Rank | Title | Last Edit
Bug: Export Search to Microsoft problem
Steps to reproduce 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #5
Logos 4.2a SR-1
Logos 4.2a SR-1 Bug Fixes Indexing Fixed indexer crash (InvalidOperationException).
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #3
Logos 4.2a
Column choice Replaced “Paged view” option with “Columns: None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Auto,” enabling users to choose the number of columns of text to display in resources.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #2
Logos 4.2a RC 1
Logos 4.2a RC 1 Bug Fixes Home Page Fixed bug that could cause some home page features on ribbon and Customize menu to disappear with Logos 4 set to another language UI.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #4
Logos 4.2a Beta 7
., “El conocimiento biblico, un comentario expositivo: AT, tomo 1,” Page 324).
Cameron Watters (Faithlife), 2011 February Rev #7
Logos 4.2a Beta 5
., "John 1:1").
Melissa Snyder, 2011 January Rev #7
Resource Update History
It’s just a start at some kind of resource update history. 2010-12-28 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/27909.aspx 2010-12-21 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/27634.aspx 2010-12-21 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/27631.aspx 2010-12-09 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/27082.aspx 2010-12-06 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/26862.aspx 2010-12-03 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/26187.aspx 2010-12-02 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/26720.aspx 2010-10-25 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/25104.aspx 2010-06-29 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/19009.aspx 2010-04-29 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/16350.aspx 2010-03-23 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/14129.aspx 2010-02-20, unofficial* http://community.logos.com/forums/t/12087.aspx 2010-02-17 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/11911.aspx 2010-02-11, part 2 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/11575.aspx 2010-02-11 http://community.logos.com/forums/t/11573.aspx 2010-01-12 http://community.logos.com
steve clark, 2010 December Rev #17
Logos 4.2a Beta 3
Logos4.exe will be incorrectly detected as the Win32:Unruy-K [Trj] trojan by Avast 5.0.677 (virus definitions 101208-01).
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 December Rev #7
Logos 4.2 SR-1
Logos 4.2 SR-1 Logos 4.2 SR-1 (v4.20.4.8289) was released on December 14, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 December Rev #1
Logos 4.2a Beta 2
Known Issues for Windows Logos4.exe will be incorrectly detected as the Win32:Unruy-K [Trj] trojan by Avast 5.0.677 (virus definitions 101208-01).
Melissa Snyder, 2010 December Rev #11
Logos 4.2a Beta 1
Logos 4.2a Beta 1 Logos 4.2a Beta 1 (Mac v4.21.4.8172) (Windows v4.21.4.8168) was released on December 8, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 December Rev #8
Logos 4.2
Data Types Additional abbreviations for Bible data type implemented, including Pro for Proverbs, Mc-Micah, Hb-Habakkuk, Mar-Mark, Joh-John, Act-Acts, Pp-Philippians, Co-Colossians, Ti-Titus, Pm-Philemon, 1P-1 Peter, 2P-2 Peter, 1J-1 John, 2J-2 John, 3J-3 John, Jd-Jude.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 December Rev #4
Logos 4.2 RC 1
Logos 4.2 RC 1 Logos 4.2 RC 1 (v4.20.4.7882) was released on November 30, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 November Rev #1
Logos 4.1
., LLS:1.0.3021), and the subsequent crash if an English word was clicked.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 October Rev #6
4.2 Beta 1
4.2 Beta 1 Logos 4.2 Beta 1 (v4.20.4.6028) was released on October 6, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 October Rev #3
4.1 Beta 6
., top-most parent of the last graph in Gen 1:5).
Melissa Snyder, 2010 October Rev #8
Logos 4.1 SR-1
Logos 4.1 SR-1 Logos 4.1 SR-1 ( was released on September 29, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 September Rev #1
COM API Bible Book Abbreviations
Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, Gen, L4, Mac4 Bible Book Abbreviation Genesis Ge Exodus Ex Leviticus Le Numbers Nu Deuteronomy Dt Joshua Jos Judges Jdg Ruth Ru 1 Samuel 1Sa 2 Samuel 2Sa 1 Kings 1Ki 2 Kings 2Ki 1 Chronicles 1Ch 2 Chronicles 2Ch Ezra Ezr Nehemiah Ne Esther Es Job Job Psalms Ps Proverbs Pr Ecclesiastes Ec Song of Solomon So Isaiah Is Jeremiah Je Lamentations La Ezekiel Eze Daniel Da Hosea Ho Joel Joe Amos Am Obadiah Ob Jonah Jon Micah Mic Nahum Na Habakkuk Hab Zephaniah Zep Haggai Hag Zechariah Zec Malachi Mal Tobit Tob Judith Jdt Greek Esther GkEs Wisdom of Solomon Wis Sirach Sir Baruch Bar Letter of Jeremiah LetJer Song of Three Youths SongThr Susanna Sus Bel and the Dragon Bel 1 Maccabees 1Mac 2 Maccabees 2Mac 1 Esdras 1Esd Prayer of Manasseh PrMan Psalm 151 Ps151 3 Maccabees 3Mac 2 Esdras 2Esd 4 Maccabees 4Mac Odes Ode Psalms of Solomon PsSol
steve clark, 2010 September Rev #7
Logos 4 Bugs
set bug::0}} New Bugs title version reporter Bug: Crashes when I do anything Bug: In Passage List, Bible references/ranges are only accepted once in the text field; cannot be moved around without doubling though. 4.0c Beta 4 Samuel Jonathan Bug: Installation Runtime Error lawrence kolegue Bug: Interesting Words are truncated 4.0c Beta 4 Dan Lloyd Bug: Passage Guide keeps switching from Zechariah 12 to Nahum 3:18-19 when scrolling through a commentary 4.0c Beta 4 Samuel Jonathan Bug: Pulpit Commentary Job missing hyperlink 4.0c Beta 4 Your Name Bug: Short Description 4.0c Beta 4 Your Name Bug: Short Description 4.6a SR-3 ( Marty Sacks All Bugs FirstPreviousNextLastPage 1 of 3title version severity status reporter fixed version Bug: “Add note” references are treated differently 4.0c Beta 1 by-design Dave Hooton Bug: “Mark this article as especially helpful” stars disappear when you refresh a guide 4.0 confirmed Rosie Perera Bug: “Send hyperlinks
steve clark, 2010 September Rev #19
Mark Barnes
IndexType in IndexedResources shows 0 for the Main index, and 1 for the supplemental.
Mark Barnes, 2010 September Rev #2
Logos 4.1 RC 1
Logos 4.1 RC 1 Logos 4.1 RC 1 (v4.10.4.5111) was released on September 13, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 September Rev #2
4.1 Beta 12
Reading Plan The M’Cheyne plan locks to January 1 of the selected year.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 September Rev #1
4.1 Beta 11
Reading Plan The M’Cheyne plan locks to January 1 of the selected year.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 September Rev #2
Logos 2.0 Level 1
Logos 2.0 Level 1 Logos Bible Study Software 2.0 Level 1 contains: The King James Version: Also known as the “Authorized Version,” the KJV is still the most widely used text in the English language.
Todd Phillips, 2010 August Rev #2
4.1 Beta 9
Reading Plan The M’Cheyne plan locks to January 1 of the selected year.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 August Rev #1
Bug: Problem with indexes in PRS for Vine’s
Software version: 4.0c SR-1, 4.0d Beta 2.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 August Rev #3
Bug: TDNT data type is case sensitive for searching
PageIndex=2 Status: fixed in 4.1 beta 1
Dave Hooton, 2010 August Rev #3
Bug: Missing results using a Passage or Passage List in Syntax Search
Software version: 4.0c SR-1.
Dave Hooton, 2010 August Rev #5
4.1 Beta 8
(New) Reading Plan The M’Cheyne plan locks to January 1 of the selected year.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 August Rev #7
Logos 4.0d SR-1
Logos 4.0d SR-1 Logos 4.0d SR-1 ( was released on July 12, 2010.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 August Rev #2
Bug: Unnecessary crash when building Home Page
Software version: 4.0d SR-1.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 August Rev #3
Crash when reading The New Testament and the People of God.
Software version: 4.0c SR-1.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 August Rev #4
Copy Bible Verses does not maintain the order of references
Software version: 4.0d, 4.1 beta 1.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 August Rev #5
Bug: Logos 3 steals control of libronixdls links
To fix this manually open Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\libronixdls\shell\open\command, and change the (Default) value to: "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Logos4\Logos4.exe" %1 Software version: 4.0a Beta 3.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 August Rev #4
Crash: External component has thrown an exception
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/19152.aspx http://community.logos.com/forums/t/19235.aspx http://community.logos.com/forums/t/19177.aspx http://community.logos.com/forums/t/19269.aspx Status: fixed in 4.0d SR-1
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 August Rev #5
Bug: Short Description
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/ Status: fixed in 4.0d SR-1 Logos keeps cashing with I am reading ESV, its getting so bad I can’t use Logos with any reliability.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 August Rev #3
4.1 Beta 4
Reading Plan The M’Cheyne plan locks to January 1 of the selected year.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 August Rev #4
Bug: M’Cheyne reading plan defaults to starting January 1 – should be able to start “today” also.
Bug: M’Cheyne reading plan defaults to starting January 1 – should be able to start “today” also.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 August Rev #2
4.1 Beta 3
., LLS:1.0.3021), and the subsequent crash if an English word was clicked.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 July Rev #3
4.1 Beta 1
4.1 Beta 1 Logos 4.1 Beta 1 (v4.10.4.2046) was released on July 13, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 July Rev #5
Bug: Crash of 4.0d during start up
I was following the Method 2 instructions found here: http://wiki.logos.com/Quick_Installation_onto_multiple_computers My notebook had Logos 4.0d SR-1 running just fine; I had decided to uninstall Logos 4 and re-install it before transferring the update files per Method 2.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 July Rev #2
Logos 4.0b Crashes
Alternate Error IDs: 6081, 6728 Cause: Corrupt or Incompatible Index Workaround: Open Logos 4 to empty layout and use command: Rebuild Index Error ID: 4824 – FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139’ or one of its dependencies.
Work: PC - Christy Powell, 2010 July Rev #25
Greek 31 – Word Study
Start Here: 11.05 Search shows “Bible” but this screen only displays when “Morph” is selected. 17:24 “Sign” John 2:19 displayed as heading on screen – should be John 2:18 38:23 BWS:Sign in John – note file shows John 20:1 but should be John 20:30
Brian Kempson, 2010 July Rev #4
Logos 4.0d
., Amos 4:11-5:17 in LLS:29.35.1).
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #2
Greek 2 – Alphabet
Version 1.0 Missing the letter Delta Missing the letter Upsilon Psi has an Upsilon for a lower case letter The diphthong Epsilon and Upsilon has a “w” for a transliteration of Upsilon UPDATE: Errors listed above have been noted and corrected version will be released soon via download.
Johnny Cisneros, 2010 June Rev #12
Logos 4.0d RC 1
Logos 4.0d RC 1 Logos 4.0d RC1 ( was released on June 23, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #1
Hebrew 1 – Introduction to Hebrew
Hebrew 1 – Introduction to Hebrew Content Issues pertaining to missing or erroneous information.
Johnny Cisneros, 2010 June Rev #2
Greek 1 – Introduction to Greek
Greek 1 – Introduction to Greek Content Issues pertaining to missing or erroneous information.
Johnny Cisneros, 2010 June Rev #3
Greek 01 – Introduction to Greek
Greek 01 – Introduction to Greek Content Content issues pertain to missing or erroneous information.
Johnny Cisneros, 2010 June Rev #1
4.0d Beta 1
4.0d Beta 1 Logos 4.0d Beta 1 (v4.04.3.9992) was released on May 25, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #15
Bug: Copying indented text from NICNT reverses indenting in notes
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/ Status: fixed in 4.0d Beta 1
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #4
Bug: Bible Word Study will use spurious Hebrew Bibles
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/10553.aspx Status: fixed in 4.0b SR-1
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #4
Bug: Bible Word Study (BWS) hangs when clicking ring graph segment for common word
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/8970.aspx Status: fixed in 4.0d Beta 1
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #5
Louw-Nida keylinking is directed to Volume 2
Louw-Nida keylinking is directed to Volume 2 Links to Louw-Nida Lexicon go to Volume 2 (the Index) instead of Volume 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #2
Bug: Passage list from notes
Software version: 4.0d Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #2
Bug: Incorrect Resource Attributes when using Parallel Resource sets
Software version: 4.0c SR-1, 4.0d Beta 2.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #4
Bug: Inconsistent use of Display & Interlinear buttons
Software version: 4.0c SR-1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #4
Bug: Crash in morph query build
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/p/17026/129032.aspx#129032 Status: fixed 4.0d Beta 1
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #4
4.0d Beta 2
Clippings Fixed bug that prevented Find (Ctrl+F) from working (broken in Beta 1).
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #8
Bug: Foreign language search inconsistencies
Bug: Foreign language search inconsistencies 1.
MJ. Smith, 2010 May Rev #4
Logos 4.0c SR-1
Logos 4.0c SR-1 Logos 4.0c (v4.03.3.9838) was released on May 20, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 May Rev #1
Logos 4.0c
Bible references within parentheses are now auto-detected in a note; e.g., (Gen 1).
Melissa Snyder, 2010 May Rev #2
Bug: Logos 4 crashes when trying to copy PNTC Eph 5:15-21 text
Thanks, Melissa Program Version: 4.0c ( Windows Version: 5.1.2600.196608 Time: 2010-05-09 23:30:30 Installed memory: 2,046 MB Install path: C:\Documents and Settings\Craig Schmidt\Local Settings\Application Data\Logos4\System\Logos4.exe Data path: C:\Documents and Settings\Craig Schmidt\Local Settings\Application Data\Logos4\Data\ot1uos0n.cha Free disk space: 69,313 MB Temp path: C:\Documents and Settings\Craig Schmidt\Local Settings\Temp\ Free temp space: 69,313 MB Error ID: 3003 Error detail: MethodBehaviorConverterException: Exception executing LDLS4.ContextPopup.ContextPopupItemModel.Execute Libronix.Utility.Windows.Converters.MethodBehaviorConverter+MethodBehaviorConverterException: Exception executing LDLS4.ContextPopup.ContextPopupItemModel.Execute —> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 May Rev #4
4.0c Beta 6
., Gen 1 Jn 3:4).
Melissa Snyder, 2010 May Rev #4
Logos 4.0c RC 1
Logos 4.0c RC 1 Logos 4.0c RC 1 (v4.03.3.9288) was released on May 4, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 May Rev #3
Bug: Inconsistent use of version in Passage List
Bug: Inconsistent use of version in Passage List When changing the #1 priority Bible from NRSV to JPS then sorting the Passage List, the sequence of the references were as I would expect.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #4
Bug: Highlighting label overwrites self
Bug: Highlighting label overwrites self 1) the size of the bubble does not match the preview – preview is what I want 2) multiple occurrences of the labeling – including overlaying itself.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #2
Bug: Zero Results with Louw-Nida domain in Syntax Search
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Dave Hooton, 2010 April Rev #5
4.0c Beta 4
Fixed bug that prevented detection of reference hyperlinks for ‘1-3 John’ in rich text editor.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 April Rev #2
Bug: Duplicate passage drop in Passage List inconsistency
Bug: Duplicate passage drop in Passage List inconsistency When creating a passage list from a note file (created solely to test verse-mapping) the Passage Guide correcly sequences the references by the currently #1 priority Bible.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #2
4.0c Beta 3
., (Gen 1).
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #3
Bug: Typed References not being recognised in Notes
Bug: Typed References not being recognised in Notes Typed references in Notes are not always recognised e.g. matt, jn, 1 Jn 4:5.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #9
4.0c Beta 2
., “179 results in 171 verses in 1 resource” or “26,676 results in 11,986 articles in 389 resources.”)
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #10
Bug: Topics – misleading continuation marker
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #5
4.0c Beta 1
4.0c Beta 1 Logos 4.0c Beta 1 (v4.03.3.7605) was released on Thursday, March 18, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #6
How to transfer Logos 4 Mac from one computer to another:
How to transfer Logos 4 Mac from one computer to another: <Tried to upload image, didn’t work> 1) Navigate to Users/<your home directory>/Library/ApplicationSupport/Logos 4 2) Copy the Logos 4 folder to an external drive with about 15-20 GB free (depends on the size of your library 3) Copy the Logos 4 App onto the new Mac from a fresh .dmg download from www.logos.com/logos4mac (to make sure you have the lastest version on the new machine) 4) Copy the Logos 4 folder from your external HD to the new computer’s Users/<your username on the new machine>/Library/ApplicationSupport folder NOTE: Clicking on the sidebar icon with the house will take you to your home directory.
Michael Kares, 2010 April Rev #1
Bug: Favorites without expansion space
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #2
Bug: Inability to reapply formatting to a note
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #3
Bug: No indication of multiple notes
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #2
Bug: Passage Guide – Collection section – unordered list
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #2
Bug: System crash on copy & paste into a note
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #2
Bug: Unclear distinction in family tree chart
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #4
Bug: Word by Word text truncation
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #2
Bug: Update not replacing files
Bug: Update not replacing files FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139’ or one of its dependencies.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #2
Bug: Copying Spanish Bible via CBV gives spurious output
Example 1 (copying to WP setting WP as the target): 1 Cuando pasól dí de reposo, Marí Magdalena, Marí la madre de Jacobo, y Salomé compraron especias aromáicas para ir a ungirle.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #3
Bug: Crash when opening or closing Collections
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/13676.aspx Also http://community.logos.com/forums/t/13755.aspx       http://community.logos.com/forums/t/13504.aspx Status: fixed in 4.0b SR-1
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #4
Bug: “Add note” references are treated differently
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Rosie Perera, 2010 April Rev #2
Bug:Text not wrapping in Note title
Bug:Text not wrapping in Note title Automatic insertion of text in title of note does not wrap text for visibility Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 March Rev #3
Bug: Crash when switching to a layout
Problem was not fixed by 4.0b SR-1 Software version: 4.0b SR-1.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 March Rev #2
Bug: Exegetical Guide “Word by Word” limited to 15 verses
Software version: 4.0c Beta 1.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 March Rev #2
Bug: Copy Bible Verses not interpreting some syntax, and formatting problems
Further info in this thread: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/8202.aspx Software version: 4.0b Beta 1.
Rosie Perera, 2010 March Rev #3
Bug: Searching within Help hides result under the Next/Previous result drop-down control
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/9303.aspx Status: fixed in 4.0c Beta 1
Rosie Perera, 2010 March Rev #3
Logos 4.0b SR-1
Logos 4.0b SR-1 Bug Fixes Improved performance of loading and editing large notes.
Todd White, 2010 March Rev #1
Logos 4.0b
‘My Collection (1)’) will be used.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 March Rev #8
Logos 4.0b RC 1
Logos 4.0b RC 1 Logos 4.0b RC 1 (v4.02.3.7243) was released on Monday, March 8, 2010.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 March Rev #3
Bug: Crash when an invalid bookmark/favorite position is encountered
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/12998.aspx Status: fixed 4.0c Beta 1
Melissa Snyder, 2010 March Rev #2
Bug: Problem with Merge Index whether user requested or automatic
Bug: Problem with Merge Index whether user requested or automatic Typical log entry is: Error Program Unhandled exception: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: document id 2527 is outside valid range of [1, 2527) Software version: 4.0a.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 February Rev #3
4.0b Beta 10
‘My Collection (1)’) will be used.
Scott Alexander, 2010 February Rev #4
iPhone Bugs
set iphonebug::0}} New Bugs title iphoneversion iphonereporter iphoneBug: Anglican Tradition – Reference stuck 4.2.1 Arnold McKinlay iphoneBug: Initial Ratings Incorrect 1.1.0 Jacob Hantla iphoneBug: Reproducing Reading Plan 1.1.0 Jacob Hantla All Bugs title iphoneversion iphonestatus iphonereporter iphoneBug: Anglican Tradition – Reference stuck 4.2.1 pending Arnold McKinlay iphoneBug: Initial Ratings Incorrect 1.1.0 pending Jacob Hantla iphoneBug: Reproducing Reading Plan 1.1.0 pending Jacob Hantla Status Codes status meaning pending Awaiting review by Logos personnel confirmed Reproduced by Logos; awaiting resolution invalid Logos can’t reproduce the bug; or not a valid report by-design This behavior is by design; it will not be changed fixed Fixed in a newer version of the software wont-fix This is a bug, but it won’t be fixed (at least not soon)
Darren Paul Wright, 2010 February Rev #2

Logos Bible Software Wiki

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