Rank | Title | Last Edit
Logos 4.5c Beta 2
Beta 2 New Features Program Settings Added application setting for “Include Deuterocanonical Books.”
Tonya J Ross, 2012 June Rev #3
Logos 4.5c Beta 3
Personal Books Fixed bug that caused Logos to crash when trying to build a book from an invalid Word document (see this thread).
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 May Rev #2
Logos 4.5c Beta 1
Personal Books Fixed bug which caused spacing issues when soft returns were used.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 May Rev #2
Logos 4.5b
Video Resources Added initial support for video resources.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 May Rev #3
Logos 4.5b Beta 7
Resource Panel Added support for ‘Share’ functions in non-Bible resources from context menu.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 April Rev #1
Logos 4.5b Beta 6
New Features Community Notes Added Community Notes support for Faithlife.com.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 April Rev #8
Logos 4.5b Beta 4
Bug Fixes Startup Fixed crash for customers using OpenDNS.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 March Rev #5
Logos 4.5b Beta 2
Known Issues Personal Book Builder Compiling a Word document with external hyperlinks (e.g., http: web links) will crash the application.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 March Rev #4
Logos 4.5b Beta 1
New Features Logos Resources Added support for new display features (that will be used by yet-to-be-released resources).
Mark Barnes, 2012 March Rev #6
Logos 4.5a
Logos 4.5a New Features Added support for an updated versification scheme for the LEB.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 February Rev #3
Logos 4.5a RC 2
Logos 4.5a RC 2 Bug Fixes Personal Books Fixed bug that prevented ‘Show page numbers’ from being available in the Visual Filter drop down menu in the resource panel.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 February Rev #1
Logos 4.5a RC 1
Logos 4.5a RC 1 New Features Added support for an updated versification scheme for the LEB.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 February Rev #5
Logos 4.5a Beta 6
New Features Settings Implemented support for Brill font for Greek.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 February Rev #3
Logos 4.5a Beta 5
Bug Fixes for Windows Startup Removed link to support article on Indexing from Windows Tray indexing notification popup.
Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :), 2012 February Rev #2
Biblical Non-Resistance from the Historic Anabaptist Perspective
Biblical Non-Resistance from the Historic Anabaptist Perspective Description: Resource Type: Monograph Author: Staats, Gary Creator: Perera, Rosie Licence Copyrighted, Permission Obtained Milestones: Page Number Fields: http://community.logos.com/cfs-file.ashx/__key/CommunityServer.Discussions.Components.Files/66/8322.Biblical-Non_2D00_Resisitance-from-the-Historic-Anabaptist-Perspective-_2800_C.
toughski, 2012 February Rev #1
Evidences of the Christian Religion, With Additional Discourses
Evidences of the Christian Religion, With Additional Discourses Description: Resource Type: Monograph Author: Addison, Joseph Creator: Spitzer, Philip Licence Public Domain Milestones: Fields: http://www.stilltruth.com/book-page/logos-bible-software-4/logos-4-pbb-here/libronix-pbb-files/joseph-addison/evidences
TCBlack, 2012 February Rev #2
MBTest Bibles Title Author Creator Milestone Field Licence Tyndale Bible Tyndale, William Barnes, Mark Bible Bible Text Public Domain Monographs Title Author Creator Milestone Field Licence Biblical Non-Resistance from the Historic Anabaptist Perspective Staats, Gary Perera, Rosie Page Number Copyrighted, Permission Obtained Evidences of the Christian Religion, With Additional Discourses Addison, Joseph Spitzer, Philip Public Domain Historia calamitatum Abelard, Peter McGuire, Kenneth Page Number Public Domain The London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 Clevenger, Steve Public Domain
Mark Barnes, 2012 February Rev #3
Historia calamitatum
Historia calamitatum Description: Resource Type: Monograph Author: Abelard, Peter Creator: McGuire, Kenneth Licence Public Domain Milestones: Page Number Fields: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/43163.aspx
Mark Barnes, 2012 February Rev #2
Logos 4.5a Beta 3
Search Panel Bible Improved performance of resource picker for customers with Personal Books compiled as Bibles.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 February Rev #2
Logos 4.5
Cited By Results will now be generated for Personal books that contain the selected reference.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 January Rev #5
Logos 4.5a Beta 1
Bug Fixes Personal Books Implemented availability of results from Personal Books built as Bibles in the Bible Search panel.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 January Rev #2
Logos 4.5 Beta 14
Personal Book Builder Fixed crashes caused by building certain customer personal books.
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2012 January Rev #1
Logos 4.5 Beta 13
Rich Text Improved support for custom tooltips.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 January Rev #2
Logos 4.5 Beta 11
Personal Books Fixed bug which caused a crash when compiling a customer document.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 December Rev #1
Resouce: TLNT (Theological Lexicon of the NT)
TDNT) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/4096/theological-lexicon-of-the-new-testament Blog Entries That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://blog.logos.com/archives/2011/03/what_about_the_theological_lexicon_of_the_new_testament_tlnt.html This blog also contains information from the translator of Spicq’s (original French) book Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/p/30695/227703.aspx http://community.logos.com/forums/t/42224.aspx http://community.logos.com/forums/t/42330.aspx - especially with reference to potential catholic bias (not affirmed by forum posters) Wiki & Key Forum Comments Clifford B.
NB.Mick, 2011 December Rev #6
Logos 4.5 Beta 10
New Features for Mac Home Page Implemented support in Customize menu for drag to reorder Home Page ribbon.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 December Rev #2
Logos 4.5 Beta 9
Bug Fixes Personal Books Fixed a bug in sync updates that caused the edit panel to close while still in use.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 December Rev #1
Logos 4.5 Beta 8
Font Scaling Added scaling support for the Clippings panel.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 December Rev #5
Logos 4.5 Beta 6
Fixed bug that included letter/number sub/superscripts in the note title when adding a note from a selection.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 November Rev #2
Logos 4.5 Beta 5
Localization Localized Rebuild Personal Book Index command for Spanish: Reconstruir Índice de libro personal.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 November Rev #2
Logos 4.5 Beta 1
Personal Books Added a “Rebuild Personal Book Index” command.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 October Rev #11
Logos 4.3 SR-5
Personal Books Fixed bug that caused syntax, such as milestones and fields, to not be converted correctly by the tool and appear as typed in the compiled book.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 October Rev #1
Logos 4.3 SR-4
Logos 4.3 SR-4 Bug Fixes Personal Books Fixed bug that caused the correct right-to-left word order for Hebrew or other RTL languages in the source document to change to left-to-right order in the compiled book.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 September Rev #1
Resource: UBS Old Testament Handbook Series
Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, Gen, L4, Mac4 Resource: UBS Old Testament Handbook Series Key Features What’s important in each passage for translation along with many cross cultural insights (and textual criticism) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Preface – click for full size image Translating the Psalms 2 sections out of 10 – click for full size image Psalms 1:1-2 Commentary – click for full size image Logos Resource Page The United Bible Societies’ Old Testament Handbook Series (29 vols.)
Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :), 2011 September Rev #3
Resource: UBS New Testament Handbook Series
Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, Gen, L4, Mac4 Resource: UBS New Testament Handbook Series Key Features What’s important in each passage for translation along with many cross cultural insights (and textual criticism) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Translating Ephesians plus Outline of Contents – click for full size image Ephesians 2:7-10 Commentary – click for full size image Logos Resource Page The United Bible Societies’ New Testament Handbook Series (20 vols.)
Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :), 2011 September Rev #4
Logos 4.3 SR-3
Logos 4.3 SR-3 Bug Fixes Personal Books Fixed bug that prevented successful recompiling if certain panels were open to information contained in that book.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 September Rev #1
Resource: Apostolic Fathers – Greek Texts
About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Apostolic Fathers: Holmes Apostolic Fathers: Lightfoot Apostolic Fathers: Lake Apostolic Fathers: Lake Reverse-Interlinear (currently not available for purchase) Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/3845/the-apostolic-fathers-in-english-and-greek-with-morphology http://www.logos.com/product/3935/apostolic-fathers-in-greek-and-english (Lake) http://www.logos.com/product/3937/the-apostolic-fathers-greek-texts-and-english-translations (Holmes) http://www.logos.com/product/3936/apostolic-fathers-in-greek-and-english (Lightfoot) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/14333.aspx (new interlinear in development) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/27974/207092.aspx (choosing which author) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/27196/200808.aspx (searching) Wiki & Key Forum Comments Rick Brannan (forum:
DMB, 2011 August Rev #3
Logos 4.3 SR-2
Logos 4.3 SR-2 New Features Bible Word Study Added support for Greek Classics resources (from Perseus) to Textual Searches section.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 August Rev #2
Logos 4.3 SR-1
Personal Books Fixed various crashes during compilation.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2011 August Rev #2
Logos 4.3
Logos 4.3 What’s New in 4.3 Personal Books Implemented the Personal Books feature, which can be found on the Tools menu.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 August Rev #2
Logos 4.3 RC 3
Logos 4.3 RC 3 Bug Fixes Personal Books Fixed error while reading document.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 August Rev #1
Logos 4.3 RC 1
Personal Books Added support for right-to-left language display.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 August Rev #3
Logos 4.3 Beta 13
New Features Personal Books Metadata and the cover image for Personal Books will sync between computers.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 July Rev #2
Logos 4.2b SR-2
Home Page Terminal page number is missing when the home page is refreshed until the Library Slideshow scrolls to the next item.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 July Rev #2
Logos 4.3 Beta 12
Fixed bug that used articles (A, An, The) when sorting the books by title in the Personal Books panel.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 July Rev #1
Logos 4.3 Beta 11
New Features Personal Books Multiple .docx files can be added to compile into a book.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 July Rev #1
Bug: Logos4 will not install on NetBook
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/31215.aspx Status: resolved Checking on status of review of dump file and log files by tech support/development——support says this is resolved.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #6
Bug: Khmer Unicode Does Not Display Correctly
Bug: Khmer Unicode Does Not Display Correctly I just used the personal book builder in Logos 4.3 Beta 8 and tried to create a book in Khmer Unicode and Logos is unable to correctly display any font (even if I change the default system font to a Khmer Unicode font).
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #2
Logos 4.3 Beta 10
New Features Personal Books Bulleted and Numbered lists in Word are supported.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #2
Logos 4.3 Beta 9
New Features Personal Books Support for hyperlinks created in Word has been added.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #3
Blurry Text Display on Mac
Also you may be unable to set link sets or change the column view in a book.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 June Rev #1
Logos 4.3 Beta 8
Right-click “Delete” option will delete the book from the PB database and from the Library Catalog New Features for Windows Personal Books Support for images has been added for file types including: BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIFF, WMF Bug Fixes Personal Books ‘Author’ is no longer a required field.
davidphillips, 2011 June Rev #3
Logos 4.3 Beta 7
New Known Issues Personal Books Search hits are not highlighted in personal books.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #1
Bug: Installation Runtime Error
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/ Status: pending Lawrence – Please contact Customer Support at 800-875-6467 for assistance.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #3
Bug: Logos 4 Indexer Crash
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/ Status: invalid If indexer crash has not been resolved, please provide logs or contact Customer Support.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #3
Bug: Logos 4 Indexer stopped working and Runtime Error
I am running Windows 7 Enterprise on a Lenovo Thinkpad W510.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #3
Logos 4.3 Beta 6
New Features Personal Books Implemented the Personal Books feature, which can be found on the Tools menu.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2011 June Rev #18
Logos 4.3 Beta 5
Cmd+A select all           Cmd+B bold           Cmd+C copy           Cmd+E align center           Cmd+I italic           Cmd+K insert hyperlink           Cmd+L align left           Cmd+] increase indent (only supported in lists at this time)           Cmd+[ decrease indent (only supported in lists at this time)           Cmd+R align right (see Known Issues)           Cmd+U underline           Cmd+V paste           Cmd+X cut           Cmd+Z undo           Cmd+.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 May Rev #10
Logos 4.2b
Logos 4.2b What’s New in 4.2b Data Types New and updated data types, including ones to support Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud Collection (50 vols.)
Melissa Snyder, 2011 May Rev #2
Resource: The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible (ZEB)
Resource: The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible (ZEB) Key Features In-depth; some articles can go into a considerable amount of detail Over 7,500 articles produced by more than 250 contributors from around the world Articles vary in length from a few sentences to longer entries with outlines and are concluded with bibliographies of works recommended for further study About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Typical article: Theological article: On Justification (pages 869 – 878) Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5467/zondervan-encyclopedia-of-the-bible Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible vs.
Praiser, 2011 April Rev #5
Resource: The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised (ISBE)
Resource: The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised (ISBE) Key Features ISBE has medium-sized articles on pretty much every topic (the website says 9,000 articles) Some articles can go into a considerable amount of detail About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Typical article: Theological article: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/3875/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource IVP vs ISBE & the Tyndale Commentaries Bible Dictionaries/Encyclopedia – Very pleased with purchase but one question about Anchor Yale Opinions On This Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Mark A.
Praiser, 2011 April Rev #6
Resource: Anchor (Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary)
Resource: Anchor (Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary) Key Features In-depth; some articles can go into a considerable amount of detail Conceptually combines a typical ‘Bible Dictionary’ with a theological dictionary, with the latter tending toward a liberal perspective For archaeological sites, tends toward the descriptive, instead of the technical (vs an archaeological dictionary) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Typical article: Theological article: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/1660/anchor-yale-bible-dictionary Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary Discussion AYBD Question Bible Dictionaries/Encyclopedia – Very pleased with purchase but one question about Anchor Yale Wiki & Key Forum Comments Rosie Perera (forum) http://community.logos.com/forums/thread/65702.aspx First, the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (ABD) in print is six
Praiser, 2011 April Rev #6
Logos 4.2a SR-5
Logos 4.2a SR-5 New Features Data Types Updated Shakespeare data type to support The Complete Works of William Shakespeare Bug Fixes Data Types Added Éx as an abbreviation for Exodus in the Spanish UI.
Lawrence Rafferty, 2011 April Rev #2
Resource: The First Hebrew Primer: Textbook, Answer Book, and Audio Companion
Resource: The First Hebrew Primer: Textbook, Answer Book, and Audio Companion Key Features Geared towards absolute beginners.
Rosie Perera, 2011 April Rev #6
Resource: Learning Biblical Hebrew: A New Approach Using Discourse Analysis
Pages: 437, including Index About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book (click to enlarge) Introduction: Table of Contents: Grammar: Assignments: Discourse Analysis: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/3438/learning-biblical-hebrew-a-new-approach-using-discourse-analysis Amazon.com Page (with user reviews) http://amzn.com/1573123242 Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
Rosie Perera, 2011 April Rev #1
Resource: High Definition Commentary:Philippians
Resource: High Definition Commentary:Philippians Key Features Focused on Discourse Analysis Big Picture Overview Uses well designed graphics to explain the text and meaning About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Logos Resource Page High Definition Commentary: Philippians Relevant Blog Posts The High Definition Commentary: Philippians Is Shipping Soon!
TCBlack, 2011 April Rev #1
iphoneBug: Anglican Tradition – Reference stuck
The Anglican Tradition : A Handbook of Sources, after page 155 of the downloaded iPhone file, instead of showing the page number in the reference (swipe), it shows “39articles 1”.
Arnold McKinlay, 2011 April Rev #1
Logos 4.3 Beta 2
., title links display book cover and description and reference links display passage text.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 April Rev #10
Resource: Greek-English Lexicon of the NT based on Semantic Domains (Louw Nida)
Resource: Greek-English Lexicon of the NT based on Semantic Domains (Louw Nida) Key Features ‘Louw-Nida’ is the ‘gold-standard’ for semantic organization of the greek in the NT Logos, in its Lexham reverse and regular interlinears, tends to include LN numbers instead of the older Strongs (some have both) ‘Semantic domains’ in practical terms, is ‘How else would they say that?’
DMB, 2011 April Rev #1
Resource: Dictionary of Biblical Languages w/Semantic Domains: Hebrew
Resource: Dictionary of Biblical Languages w/Semantic Domains: Hebrew Key Features Swanson provides the only currently available semantically organized lexicon for hebrew and aramaic (Logos-chartered) Hebrew numbering paralleled the NT categories for ease of use There is no interlinear matching the hebrew to the Swanson numbers Swanson offers three resources: hebrew, aramaic, greek (aramaic is especially useful) An additional resource matched the NT UBS4 and Westcott against Swanson in interlinear format (see interlinears) The Swanson greek interlinear for UBS4 is the only non-SESB resource for the NA27/USB4 greek About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Example page for hebrew semantic categories: Example page for greek semantic categories: Example page discussing hebrew numbering using greek sequence: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/692/a-dictionary-of-biblical-languages-w-semantic-domains-hebrew
DMB, 2011 April Rev #1
Resource: Continental Commentary Series
Resource: Continental Commentary Series Key Features Publisher uses to supplement the Hermeneia series, but volumes separately purchaseable Tends toward a more liberal perspective, but less ‘critical’ than Hermeneia/WBC Some volumes highly recommended, depending on the theological viewpoint About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/8047/hermeneia-and-continental-commentaries Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 April Rev #1
Resource: OT Greek Pseudepigrapha with Morphology
Resource: OT Greek Pseudepigrapha with Morphology Key Features Includes a large group of public domain greek pseudepigrapha texts The introductions are extensive, in sum a book in themselves (example below) These will vary from ‘Charles’, since he included non-greek resources in his translations The indices are unusual, depending your needs (see below) Does NOT include english glosses About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Example page from interlinear: Example page from introductions (per book): Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5767/old-testament-greek-pseudepigrapha-with-morphology Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 April Rev #2
Resource: HALOT (Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament)
Logos offers a combo HALOT/BDAG, which combines the best hebrew and greek lexicons Note that HALOT doesn’t include full coverage for the Targums (see the Targum Lexicon with CAL) Also note that the aramaic portion of HALOT is in ‘Volume 5’, a separate resource indexed by the aramaic headwords About pages from Logos4 for this book HALOT – ‘CD-ROM’ version (hebrew): HALOT – Volume 5 (aramaic): Sample pages from this book HALOT Example (CD-ROM resource): Concise HALOT Example: Comparison HALOT/CHALOT/NIDOTT by Dan DeVilder: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5226/hebrew-and-aramaic-lexicon-of-the-old-testament Comparisons of HALOT/BDB/CHALOT: http://www.logos.com/media/prepub/hebrew_lexicons01.htm http://www.logos.com/media/prepub/hebrew_lexicons02.htm Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/30232.aspx (HALOT vs Concise HALOT) http://community.logos.com/forums
DMB, 2011 April Rev #4
Logos 4.3 Beta 1
Bug Fixes Data Types Fixed bug that caused any data type string beginning with “G” and followed by a number to always be parsed as a Strong’s number.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #3
Resource: Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible
Resource: Lexham Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible Key Features Only available Logos interlinear for hebrew OT Includes two levels of english glosses for improved searches Also includes annotations in the hebrew line (linguistic, sociological, translational, historical, and miscellaneous) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Pages Resource Page: http://www.logos.com/product/2056/lexham-hebrew-english-interlinear-bible Discussion of translational team: http://www.logos.com/product/2056/lexham-hebrew-english-interlinear-bible#team Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #4
Resource: Nelson’s 3-D Bible Mapbook
Resource: Nelson’s 3-D Bible Mapbook Key Features All maps, colored and high contrast for display Easily copyable into Powerpoint, etc Most are 2D; very few 3D (and an older style) Primary value in illustrating event sequences About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Example colored 2D maps: Example 3D maps: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/1204/nelsons-3-d-bible-mapbook Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/31703.aspx (linking to a Bible) Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, Revised
Resource: Nelson’s Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts, Revised Key Features Grouped by Bible book, with basic introductions (others are largely random) Maps are B/W and not entirely clear to see Charts, however, are extensive and the primary value of the resource About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Example map: Example chart: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/1206/nelsons-complete-book-of-bible-maps-and-charts-revised Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #1
Resource: Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions
Resource: Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions Key Features Wide variety of maps in color; 2-dimensional Charts cover a broad spectrum of subjects, copyable into Powerpoint, etc The 3-D reconstructions are well-done, especially maps of Jerusalem and the Temple About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Example page showing colored maps: Example page showing an example chart: Example page showing a 3-D reconstruction: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/7298/holman-book-of-biblical-charts-maps-and-reconstructions Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #1
Resource: Logos4 System Maps / Images
Resource: Logos4 System Maps / Images Key Features Standard with Logos4 A considerable number of maps and indexed images (no charts) Highly inter-connected to other Logos4 resources, plus Google maps See http://wiki.logos.com/Biblical_Places for additional information Sample page – wide maps with clickable locations Sample page – specific events map example Logos Resource Page (embedded in the software product) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #1
Resource: Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Apparatus)
Resource: Biblia Sacra Vulgata (Apparatus) Key Features In latin; high-level relative to latin versions Covers both the OT and NT, plus the OT apocrypha Periodically useful in comparison to LXX apparatus About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5181/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible (SESB 3.0 package) http://www.logos.com/product/8484/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible (SESB – Logos package) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Gottingen Septuagint Apparatus
Resource: Gottingen Septuagint Apparatus Key Features Tremendous amount of detail for the LXX Verbage in german but manuscripts recognizable Included in the Gottingen package About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/4951/g246ttingen-septuagint Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/24648.aspx?
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Septuaginta Apparatus Critica (Ralfs)
Alternative Gottingen has extreme detail Includes apparatus for alternative texts About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5181/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible (SESB 3.0 package) http://www.logos.com/product/8484/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible (SESB Logos package) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Novum Testamentum (Tischendorf)
Resource: Novum Testamentum (Tischendorf) Key Features Older apparatus, but considerably detailed Words are in latin but understandable; manuscript IDs by Tischendorf Continues to be well regarded About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/2211/novum-testamentum-graece-apparatum-criticum (3 volumes just for the appartus!)
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Critical Apparatus to the Greek NT – Majority Text
Resource: Critical Apparatus to the Greek NT – Majority Text Key Features Fairly high level apparatus, concentrating on majority text manuscript groups Can seem a little judgmental About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/2390/the-greek-new-testament-according-to-the-majority-text-with-apparatus Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/p/10794/84699.aspx (GNT apparatus discussion) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/6544/59214.aspx (Sympathetic highlighting and good discussion on various GNT text-forms) Wiki & Key Forum Comments Pat Flanakin (forum) http://community.logos.com/forums/t/28724.aspx Joel, especially in the introduction to the Majority Text, which I see little to no discussion about on the forum as an aside, has an excellent discussion and key to its apparatus.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Greek NT with Apparatus (UBS4)
Resource: Greek NT with Apparatus (UBS4) Key Features Apparatus emphasizes paragraphing formatting in manuscripts Displayed by mouseover apparatus markings in the GNT/UBS4 Part of the SESB 3.0 package About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5181/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible (SESB 3.0 package) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/29348.aspx (NA27 vs UBS4) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/30669/227223.aspx (apparatus availability) Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Nestle-Aland: NTG Apparatus Criticus (NA27)
Resource: Nestle-Aland: NTG Apparatus Criticus (NA27) Key Features Fairly high-level apparatus, though more detail than GNT-SBL NA27 emphasized manuscript sources; UBS4 emphasized text formatting (both share the actual greek text) Included in SESB packages About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5181/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible (SESB package) http://www.logos.com/product/8484/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible (SESB-Logos) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/29348.aspx (NA27 vs UBS4) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/30669/227223.aspx (apparatus availability) http://www.logos.com/product/7839/ubs-4-westcott-hort-with-swanson-morphological-analysis Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Apparatus for the Greek NT SBL Edition
About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/8486/the-greek-new-testament-sbl-edition Logos Blog Posts That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://evangelicaltextualcriticism.blogspot.com/2010/10/sbl-and-logos-bible-software-announce.html (announcement) http://evangelicaltextualcriticism.blogspot.com/2010/11/sbl-gnt-three-questions-and-replies.html (Q&A) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/26507.aspx Wiki & Key Forum Comments Michael W.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: A Textual Commentary on the Greek NT
About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Example page from Metzger: Example page from Omanson who expanded Metzger: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/2190/a-textual-commentary-on-the-greek-new-testament Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Denise Barnhart The Omanson text comes with SESB 3.0 and generally tracks Metzger’s lead.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Massorah Gedolah
Resource: Massorah Gedolah Key Features Contains the upper and lower marginal notes to the Hebrew Bible (Massorah Magna) Can be linked to your BHS or Bible by using the ‘Cited By’ tool (example and instructions below) For discussion of masorah, see Masorah of the Biblia Stuttgartensia (example page below) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Example Massorah with instructions to link to BHS: Example page from Masorah of BHS: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5962/bhs-helps-collection (BHS Helps Collection) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/8649.aspx Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: BHS Apparatus Criticus
Resource: BHS Apparatus Criticus Key Features Provides the notes printed at page-bottoms of the printed BHS Relatively high-level of apparatus About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/8484/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible (SESB-Logos) http://www.logos.com/product/8735/stuttgart-electronic-study-bible-sesb-version-30-upgrade (SESB-Upgrade) Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Septuagint with Logos Morphology
Resource: Septuagint with Logos Morphology Key Features Essentially a ‘reverse’ interlinear, using the LXX word sequence, and then showing the matching hebrew This resource is needed if you want to use the Logos4 word analysis for hebrew, and how greek was translated in the LXX It is not available in Libronix3 or earlier Closely related older resource: Parallel Aligned Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Texts of Jewish Scripture (Tov) This is the opposite (reverse) interlinear: it uses the hebrew sequence, with matched greek (example page below) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Septuagint with Logos Morphology: Parallel Aligned Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Texts: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/7080/septuagint-with-logos-morphology Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/p/4715/37116.aspx (concept confusion) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/
DMB, 2011 March Rev #3
Resource: Lexham Greek-English Interlinear Septuagint
Resource: Lexham Greek-English Interlinear Septuagint Key Features Interlinear for the greek OT, including morph-tags and english glosses Books include the OT, plus the OT apocrypha (i.e.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Newberry Literal Interlinear NT
Resource: Newberry Literal Interlinear NT Key Features Uses the 1550 Textus Receptus Earlier known as the Berry Interlinear Includes Strongs numbers About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/1952/the-interlinear-literal-translation-of-the-greek Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/29835.aspx (Newberry searches) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/10698/84789.aspx (authorship) Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Lexham Greek-English Interlinear NT
Resource: Lexham Greek-English Interlinear NT Key Features Makes use of the new Greek New Testament SBL Edition (included in the package, along with apparatus) Also includes the earlier interlinear using NA27 (two interlinears in the package) Both include links to Louw and Nida About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/8569/lexham-greek-english-interlinear-new-testament-collection Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/p/25448/188396.aspx Wiki & Key Forum Comments Rick Brannan (forum: partial-comment) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/25448/188396.aspx This is an interlinear version of the SBL Greek New Testament.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Greek New Testament (UBS4)
Resource: Greek New Testament (UBS4) Key Features Included here for comparison of interlinears About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page n/a Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Targum Lexicon
Additionally reflects variation in aramaic usage in the Talmuds and Syrian/Syriac About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/7862/the-targums-from-the-files-of-the-comprehensive-aramaic-lexicon-project Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments James W Bennett (forum: partial-commment) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/30138/223444.aspx There is a Targum Lexicon that comes with the purchase of the Targums from Logos for only $30.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint, Revised Edition
Resource: Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint, Revised Edition Key Features Concentrates on greek specifically in the LXX (vs greek found in the NT) Lemmata of verbs are listed in their active voice ending (LXX uses only their passive or medial forms) Contains a good discussion of LXX greek and its relation to koine greek in the intertestamental period Also comes in the larger SESB package Closely related resource: Hebrew/Aramaic Index to the Septuagint (Muraoka) (example page below) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages: Greek-English Lexicon of the Septuagint Hebrew/Aramaic Index to the Septuagint (Muraoka) Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/1797/a-greek-english-lexicon-of-the-septuagint-revised-edition Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource Wiki & Key Forum Comments Denise Barnhart If you want to do much work in the LXX, you’ll eventually need a greek lexicon tied directly
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Lexham Analytical Lexicon
Resource: Lexham Analytical Lexicon Key Features A lexicon that includes all the forms of each greek word in the NT Great for use, where a greek word hasn’t yet been tagged Provides links to the L&N# for cross-reference About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5773/the-vocabulary-of-the-greek-testament Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/5211.aspx (LAL vs L&N) Wiki & Key Forum Comments Sam Henderson (forum: partial-comment) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/20905/158999.aspx I find Logos’ own Lexham Analytical Lexicon to the GNT good because it provides a header for every lexical entry with every reference from the the NT for each shade of meaning, crosslinked to Louw-Nida numbers for a more expansive definition.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: MM (Vocabulary of the Greek Testament – Moulton/Milligan)
Resource: MM (Vocabulary of the Greek Testament – Moulton/Milligan) Key Features An older lexicon, specifically giving examples of NT greek from the papyri Remains as an important lexicon; frequently quoted No major updates yet on papyri-based lexicons (this your best bet) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5773/the-vocabulary-of-the-greek-testament Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/p/22967/171197.aspx (reviews) Wiki & Key Forum Comments David Knoll (forum: MM vs BDAG) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/22967/171197.aspx I have both and like MM very much.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: TDNT (Theological Dictionary of the NT)
Resource: TDNT (Theological Dictionary of the NT) Key Features Popularly known as ‘Kittel’ (concise version = ‘Little Kittel’) Very extensive articles typically discussed by time period Emphasizes example usage in the greek world About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/8491/theological-dictionary-of-the-new-testament Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/t/30262.aspx (prioritizing relative to Strongs#’s) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/25280/187251.aspx (TOC for TDNT) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/12198/95762.aspx Wiki & Key Forum Comments Dan DeVilder (forum – portion of comment) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/12198/95762.aspx The TDNT is way more extensive than NIDNTT, but they have (to me) a similar structure.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2

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