion as you could in Logos 3 – LMS
  • Scrollable drop-down menu for clippings and notes on right click menu to be able to choose which note/clipping file to select. – Chris Elford
  • Ability to import notes/mark-up from L3 – DMB
    • “import notes” and “import highlighting” added in 4.0b. (Bradley Grainger)
  • Ability to resize windows within L4 to my own liking – DMB
  • It would be VERY nice for the link sets to work fully...like when I hit the back button, ALL resources in that link set go back to the same resource instead of only the active window. – DMB
  • Option to choose between the new style Topics / Interesting Words display vs. the original (non-color) display style.
  • Information Window should display the full text of the information (a la Power Lookup tool) instead of truncating to 20 words or so.
  • Linking hierarchy – ie, linkset A items could be set to level 1, 2 or 3. Level 1 links would follow only other level 1 panes in set A. Level 2 follows 1s and 2s but not 3s, etc. -MMG
  • Ability to link to Notes & Clippings from external applications (i.e. OneNote) – PDC
  • Ability to copy bible references with a right-click wherever they appear – PDC
  • Could we bring back the “Weights and Measures” tool from L3? The ability to read from an open windows was great. – IRyan
  • CTRL + Mouse wheel to resize resource text size - NK
  • How about a drop down list of all available command bar commands similar to what is in the training article as a learning aid. It should drop down when you click in the command bar, and have a user option to shut it off once learned. I know it provides some help now as you begin to type a command, but what if you can’t remember the command you need. - MMG
  • Could we have buttons available (like the ones you can drag off the tools menu) for some of the more frequently used command bar commands – especially “close all.” - MMG
  • Option to choose what category of media (people, places, things) is presented on the home page. – PDC
  • Night time reading mode. Black screen with white text. OR Ability to select background color and text color. – BTS
  • Account Summary (as per Logos 3)
  • Ability to Select All or De-Select All Notes to appear in a resource instead of tick boxes one at a time. For those that have a lot of notes, this can be very tedious to do one at a time.
  • Shade the active verse \ reference in the Bible being displayed. For example – if one is looking at a verse in a commentary, by clicking on that highlight or shade the corresponding verse in the active bible so that one’s eyes do not have to look for the verse but can go there directly. – JKlopper
  • Regarding Sermon Add-in: option to not have user content uploaded to the cloud to safeguard the security of those of us in less free countries. NK
  • Expand the illustrations to give ability to add one’s own illustrations, and import illustrations from other sources CAC
  • (Mac) Enhance “Replace with Passage” service to expand from particular versions (i.e., “Matt 1:1(NA27)” or “Matt 1:1(ESV)”) (John Sias)
  • (Mac) Add support for Mellel in “Copy Bible Verses,” as Mellel is perhaps the commonly used Hebrew word processor on Mac. (John Sias)
  • Ability to add separator bars to short cut menu and group shortcuts into drop down lists. – (chaworth)


  • Add, the ability to search on, and for single accents/cantillation marks as well as combinations of them in Hebrew Bibles(Brian Mitchell)
  • Add, the ability to search on vowels and vowels patterns in Hebrew Bibles (as in Logos3 regular expression searches). (Brian Mitchell)
  • Add, accent and vowel sensitive searches to Logos. (Brian Mitchell)
  • Add the ability to search for Markups by type. currently I can search for things within a markup.
  • Graphical search of any resource, including access to all morphological tagging of Greek, Hebrew and reverse interlinear Bibles (as in Logos 3). (Harry Hahne)
  • User friendly selection of Loew-Nida numbers, displaying the meaning of each semantic domain. (Harry Hahne)
  • Be able to highlight and search for a multi-word phrase in Heb/Greek, or search for several words at a time. (John Quant)



  • Notes by reference to include a span of verse [Believed Fixed in Beta 12]
  • Table of contents
  • Collapsible Notes (Implied in B12 by new button)
  • Individually Collapsible Notes
  • Sortable notes {alphabetical, bible order and created date}
  • Allow default color to be set for a note file
  • Remove blank space between notes if a note’s content is blank
  • Ability to drag the highlight to the “Add Note” label on a note window to add a note
  • Ability to add in images
  • Text formatting [color]
  • Text formatting [highlighting]
  • Conformation prompt before deleting
  • Button to remove all formatting in note
  • Button to automatically add hyperlinks to bible reference
  • Ability to hyperlink to non-bible resources within L4, as well as attach and/or embed files (any file) to notes (e.g. mp3 of a related sermon / PowerPoint for sermon / Openoffice doc etc) ◦Also preserving such links when importing in from L3
  • Borders on table formatting (when pasted) and the ability to make tables in notes
  • Exporting Notes to Word, OneNote, Powerpoint, MindManage, etc...
  • Spell checker
  • Printing of notes
  • A dual-pane view – headers in the left panel and contents in the right.
  • Add the Underline button to go with the Bold and Italic buttons on the formatting toolbar.
  • Include indenting on the Table of Contents to indicate outline hierarchy (like L3) with twisties to expand or compress the list sections like the TOC on resources.
  • include the color selected for the note in the Table of Contents (like L3).
  • Choice of including notes when exporting or printing a Bible passage with a note attached (or for that matter, notes attached to any resource).
  • Option to embed notes in output (indented right after the verse/text the note is attached to) or as a footnote at the bottom of the output.
  • Choice of including the Bible text (preferred Bible) when exporting or printing a note attached to a Bible passage (or for that matter, whatever text the note is attached to from any resource). ◦Same option to embed or footnote associated text with notes output.
  • Preserve formatting when cut/copy/paste
  • hyperlinks between notes
  • basic formatting, bullets / variety of number formats for lists [partially addressed in Beta12]
  • Markers (little symbols similar to emoticons)
  • Ability to make notes / comments on notes
  • Collapsible footnotes, that “pop-up” when hovered over would work great for this
  • “scribble tool”
  • Import / Export of (X)HTML
  • When attaching a note to a word (or phrase) in any Bible with a lemma layer (Greek, Hebrew, Interlinear, Reverse Interlinear), attach the note to the lemma of that word (or first word of a phrase) so the note is available in the same verse and word in other Bibles that also have the lemma layer.
  • Add tags to notes like Clippings.
  • That the note markers (boxes) in the Bible/resource text would be in the same order as the notes are in the note file (when two or more notes are attached to the same Bible verse).
  • For Notes connected to a Bible reference, allow the Bible reference that is included in the note title to be formated or edited. Currently, the Bible reference is automatically inserted, and cannot be edited.
  • Notes access for view, adds, and edits on an iPad/iPhone

I would like the program to be Tablet PC friendly.

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