Rank | Title | Last Edit
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed Reading plan and search links sometimes don’t open in an existing tab
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2018 July Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New Removed Atlas as a result of a code incompatibility issue
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2018 September Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed Fixed audio crash on Android 8.x and above devices
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2018 October Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed History now works as expected Recent verses now work as expected Fixed startup crash on devices running Android 6 or below
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2018 October Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Improved Updated datatypes Fixed Sync manager crash Resource download issues on Android 8 or above devices Error caused by playing audio in the background Various fixes and improvements
ilian, 2018 November Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed Fixed audio crash
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 February Rev #1
Android Reader
- Improved verse picker layout by grouping chapters and verses in columns of 5/10/etc to make visually scanning easier
Jeff Moore (Faithlife), 2020 March Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Improved - Improve handling of media URLs to support future Mobile Ed. content.
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2020 March Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New - Setting to disable automatic word lookup Improved - Improve Default resource font and Default Greek font - Group verse picker chapters and verses in columns of 5/10/
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2020 April Rev #2
Android Reader
Android Reader Improved - Show !
Logan Ash, 2020 June Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New Updated Library UI Multi-select Library Resources for Downloading Library Download Progress Indicator Add new Bible and Study Bible Layout card Fixed Fixed Visual Copy crash Fixed Create New Clipping issue Fixed Create New Reading Plan issue
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 June Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New Updated Library UI Multi-select Library Resources for Downloading Library Download Progress Indicator Add new Bible and Study Bible Layout card Fixed Minor internal changes Fixed Visual Copy crash Fixed Create New Clipping issue Fixed Create New Reading Plan issue
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 June Rev #2
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed Minor bug fixes and improvements
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 June Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New Added Reading Progress back to Library
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 June Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New Added Fuzzy search results for online Bible searches Fixed Fixed Search filter entry initialization Fixed crash when attempting to delete note anchors
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 July Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed Minor bug fixes and improvements
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 July Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed Minor bug fixes
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 June Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New 64-bit capability for supported devices Improved Panel linking while scrolling Fixed English text appearing in Hebrew and Greek clippings Minor bug fixes and improvements
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 July Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New 64-bit capability for supported devices Updated Library UI Multi*select Library Resources for Downloading Library Download Progress Indicator Add new Bible and Study Bible Layout card Added Fuzzy search results for online Bible searches Improved Panel linking while scrolling Fixed English text appearing in Hebrew and Greek clippings Crash when attempting to delete note anchors Visual Copy crash Create New Clipping crash Create New Reading Plan crash
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 August Rev #2
Android Reader
Android Reader New Restrict the Dashboard section to authenticated users Improved Update embedded resources Localization update Fixed Note anchor highlights in cloud resources Potential problem adding Reading Plans to the Home Page Potential crash when playing audio resources Crash using old Home Page auto downloads view Occasional crash after editing Homepage section Searches for words with apostrophes
Kevin Byford (Faithlife), 2019 August Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Improved - Text Comparison uses user selected fonts and sizes - Popup resource window uses user selected fonts - System Dark mode changes are applied instantly - Faithlife Ebooks app now shows all resources by default.
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2019 November Rev #3
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed - Crash while starting.
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2022 April Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New Add support for “Save to Passage List” from Factbook.
Jeff Moore (Faithlife), 2021 January Rev #2
Android Reader
Android Reader New - Improved searching of user collections.
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2021 May Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New - Back button traverses tabs - Long-press Back button shows History for current resource - Reading Plans, Prayers and Notes add to History and are integrated with the new Back Button flow Improved - Faster tab swiping and workspace layout changes when many resources in library Fixed - Store purchases required login - Background audio crash - Audio notification controls difficult to see - Various other bug fixes
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2021 April Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed - Various bug fixes
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2021 April Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New - Added “Bible” and “Basic” search options for user collections.
Jeff Moore (Faithlife), 2021 April Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixed - Remove spurious User Ratings of 0 - Various bug fixes
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2021 May Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader Fixes - Cast the audio to other devices using Chromecast.
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2021 October Rev #1
Android Reader
Android Reader New - Restore audio player state after restart Improved - Audio player skip/seek button navigation - Audio buttons are easier to press - Audio read-a-long text synchronisation Fixed - Crashes in Passage Lists, Guides, Chromecast, pop-ups, and during start-up - Closing audio notification now closes audio - Various other fixes
Martin Denham (Faithlife), 2021 October Rev #1
Android Release Notes
Beta August 22, 2023 Android Reader Beta August 16, 2023 Android Reader Beta August 8, 2023 Android Reader Beta August 5, 2023 Android Reader Beta August 3, 2023 Reader Version 27 App Version Release Channel Date Android Reader Stable Aug 28, 2023 Android Reader Stable Aug 3, 2023 Android Reader Stable Aug 1, 2023 Android Reader Beta July 28, 2023 Android Reader Beta July 21, 2023 Android Reader Beta July 18, 2023 Android Reader Beta July 12, 2023 Android Reader Beta July 7, 2023 Android Reader Beta July 5, 2023 Reader Version 26 App Version Release Channel Date Android Reader Stable July 7, 2023 Android Reader Stable July 3, 2023 Android Reader Stable June 20, 2023 Android Reader Beta June 09, 2023 Android Reader Beta June 02,
Ali Pope, Wednesday 13:35 Rev #477
Author Datatypes
., 5 Ael.
Michael Schierl, 2022 November Rev #9
Bible Sense Lexicon
(5) Navigating by the tree does not change the focus of the Bible Sense Lexicon: Expand and contract the information given in the concept tree by clicking on the solid dots.
Dave Hooton, 2022 December Rev #44
Bible Translation Spectrum
(LES2) Swete’s LXX Protestant 2020 WEB 11+ World English Bible (WEB) Masoretic Text, Byzantine, ASV Evangelical 2020 WMB 11+ World Messianic Bible (WMB) Masoretic Text, Byzantine, ASV Messianic 2017 ESV-CE 11+ * The Augustine Bible (ESV-CE) Masoretic Text, Nestle-Aland, Göttingen Septuagint Catholic 2016 ESV 11+ English Standard Version (ESV) Masoretic Text, Nestle-Aland Evangelical 2014 MEV 11+ Modern English Version (MEV) Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus Ecumenical 2012 LEB 11+ Lexham English Bible (LEB) Masoretic Text, SBL Greek Protestant 2012 LES 11+ a * Lexham English Septuagint (LES) Swete’s LXX Protestant 2011 EOB-NT 11+ I, a Eastern/Greek Orthodox NT (EOB:NT) Patriarchal Greek NT Orthodox 2011 NCPB 12+ A * New Cambridge Paragraph with Apocrypha (NCPB) Masoretic Text, Textus Receptus Anglican 2007 NETS 11+ a * New English Translation of the Septuagint (NETS) Swete’s LXX Protestant 2006 RSV2CE 12+ a Revised Standard Version 2nd Catholic Edition (
Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :), 2023 January Rev #11
Bible Verse Maps
25 1-25 1-25 1-3, 4a, 4b, 5-25 1-25 1-25 1-3, 4a, 4b, 5-25 1-25 1-3, 4a, 4b, 5-25 1-25 1-25 1-11, 13-25 1-25 1-24 1-24 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 1-25 3 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-25 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 4 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-3, 5-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 1-26 5 1-32 1-32 1-31 1-32 1-31 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-23, 25-32 1-32 1-31 1-31 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 1-32 6 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-23 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1, 3-11, 13-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-2, 5-11, 13-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-22 1-2, 5-11, 13-22 7 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-24 1-8, 10-14, 17-18, 20-24
Michael Schierl, 2022 November Rev #28
Biblical People
Biblical People Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General Videos  Biblical People 1  Biblical People 2  Bible Facts (Mark Barnes) Note: Logos 4 and Logos 5 only See Factbook Page Contents What is Biblical People?
Admin, 2022 April Rev #36
Biblical Places
Biblical Places Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General Videos  Biblical Places – Dynamic Map  Biblical Places – Information  Biblical Places – Maps  Bible Facts (Mark Barnes) See also  Quickly Access a Map (Morris Proctor) Note: Logos 4 and Logos 5 only See Factbook To locate a specific city on the map: In the Biblical Places window press the key combination Ctrl+F.
Admin, 2022 April Rev #14
Biblical Things
Note: Logos 4 and Logos 5 only See Factbook
Dave Hooton, 2018 November Rev #9
Books Missing Pagination and Other Indexes
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount – Oswald Chambers The Treasury of David (volumes 1 through 5) – Spurgeon The Works of Josephus: New Updated Edition Zondervan Dictionary of Bible Themes Books Missing Navigable Table of Contents Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible Exploring the Old Testament – Schultz & Smith Other Missing Indexes Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged (Greek Strong’s Number and TDNT number)
Kyle G. Anderson, 2020 December Rev #99
Bug Report
Bug: descriptive title Within your post include:- Description describe your problem Steps to reproduce Load Logos click this do that Actual Result what happened when you did those steps Expected Result Instead of crashing I expected Logos to make my coffee System Specs Desktop | Core i7 3770 (3.4GHz) | 8 GB RAM | Nvidia Geforce GTX650 1GB RAM | 2TB SATA-III HDD | Windows 7 Professional 64bit | Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Comments Anything else you need to add Do I need anything else?
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #9
Bug Report: Android: Word info displays wrong word for NA28
Bug Report: Android: Word info displays wrong word for NA28 Using Logos Android 5.15.2 Nestle Aland Greek New Testament (I don’t know if this issue is common to multiple books or only this one) -Highlight a word.
Admin, 2022 April Rev #4
Bug: Collections are being reset as Parallel Resources
Bug: Collections are being reset as Parallel Resources All my collections reverted to being Parallel Resource sets going from Beta 5 to Beta 6 despite the claim that existing allocations would not be changed.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 March Rev #3
Bug: Collections pane doesn’t remember view or column settings
Software version: 4.0b Beta 5.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #4
Bug: Crash after blanking Unnamed Collection
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/27923.aspx Status: fixed in 4.2 Beta 5
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #4
Bug: Duplication in results: Analysis view, phrase search.
Software version: 4.0a Beta 5.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 January Rev #2
Bug: Export Search to Microsoft problem
Change search range to ‘Entire Library’ 5.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #5
Bug: Holman “Commentaries” open to wrong reference from PG
Bug: Holman “Commentaries” open to wrong reference from PG A PG on Matt 4:1-11 has both Holman “Commentaries” open to Matt 4:17-25 Holman Concise Bible Commentary version 2009-10-26 Holman Bible Handbook version 2009-10-27 They should jump to Matt 3:1-4:16!
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 January Rev #4
Bug: Inappropriate passages are matched in Parallel Resources
Ex 14:10 is matched by 14:5-9; 14:7;14:21;13-19.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #4
Bug: Logos 4 crashes when trying to copy PNTC Eph 5:15-21 text
Thanks, Melissa Program Version: 4.0c ( Windows Version: 5.1.2600.196608 Time: 2010-05-09 23:30:30 Installed memory: 2,046 MB Install path: C:\Documents and Settings\Craig Schmidt\Local Settings\Application Data\Logos4\System\Logos4.exe Data path: C:\Documents and Settings\Craig Schmidt\Local Settings\Application Data\Logos4\Data\ot1uos0n.cha Free disk space: 69,313 MB Temp path: C:\Documents and Settings\Craig Schmidt\Local Settings\Temp\ Free temp space: 69,313 MB Error ID: 3003 Error detail: MethodBehaviorConverterException: Exception executing LDLS4.ContextPopup.ContextPopupItemModel.Execute Libronix.Utility.Windows.Converters.MethodBehaviorConverter+MethodBehaviorConverterException: Exception executing LDLS4.ContextPopup.ContextPopupItemModel.Execute —> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 May Rev #4
Bug: Logos 4 Indexer Crash
ERROR Report shows following: Event Type: clr20r3 P1: logos4indexer.exe P2: P3: 4d891636 P4: libronix.searchengine P5: P6: 4d8915c9 P7: 7f P8: 0 P9: system.indexoutofrangeexception Software version: 4.2a SR-3.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #3
Bug: Logos 4 Indexer stopped working and Runtime Error
Software version: 4.2a SR-3 (
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #3
Bug: Logos 4 Perpetually indexing when Windows 7 starts
Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Logos.LogosResourceIndexer.IndexResource(auto_handle<Libronix::SearchEngine::IDocumentIndexer> documentIndexer, IWorkState workState, TitleLoader* pTitleLoader, Boolean bCurrentTitleSupportsMorph)    at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.Logos.LogosResource.IndexContent(IIndexer indexer, ResourceManager resourceManager, ReverseInterlinearManager reverseInterlinearManager, ResourceClassifier resourceClassifier, IWorkState state)    at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.LibraryIndex.IndexNextResource(ILibraryIndexWorkState state, Indexer indexer)    at Libronix.DigitalLibrary.LibraryIndex.SecondaryIndexThread(Object objState)    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)    at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)    at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart(Object obj) Logos4Crash.txt ———— Program Version: 4.0c ( Windows Version: 6.1.7600.0 Time: 2010-05
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #2
Bug: Logos crashes when passage guide opened to particular verses
When it crashed the first time, it apparently had not yet saved the layout, so I could open it and I tried reproducing the problem by going to each of the verses in the passage guide (Luke 8:4, Luke8:5, etc) and no particular verse caused the crash.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 June Rev #2
Bug: Main L4 window changes size when using taskbar (still)
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/6846.aspx Status: fixed in 4.0a Beta 5
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2009 December Rev #6
Bug: Notes created in TDNT default to Strongs Numbers
clicking on παρθενος at TDNT 5:826 and adding a note links the note to “Strong’s Greek #3933” It should link instead to παρθενος TDNT 5:826.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 March Rev #4
Bug: Pasting a Bible reference into a Note doesn’t turn it into a link
Software version: 4.0b Beta 5.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 February Rev #2
Bug: Power Lookup omits footnotes on last line
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/10161.aspx Status: fixed in 4.2a Beta 5
Melissa Snyder, 2011 January Rev #3
Bug: Repeated items in Unordered Group gives zero results
Software version: 4.0c Beta 5.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 May Rev #2
Bug: Short Description
Software version:4.2 SR-1 (4.204.8289 Reported by William Messenger Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/ Status: confirmed Steps to reproduce 1.Start Windows 2.Logos4Indexer icon appears in taskbar 3 notification area with message “Logos 4 Bible software is indexing (26 minutes remaining) 3.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #3
Bug: Snapshots not saving when opening the Layouts Menu
Software version: 4.2b SR-1 (
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #2
Bug: Sometimes right-click menu doesn’t have correct verse reference
Software version: 4.0a Beta 5.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2010 January Rev #2
Bug: Topic changes when scrolling through Parallel Resource sets
Software version: 4.0b Beta 5.
Dave Hooton, 2010 April Rev #3
Bug: Typed References not being recognised in Notes
Bug: Typed References not being recognised in Notes Typed references in Notes are not always recognised e.g. matt, jn, 1 Jn 4:5.
Melissa Snyder, 2010 April Rev #9
Bug: Various resources are missing headword indexes
Bug: Various resources are missing headword indexes LSJ is not indexed for Greek headwords “NAS Updated Exhaustive Concordance” 2009-10-26 is not indexed for English!
Dave Hooton, 2010 August Rev #4
Building a Dictionary PB
Prioritizing the PB with other Dictionaries Put the PB amongst your top 5 dictionaries in Library.
Dave Hooton, 2023 November Rev #9
Canonical Commentary Collections
Dahood”) OR MyTag:C04Nu 05 Deuteronomy (Type:(Commentary,Notes) AND Subject:(O.T.Deuteronomy,O.T.Pentateuch)) OR Title:(“D.
Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :), August 13 Rev #49
Case Study: Day of the Lord in Isaiah
Creating and editing a Passage List 5.
Dave Hooton, 2023 September Rev #9
Chronological Reading Plan by Morris Proctor
Chronological Reading Plan by Morris Proctor Genesis 1-11; Job; Genesis 12-50; Exodus-Leviticus; Numbers 1-15; Psalm 90; Numbers 16-36; Deuteronomy; Psalm 91; Joshua; Judges; Ruth; 1 Samuel 1-20; Psalm 11; Psalm 59; 1 Samuel 21-24; Psalm 7; Psalm 27; Psalm 31; Psalm 34; Psalm 52; Psalm 56; Psalm 120; Psalm 140-142; 1 Samuel 25-27; Psalm 17; Psalm 35; Psalm 54; Psalm 63; 1 Samuel 28-31; Psalm 18; Psalm 121; Psalm 123-125; Psalm 128-130; 2 Samuel 1-4; Psalm 6; Psalm 8-10; Psalm 14; Psalm 16; Psalm 19; Psalm 21; 1 Chronicles 1-2; Psalm 43-45; Psalm 49; Psalm 84-85; Psalm 87; 1 Chronicles 3-5; Psalm 73; Psalm 77; Psalm 78; 1 Chronicles 6; Psalm 81; Psalm 88; Psalm 92-93; 1 Chronicles 7-10; Psalm 102-104; 2 Samuel 5:1-10; 1 Chronicles 11-12; Psalm 133; Psalm 106-107; 2 Samuel 5:11-25; 2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 13-16; Psalm 1-2; Psalm 15; Psalm 23-24; Psalm 47; Psalm 68; Psalm 89; Psalm 96; Psalm 100-101; Psalm 105; Psalm 132; 2 Samuel 7; 1 Chronicles 17; Psalm 25; Psalm 29; Psalm 33; Psalm
Anthony Grubb, 2017 October Rev #2
Cited By
Logos will show up to 5 hits in a group, covering several resources.
Dave Hooton, 2023 September Rev #32
Create a PB with links to online Journals
Copy and paste each article title (and other information on that article that may be available) from the web page to the .docx file 5.
Admin, 2022 April Rev #6
Default prioritisation
Swete Edition Septuagint with Logos Morphology Genesis (Göttingen Septuagint I) Exodus (Göttingen Septuagint II, 1) Leviticus (Göttingen Septuagint II, 2) Numeri (Göttingen Septuagint III, 1) Deuteronomium (Göttingen Septuagint III, 2) Ruth (Göttingen Septuagint IV, 3) Maccabaeorum Liber I (Göttingen Septuagint IX, 1) Maccabaeorum Liber II (Göttingen Septuagint IX, 2) Maccabaeorum Liber III (Göttingen Septuagint IX, 3) Esdrae Liber I (Göttingen Septuagint VIII, 1) Esdrae Liber II (Göttingen Septuagint VIII, 2) Esther (Göttingen Septuagint VIII, 3) Iudith (Göttingen Septuagint VIII, 4) Tobit (Göttingen Septuagint VIII, 5) Tobit: GII (Göttingen Septuagint VIII, 5) Iob (Göttingen Septuagint XI, 4) Sapientia Salomonis (Göttingen Septuagint XII, 1) Sapientia Iesu Filii Sirach (Göttingen Septuagint XII, 2) Duodecim Prophetae (Göttingen Septuagint XIII) Isaias (Göttingen Septuagint XIV) Psalmi cum Odis (Göttingen Septuagint X) Ezechiel (Göttingen Septuagint
Dave Hooton, 2020 September Rev #9
Desktop Commands
Set Content Scaling to 120 Set Text Size to ... will also work can select {80% – 360%} in Program Settings Set Program Scaling to {50% – 250% (every 5 points)} – affects all display elements like icon size, text size, spacing.
Dave Hooton, August 10 Rev #12
Detailed Search Help
Jesus BEFORE 3-5 WORDS Christ – search for articles/verses that contain the word Jesus three, four, or five words before the word Christ.
Dave Hooton, 2022 November Rev #111
Example Collections
—theology”)) Manually Included Items: none Manually Excluded Items: Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament Biography Library Size: 4,032 Collection Size: 13 Rule: type:(monograph, dictionary) AND subject:biography ANDNOT (subject:(“Jesus Christ”, Bible, Apostles)) Manually Included Items: none Manually Excluded Items: none Biography Library Size: 11,099 edition:Logos Collection Size: 430 Rule: Subject:(Autobiography,Biography,”Cranmer,Thomas”,”Hus,Jan”,Martyr,Memoirs,Orphans,”Watts,Isaac”,”Wright,James”,Wycliffe), Title:(“Christian History”,”Correspondence of”,Elisha,”English Baptists”,Labors,”Letters of”,”Life of”,”Life and Letters of”,”Life and Times of”,”Lives of”,”Memoir of”,”Memoirs of”,”Memorials of”) -Series:(Manuals,NIV,Pillar,Social-Science,Tyndale) Manually Included Items: none Manually Excluded Items: none Books on Prayer Library Size: 4,032 Collection Size: 26 Rule: title:pray, subject:pray Manually Included Items: none Manually Excluded Items: none
Dave Hooton, 2019 November Rev #59
Export a Logos Resource to an eReader format (Kindle, Nook, etc.)
This is good for the eReader, as those hyperlinks won’t work and could simply cause confusion. 5.
TCBlack, 2014 October Rev #3
Extended Tips for Highlighting and Visual Filters
Created 5 visual filters for Logos Greek Morphology so can choose grammatical highlighting for basic, case, verb moods, verb tenses, and number.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), August 17 Rev #61
Faithlife Assistant Commands
Thank you Thanks Bible Navigation ESV 1st John 3.3 Jeremiah 29 verse 11 Look up first Peter chapter 2 verses 5 and 6 in the New King James Quote Obadiah Go to Mark.
Randy W. Sims, 2017 October Rev #6
Filtros Visuales
El primer paso es crear un nuevo documento de Filtros Visuales en el menú Archivo (Logos 5: Documentos).
Admin, 2022 April Rev #5
Free Logos Books
Lexham Intro Collection (5 vols.)
Jan Krohn, February 07 Rev #116
Getting Started with Logos
Tip: Highlight some bible verses and press F7 for a pop-up comparison with your Top 5 Bibles.
Dave Hooton, 2023 September Rev #93
Greek 26 – Number
Greek 26 – Number Content Issues pertaining to missing or erroneous information.
Johnny Cisneros, 2010 June Rev #1
Greek 5 – Tools
Greek 5 – Tools Content Issues pertaining to missing or erroneous information.
Johnny Cisneros, 2010 June Rev #2
Hebrew 5 – Noun Functions
Hebrew 5 – Noun Functions Content Issues pertaining to missing or erroneous information.
Johnny Cisneros, 2010 June Rev #2
logosref:Bible.Jn1.1 logosref – hyperlink protocol for a datatype Bible – the generic Bible datatype You can specify the versemap to be used e.g. logosref:BibleBHS.Jonah2.5 will open Jonah 2:4 in most English Bibles External apps and web pages will open your preferred bible in Logos https://ref.ly/logosref/Bible.Jn1.1 ref.ly – URL shortener for references logosref – hyperlink protocol for a datatype Bible – the generic Bible datatype External apps and web pages will open your preferred bible in Logos via the Web App.
Dave Hooton, 2022 November Rev #60
Installation and Indexing FAQ’s
Installation and Indexing FAQ’s for Logos 4 and Logos 5 Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, General, Logos 5 Logos4 for Win, Logos4 for Mac Page Contents Installation What about System Requirements and Disk Space?
Dave Hooton, 2017 August Rev #61
Installation and Indexing Questions
Note that all your Datasets (c. 5 GB) + all your Documents will be in both installations.
Dave Hooton, 2023 September Rev #33
Keyboard Shortcuts For Mac
., last article) Ctrl-Tab Go to next tab in same panel Ctrl-Shift-Tab Go to previous tab in same panel Esc Dismiss / Exit Drawing mode Option-Command-B Opens Copy Bible Verses in a floating window Option-Command-C Copy location as [URL] [HTML] [Wiki] [RL] Option-Command-F Float This Panel Option-Shift-Command-F Dock This Panel Option-Command-L Focus Command bar Option-Command-R Reading View (Logos 6) Option-Command-W Close all panels Shift-Command-C Show Table of Contents Shift-Command-E Replace with Passage – Service for applications forum thread Shift-Command-F Reading view (Logos 4,5) Shift-Command-F Inline Search (Logos 6) Shift-Command-H Show Home Shift-Command-J Open Copy Bible Verses – Service for applications Shift-Command-K Erase Highlighting Shift-Command-L Show Locator Bar Shift-Command-N Copy this panel to a new tab Shift-Command-P Toggle Columns View on/off Shift-Command-R Toggle interlinear ribbon on/off Shift-Command-S Open Search
Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :), 2023 January Rev #3
Kostenlose Werke
.: Die sieben Sendschreiben Blumhardt: Bergpredigt, Mt 5-7 Brockhaus, Rudolf: Die Braut, das Weib des Lammes (Offb 21,9-10) Calvin, Jean: AT: Psalmenkommentar; Josua und Jesaja NT: Johannesevangelium; Apostelgeschichte; 1.
ilian, August 23 Rev #526
Requires Show Community Tags  Rating a user star rating (integer 1 to 5), or community rating (dark grey stars) if no user rating.
Dave Hooton, July 24 Rev #241
Library Builder
Library Builder: Volumes 1-3 Library Builder: Volume 1 Library Builder: Volume 2 Library Builder: Volume 3 Library Builder: Volumes 4-6 Library Builder: Volume 4 Library Builder: Volume 5 Library Builder: Volume 6 Follow Up Blog Posts Library Builder Volumes 1-3 Christmas Specials!
Mark Barnes, 2015 December Rev #2
Loading Logos 3 Sentence Diagrams into Logos 4
If you have your own Sentence Diagrams that you built in Libronix then you can skip down to step #5.  
Dave Hooton, 2023 September Rev #17
Logos 10.0 RC-5
Logos 10.0 RC-5 Version: Released: October 10, 2022 Bug Fixes Installation Fixed a crash on startup for loading SQLite Assembly.
Savanna Lineberger, 2023 January Rev #4
Logos 10.0 SR-2
Logos 10.0 SR-2 Version: Released: October 26, 2022 Bug Fixes Favorites Resolved a bug that caused the Favorites panel to load exceptionally slow.
Savanna Lineberger, 2023 January Rev #2
Logos 10.1 Beta 2
Logos 10.1 Beta 2 Version: Release Date: October 26, 2022 New Features Favorites Added tooltips that show the hierarchy of a Favorites location.
Savanna Lineberger, 2023 January Rev #2
Logos 23.2
CTRL+ALT+(1-5) – used to insert a heading.
Savanna Lineberger, 2023 February Rev #1
Logos 25.0 RC 1
Logos 25.0 RC 1 RC 1 Version: 25.0.26 Release Date: May 4, 2023 Bug Fixes Passage Guide Resolved a crash that occurred when running a guide for a Bible reference containing a verse map title.
Savanna Lineberger, 2023 May Rev #4
Logos 26.0
Logos 26.0 Version: 26.0.21 Released: June 20, 2023 New Features Application Updated Logos icon Updated splash screen images for Logos.
Savanna Lineberger, 2023 June Rev #1
Logos 26.0 Beta 1
Logos 26.0 Beta 1 Version: 26.0.05 Release Date: May 17, 2023 New Features Application Updated Logos icon Updated splash screen images for Logos.
Savanna Lineberger, 2023 May Rev #3
LOGOS 5 CRASHING If you have this problem, try removing NRSV bible from the list of Preferred Bibles on the homepage altogether, if you have NRSV Bible selected.
Wilson Mar, 2013 February Rev #4

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