Logos 4.0b

What’s New

  • Import notes, highlights, favorites and prayer lists from Libronix DLS 3; see Importing from LDLS3.
  • New Prayer List document on the File menu.
  • Highlighting palettes and styles can be created and edited.
  • Export to Bibliography command added to panel menu of Collections and Clippings.
  • Added Settings to Information Panel.


  • Added ‘Set Show home page to No’ command to disable home page at startup, and ‘Set Show home page to Yes’ to enable home page at startup.
  • Additional index commands are now supported: Rebuild Bible index, Rebuild library index, Merge library index.
  • Added commands “uilang en” and “uilang es” to switch to English or Spanish UI (restart required).

Copy Bible Verses

  • Copy Bible Verses supports syntax to specify the custom style to use when pasting into Word.
  • Copy Bible Verses supports <tab> to insert a tab.


  • External links can be dragged to the Favorites panel.

Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Alt+C opens/closes Home Page Customize menu.
  • Ctrl+Shift+W closes all panels.


  • Added an “Update to current snapshot” context menu option to saved layouts, which replaces the saved layout with the current layout.


  • Bible Reference input boxes trim invalid input down to a valid range.
  • Bible Reference input boxes support entering a versemap, and showing what was used to parse.
  • The application will write a Logos4Crash.txt crash report to Documents\Logos Log Files if it crashes, regardless of whether logging is enabled.


  • Notes support user-editable titles.
  • “Add note” (on the context menu) uses the currently-selected tab to influence note attachment.
  • Notes can be added to a reference range (not just a single verse).

Passage Guide

  • “Commentaries” section can be added to the Passage Guide multiple times.
  • Added a resource description pop-up to resource hyperlinks in the Commentaries and Cross References sections.

Reading Plans

  • Added “Adjust plan” feature to reading plans. If you are behind, you can right-click on a day and select “Adjust plan from here,” which pushes everything back so that you start reading on that day.
  • Added M’Cheyne Reading Plan option in the reference range selector.
  • Duplicate verses can be added to Bible reading plans.


  • Parallel Resource Sets drop-down added to resource panels. To use a collection for parallel navigation, open Collections and check “Show in parallel resources” for that collection.
  • Resources support navigating by data type levels, highlighting, and search results.
  • Resources can be tagged and rated in the Info view.
  • Resource Info shows reverse interlinear information (when available).
  • Visual Filters are grouped by type.
  • Input boxes will try to provide valid Bible reference ranges instead of doing nothing (e.g. “mt 28:18-22” will parse to Mt 28:18-20).


  • The program creates a “Bibles only” index to speed up Bible searches.
  • Improvements to searching Chinese texts.
  • “Search (while typing)” option added to Bible Search (similar to Bible Speed Search in LDLS3).
  • Different terms in the search are highlighted with different colors in the results.
  • Added Graph Search Results to Morph Search when all searched resources are Bibles.
  • Added a button to the Search Panel toolbar to create a new Visual Filter document from the search.
  • Changed layout of reference range picker in Bible Search, Morph Search, and Reading Plan.
  • User-defined collections have their own section (separate from Series) in Search range picker.


  • “Show Auto and Favorite Bookmarks” and “Show Search Bookmarks” have been split into two separate settings.
  • Added “Default Sans Serif” to default font chooser.
  • Added “Language” setting.
  • Added “Proxy settings” controls to Sign In dialog.


  • Choosing a “Custom” installation (on a fresh install) gives the option to disable automatic downloads.


  • Sync icon will change to a yellow warning icon if the last attempt to sync failed.

Bug Fixes

  • Index merging has been removed; merging indexes (from Search Results, or running the ‘merge index’ command) will rebuild the full index from scratch in the background. Index merging will return in 4.0c.
  • Fixed bug causing non-commentary resources in custom collections to be used in Commentaries section.
  • Fixed bug that caused a note added to a commentary to jump to the milestone for the passage rather than the location of the note in the text.
  • Fixed bug that prevented bringing the focus back to the main window after right-clicking on docked tab to open panel in a floating window.
  • Fixed bug in Text Comparison preventing resources from changing when the reference changes.
  • Renamed “Revert to template” to “Delete this guide” to more accurately represent the action that will be taken.
  • Fixed margin issue in Clippings and Notes.
  • Fixed rendering error in vertical display of “Verses” Bible Search results when some parallel resources did not contain the verses from the results (e.g., Bibles that do not have the apocrypha).
  • Fixed bug that prevented Copy Bible Verses style from being applied when paragraph (<p>) wasn’t closed in the header. Now if the header and footer have the same custom style, it applies the style to the paragraph element as well.
  • Fixed bug that was causing advanced DataType prioritization limits to be ignored.
  • Reduced amount of memory used by Handouts, which was causing a number of OutOfMemoryExceptions.
  • When sync conflicts are generated for resource collections the new title returned by the server (e.g. ‘My Collection (1)’) will be used.
  • Resource collections UI no longer marks multiple items as edited as a side effect of initializing the control.
  • Resource collections UI will update as a result of synced changes.
  • Synchronization download of resource collections updated to handle schema change.
  • Fixed problem with navigating to parallel resources from a lectionary resource.
  • Search analysis now saves settings based upon the the column set (i.e., when searching ESV there will be 3 sets of settings: OT results, NT resuts, and OT & NT results). If two Resources have identical columns, the settings will also be used (e.g. NA27 and NA27 Int.).
  • Fixed reading plan jiggling and using a lot of CPU.
  • Fixed problem copying reading plan reference ranges that have repeated readings.
  • Improved paragraph rendering for Copy Bible Verses.
  • Clippings tags are now searchable using ‘mytag:’ syntax.
  • Fixed the Copy command in the context menu and command bar so it copies from the preferred Bible.
  • A maximum date is set on the reading plan end date selector to match the internal size limit.
  • Fixed bug where note attached to a devotional would be attached to the day of the year, not the specific devotional article.
  • Fixed bug causing morph categories to be repeated (on the right hand side of the +/- icon) in Exegetical Guide.
  • Fixed bug preventing resource information tooltip from being displayed in Passage Guide if the resource title was clipped.
  • Find bar in Clippings now also searches resource title.
  • Morph part information is displayed on hover in the Exegetical Guide.
  • Fixed Westminster Hebrew verb stems being cut off in Morph picker.
  • Fixed bug that could leave “holes” in the layout when a panel was closed.
  • The indexer displays a dialog (not just a balloon tip) if it runs out of disk space during indexing.
  • Fixed crash in Logos4Setup.exe if BITS service is disabled.
  • Fixed bug that caused application to hang when changing Grammatical Relationships setting in template editor.
  • Open guides are now properly activated/reused (instead of duplicated) for references that are equivalent across data types.
  • Fixed bug preventing auto-complete showing when entering ‘lemma:’ twice in a morph query.
  • Note indicator now displayed for imported range-attached notes.
  • Fixed bug causing note titles to be created without spaces.
  • Bible reference navigation in Passage Analysis, Copy Bible Verses, Cited By, and Comparison Tool now correctly truncate long ranges correctly (e.g. Acts is shortened to Acts 1-4, not Acts 27).
  • Copy Bible Verses now renders style previews correctly, improving performance.
  • Copy Bible Verses can now copy up to 177 verses (previously limited to 60). Currently, you can copy more than 177 verses by specifying them in a list (e.g. Ge 1-6, 7-13, 14-20, 21-24, etc.). Each element in the list is limited to 177 verses, and will be truncated to the nearest chapter.
  • Improved visibility of Copy Bible Verses panel when editing a style and the panel is small.
  • Fixed bug excluding WSKJV from Bible search results.
  • “My Content” sections in Search, Guides and Explorer now return the same results.
  • “Close” button in Collections is now correctly labeled “Delete.”
  • Fixed bugs in switching between English headwords
  • Fixing the source of a home page item sometimes being “clipped.”
  • Search analysis respects the current columns when exporting.
  • The “Find bar” in a resource is hidden when the locator bar gets focus.
  • Copy Bible verses no longer crashes if invalid rich text is generated.
  • Copying Bible text from a Bible resource now includes the reference in the bibliographic citation (as in LDLS3).
  • Default Syriac Font setting in Program Settings is respected.
  • Footnote markers aren’t copied when footnotes aren’t copied.
  • Improved reference/text input handling, especially in Cited By.
  • Indexer checks contents of downloaded files for corruption; the download will be retried on failure.
  • Automatic update system retries failed downloads at startup.
  • Strikeouts in the Text Comparison tool no longer extend to the first letter of the next word.
  • Synchronization happens less frequently.
  • Synchronization sends less data in each packet by default.
  • Fixed bug that could prevent resources (that had failed to download once) from downloading again, even when running ‘update resources’ command.
  • Fixed the left and right context columns in the Example Uses section for original language words.
  • Text that was missing from the end of some verses in the Text Comparison tool is now shown.
  • Fixed bug preventing the reverse interlinear data in the last verse from being indexed.
  • Fixed bug in syntax search that prevented exclude morph values from being included in the search data. (E.g., @N???[^M] would not work but @N???[CF] would.)
  • Adding/removing/modifying user collections updates the Cited By tool dynamically. Some user settings for Cited By were reset in order to implement this change.
  • Bible Word Study Translation sections with zero hits are now collapsed and disabled.
  • Excerpts are now properly found when the app searches for them by bible reference (i.e. in handouts).
  • Excerpts matching the day’s references now appear on the home page.
  • Images from 1000 Bible Images now appear on the home page.
  • Layouts now properly restore “None” link set to tools that default to “Follow.”
  • Morph Search on context menu resets search range when invoked.
  • Fixed bug preventing Amplified Bible appearing in “By Book” Basic Search results for “Nephilim.”
  • Fixed bug in the Collections Tool causing included/excluded collections to not appear correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed bug stopping Basic Search searching non-Bibles in collections.
  • Fixed bug preventing Bible Harmony text from changing when preferred Bible is changed.
  • “My Content” is only searched when the range is “Entire Library.”
  • Fixed bug that was preventing new non-Bible resources appearing in Morph search results.
  • QSM reference parsing doesn’t require input to be all upper-case.
  • Search Analysis uses abbreviated data type names for column headers.
  • Search results from QSM display as right-to-left.
  • Added new Bible versemaps (for Dutch and other European Bibles).
  • The visibility and order of columns in the analysis search view are now reflected in exported results.
  • Fixed Information window garbles BHQ information.
  • Fixed Unusual Numbers Next to Titles in a Search Pane.
  • Fixed Problem with Visual Filters in Greek GRAMCORD Bibles.
  • Fixed Repeatable crash while selecting a tg reference.
  • Fixed Some internal links don’t appear to have transitioned to Logos 4 correctly.
  • Fixed Holman “Commentaries” open to wrong reference from PG.
  • Fixed Repeatable crash in Bible Search of NASB95 with Analysis.
  • Fixed InvalidOperationException crash in Notes.
  • Fixed InvalidOperationException shutting down the application.
  • Fixed SQLiteException when searching in Handouts for Gen-Rev.
  • Fixed OutOfMemoryException and excessive handle use when searching for Gen-Rev, or NT references in TLOT, etc.
  • Fixed scrollbars in article popups when Program Scaling isn’t 100%.
  • Fixed Copy Bible Verses not remembering “to” program from shortcut.
  • Fixed bug when Morph searching non-Bibles that prevented scrollbar from showing.
  • Fixed invalid rendering of 2 Ch 12:13–14, 2 Ch 11:18–12:12.
  • Fixed highlighting not working in secondary window.
  • Fixed NullReferenceException when opening resources.
  • After selecting a Bible or range on the search panel, the query text box is focused.
  • Fixed bug causing notes to be hidden when closing Find Bar quickly.
  • Fixed bug preventing notes from being found after pressing backspace in the Find Bar.
  • Fixed program scaling being doubled in context menu in floating window.
  • Fixed case-sensitivity in Ctrl+F find for Tags in Clippings.
  • Fixed bug causing “Welcome” to re-appear on home page.
  • Many minor bug fixes.

Known Issues

  • Changing the text alignment for a note Title to center or right-aligned causes the Title to disappear, as only left-aligned text is supported for Titles.

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