Rank | Title | Last Edit
Logos 5.0b SR-4
Logos 5.0b SR-4 Logos 5.0b SR-4 includes all the features of Logos 5.0b, Logos 5.0b SR-1, Logos 5.0b SR-2 and Logos 5.0b SR-3 with the following additions: Bug Fixes My Library Fixed bug which caused a sync error triggered by tagging some resources.
Kelly Flones, 2013 May Rev #2
Logos 5.1 Beta 7
Logos 5.1 Beta 7 Logos 5.1 Beta 7 ( was released on May 15, 2013.
Kelly Flones, 2013 May Rev #2
Logos 5.1 Beta 5
Logos 5.1 Beta 5 Logos 5.1 Beta 5 ( was released on April 29, 2013.
Brisa Davis, 2013 May Rev #4
Logos 4.6c Beta 5
Fixed bug which prevented 1.4x and 2.0x audio playback speeds on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Kelly Flones, 2013 May Rev #5
Logos 5.1 Beta 6
Logos 5.1 Beta 6 Logos 5.1 Beta 6 ( was released on May 1, 2013.
Brisa Davis, 2013 May Rev #1
Logos 4.6b SR-3
Logos 4.6b SR-3 4.6b SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 4.6b, Logos 4.6b SR-1 and Logos 4.6b SR-2 with the following additions: Bug Fixes History Improved loading of History panel.
Brisa Davis, 2013 April Rev #1
Logos 5.1 Beta 4
Logos 5.1 Beta 4 Logos 5.1 Beta 4 ( was released on April 9, 2013.
Brisa Davis, 2013 April Rev #2
Logos 5.1 Beta 3
Logos 5.1 Beta 3 Logos 5.1 Beta 3 ( was released on March 27, 2013.
Brisa Davis, 2013 April Rev #2
Logos 5.0b SR-2
Logos 5.0b SR-2 Logos 5.0b SR-2 includes all the features of Logos 5.0b and Logos 5.0b SR-1 with the following additions: Bug Fixes My Library Fixed crash when sorting by Title descending.
Brisa Davis, 2013 March Rev #1
Logos 4.6b SR-2
Logos 4.6b SR-2 4.6b SR-2 includes all the features of Logos 4.6b and Logos 4.6b SR-1 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Setup Upgraded LogosSymbolUnicode font.
Brisa Davis, 2013 March Rev #1
Logos 5.1 Beta 2
Logos 5.1 Beta 2 Logos 5.1 Beta 2 ( was released on March 13, 2013.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2013 March Rev #2
Logos 5.1 Beta 1
Logos 5.1 Beta 1 Logos 5.1 Beta 1 ( was released on February 27, 2013.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 February Rev #5
Logos 4.6c Beta 1
Logos 4.6c Beta 1 Logos 4.6c Beta 1 (Mac and Windows was released on February 27, 2013.
Brisa Davis, 2013 February Rev #1
Feature Wishlist
Linking hierarchy – ie, linkset A items could be set to level 1, 2 or 3.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #111
Cannot connect to Logos servers
Here are some solutions: 1) First, the most common solutions offered by Logos Support http://www.logos.com/L4/support/unabletoconnect 2) Expired security certificates If you’ve checked all of the Logos suggestions, and that didn’t help, another more obscure possible cause is that you’ve got expired security certificates that are causing your machine to view the Logos server as non-trustworthy.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #8
Logos 4 COM API
Languages are specified using ISO 639-1 codes.
Dave Hooton, 2013 February Rev #35
Logos 5.0b SR-1
Logos 5.0b SR-1 Logos 5.0b SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 5.0b with the following additions: Bug Fixes Clippings Fixed bug which caused undeleted clippings to disappear on Clippings document close and reopen.
Brisa Davis, 2013 February Rev #2
Logos 4.6b SR-1
Logos 4.6b SR-1 4.6b SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 4.6b with the following additions: Bug Fixes Favorites Fixed crash when dragging History item from History panel to Favorites panel.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 February Rev #1
Logos 5.0b RC 1
Logos 5.0b RC 1 Bug Fixes Bible Facts Fixed bug which prevented some URL links from working.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2013 January Rev #2
Logos 4.0 Portfolio
Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible Encyclopedia of Christianity (vols. 1–4) Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names Figures of Speech Used in the Bible, by E.
john nerdue, 2013 January Rev #1
New Page (Logos 4.0 Portfolio)
Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible Encyclopedia of Christianity (vols. 1–4) Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names Figures of Speech Used in the Bible, by E.
john nerdue, 2013 January Rev #2
Logos 4.6b RC 1
Logos 4.6b RC 1 Logos 4.6b RC 1 (Mac and Windows was released on January 23, 2013.
Brisa Davis, 2013 January Rev #2
Logos 4.6b Beta 2
Note: to update from Beta 1 to Beta 2, users will need to manually download and run the setup file.
Brisa Davis, 2013 January Rev #3
Logos 5.0a SR-4
Logos 5.0a SR-4 Logos 5.0a SR-4 includes all the features of Logos 5.0a, SR-1, SR-2, and SR-3 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Context Menu Fixed bug which prevented the first word of every verse in BHS SESB 2.0 from providing the correct information in the context menu.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 January Rev #2
Logos 4.6a SR-6
Logos 4.6a SR-6 4.6a SR-6 includes all the features of Logos 4.6a, SR-1, SR-2, SR-3, SR-4 and SR-5 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Home Page Fixed bug which could cause crash when loading Home Page.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 January Rev #3
Logos 5.0b Beta 1
Logos 5.0b Beta 1 Logos 5.0b Beta 1 ( was released on December 12, 2012.
Tonya J Ross, 2013 January Rev #6
Logos 5.0a SR-3
Logos 5.0a SR-3 Logos 5.0a SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 5.0a, SR-1, and SR-2.
Brisa Davis, 2012 December Rev #2
Logos 4.6a SR-5
Logos 4.6a SR-5 4.6a SR-5 includes all the features of Logos 4.6a, SR-1, SR-2, SR-3, and SR-4 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Indexing Disabled indexing for LLS:29.71.5001 to prevent indexing crashes.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 December Rev #1
Logos 4.6b Beta 1
Logos 4.6b Beta 1 Logos 4.6b Beta 1 (Mac and Windows was released on December 12, 2012.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 December Rev #3
Logos 5.0a SR-2
Logos 5.0a SR-2 Logos 5.0a SR-2 includes all the features of Logos 5.0a and SR-1.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 December Rev #1
Logos 5.0a SR-1
Logos 5.0a SR-1 Logos 5.0a SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 5.0a.
Brisa Davis, 2012 November Rev #1
Logos 4.6a SR-4
Logos 4.6a SR-4 4.6a SR-4 includes all the features of Logos 4.6a, SR-1, SR-2, and SR-3 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Synchronization Fixed error in synchronization when saved custom guide was synced before guide template.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 November Rev #1
Logos 4.6a SR-3
Logos 4.6a SR-3 4.6a SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 4.6a, SR-1, and SR-2 with the following additions: New Features Data Types Implemented support for new data types Papaldocs (Papal Documents) and RC (Roman Catechism).
Anthony Grubb, 2012 November Rev #2
Logos 5.0a RC 1
Logos 5.0a RC 1 New Features Help Added article information to the URL location.
Brisa Davis, 2012 November Rev #1
Logos 5.0a Beta 2
Logos 5.0a Beta 2 Logos 5.0a Beta 2 ( was released on November 14, 2012.
Brisa Davis, 2012 November Rev #3
Logos 5.0a Beta 1
Logos 5.0a Beta 1 Logos 5.0a Beta 1 ( was released on November 8, 2012.
Brisa Davis, 2012 November Rev #5
Logos 5.0 SR-4
Logos 5.0 SR-4 Logos 5.0 SR-4 includes all the features of Logos 5.0, SR-1, SR-2 and SR-3.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 November Rev #3
Logos 5.0 SR-3
Logos 5.0 SR-3 Logos 5.0 SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 5.0, 5.0 SR-1 and 5.0 SR-2.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 November Rev #4
Logos 5.0 SR-1
Logos 5.0 SR-1 Logos 5.0 SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 5.0.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 November Rev #2
Logos 5.0 SR-2
Logos 5.0 SR-2 Logos 5.0 SR-2 includes all the features of Logos 5.0 and 5.0 SR-1 New Features Bible Facts Added Lemmas section to Biblical People and Biblical Places Added Referred To As section to Biblical Places and Biblical Things Bug Fixes Bible Facts Fixed bug which caused crash when clicking on a map in a resource when that map was already open in the Biblical Facts panel.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 November Rev #2
Logos 4.6a SR-2
Logos 4.6a SR-2 4.6a SR-2 includes all the features of Logos 4.6a and SR-1 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Layouts Implemented improvements to layout syncing.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 October Rev #1
Logos 4.6a SR-1
Logos 4.6a SR-1 4.6a SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 4.6a with the following additions: Bug Fixes for Mac Startup Fixed crash on startup for 10.6 users.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 October Rev #1
Logos 4.6a
Example: Sermon File Type Sermon Passages Gen 1:1; John 3:16 Topics Creation; Love Tags Examples; Testing Date October 23, 2000 Speakers John; Mary Venues Bellingham; Washington Synchronization Implemented sync v2 for Bookmarks, Highlighting, Passage Lists, Self Tests, Visual Filters, and Word Find Puzzle.
Brisa Davis, 2012 October Rev #5
Logos 4.6a RC 1
Logos 4.6a RC 1 New Features Personal Books Added new field types for Sermons and Illustrations.
Brisa Davis, 2012 October Rev #4
Logos 4.6a Beta 4
See also the Release Notes for Beta 1, Beta 2 and Beta 3.
Brisa Davis, 2012 October Rev #4
Logos 4.6a Beta 3
See also the Release Notes for Beta 1 and Beta 2.
Brisa Davis, 2012 October Rev #1
Logos 4.6a Beta 1
Logos 4.6a Beta 1 Logos 4.6a Beta 1 (Mac and Windows was released on September 19, 2012.
Ann Boyles, 2012 September Rev #4
Logos 4.6a Beta 2
See also the Release Notes for Beta 1.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 September Rev #6
Logos 4.6 SR-2
Logos 4.6 SR-2 4.6 SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 4.6 and SR-1 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Reading Plans Fixed bug which caused a crash when creating a templated reading plan from the passage range drop down menu.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 September Rev #1
Logos 4.3 Beta 3
Users who experienced this problem with Beta 1 and/or Beta 2 will need to install Beta 3 manually from this link: http://downloads.logos.com/LBS4/LBS4MacInstallerBeta/Logos4Mac.dmg.
NB.Mick, 2012 September Rev #6
Logos 4.6 SR-1
Logos 4.6 SR-1 4.6 SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 4.6 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Reading Plans Fixed crash caused by attempting to create a reading plan with no resources installed.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 September Rev #2
Logos 4.6 RC 1
Logos 4.6 RC 1 Bug Fixes Resource Panel Fixed bug which caused verse numbers to overlap Bible text in certain Bibles when viewing ‘Bible text only’.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 August Rev #1
Logos 4.5c SR-4
Logos 4.5c SR-4 4.5c SR-4 includes all the features of Logos 4.5c, SR-1, SR-2 , and SR-3 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Start Up Fixed bug which caused crash when entering a serial number while installing program from a disk.
Brisa Davis, 2012 August Rev #2
Logos 4.6 Beta 1
Logos 4.6 Beta 1 Logos 4.6 Beta 1 (Mac and Windows was released on July 17, 2012.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 July Rev #6
Logos 4.5c SR-3
Logos 4.5c SR-3 4.5c SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 4.5c, SR-1, and SR-2 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Synchronization Fixed bug which caused hang if user attempted to sync an edited item to which the user no longer had access.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 July Rev #2
Logos 4.5c SR-2
Logos 4.5c SR-2 4.5c SR-2 includes all the features of Logos 4.5c and Logos 4.5c SR-1 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Highlighting Fixed bug which caused Logos to crash when importing or migrating highlighting from 4.3 or earlier.
Bryan Albert, 2012 July Rev #4
Logos 4.5c SR-1
Logos 4.5c SR-1 4.5c SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 4.5c with the following additions: Bug Fixes Fixed crash on Spanish systems when opening a resource (see this thread).
Ann Boyles, 2012 July Rev #5
Logos 4.5c RC 1
Logos 4.5c RC 1 Bug Fixes LLS Resources Fixed bug which caused icons to overlap with footnotes in certain resources.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 June Rev #2
Wiki Macros
staticmap | size=400x200 | zoom=17 | type=hybrid | marker=label:1|1313 Commercial St, Bellingham, WA | marker=label:2|1331 Commercial St, Bellingham, WA | marker=label:3|1313 Bay St, Bellingham, WA }}} size=400x200 zoom=17 type=hybrid marker=label:1|1313 Commercial St, Bellingham, WA marker=label:2|1331 Commercial St, Bellingham, WA marker=label:3|1313 Bay St, Bellingham, WA Read about the Google Static Maps API for more information, especially about the full marker syntax.
Ryan Riley, 2012 June Rev #1
Wiki Help
Heading 1 The first paragraph features *bold,* _underline_ and /italic/ text.
Ryan Riley, 2012 June Rev #5
Logos 4.5b SR-3
Logos 4.5b SR-3 4.5b SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 4.5b and Logos 4.5b SR-1 and Logos 4.5b SR-2 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Notes Fixed bug that caused Notes panel menu undo/redo to not affect content.
Ann Boyles, 2012 May Rev #2
Logos 4.5c Beta 1
Logos 4.5c Beta 1 Logos 4.5c Beta 1 (Mac and Windows v4.53.0.2050) was released on May 17, 2012.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 May Rev #2
Logos 4.5b SR-2
Logos 4.5b SR-2 4.5b SR-2 includes all the features of Logos 4.5b and Logos 4.5b SR-1 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Media Resources Fixed bug that prevented View options drop down menu from displaying in ‘Stereoscopic Images of the Middle East’.
Ann Boyles, 2012 May Rev #4
Logos 4.5b SR-1
Logos 4.5b SR-1 4.5b SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 4.5b with the following additions: Bug Fixes Media resources Fixed crash caused by using TOC to navigate through Faithlife Videos.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 May Rev #3
Logos 4.5b RC 1
Logos 4.5b RC 1 Bug Fixes Library Panel Fixed bug which caused citation to be omitted when ‘Info’ pane was turned off and on.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 April Rev #4
Logos 4.5a SR-1
Logos 4.5a SR-1 4.5a SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 4.5a with the following additions: Bug Fixes Help Fixed bug that prevented search box in panel from producing results.
Mark Flory, 2012 March Rev #2
Logos 4.5b Beta 1
Logos 4.5b Beta 1 Logos 4.5b Beta 1 (Mac and Windows v4.52.0.1761) was released on February 29, 2012.
Mark Barnes, 2012 March Rev #6
Logos 4.5a RC 1
Logos 4.5a RC 1 New Features Added support for an updated versification scheme for the LEB.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 February Rev #5
Logos 4.5 SR-5
Logos 4.5 SR-5 4.5 SR-5 includes all the features of Logos 4.5, 4.5 SR-1, 4.5 SR-2, 4.5 SR-3, and 4.5 SR-4 with the following additions: Bug Fixes Resource Panel Fixed bug that prevented text selection in areas directly adjacent to on-page footnotes in paged view.
Mark Flory, 2012 February Rev #1
Logos 4.5 SR-4
Logos 4.5 SR-4 4.5 SR-4 includes all the features of Logos 4.5, 4.5 SR-1, 4.5 SR-2, and 4.5 SR-3 with the following additions.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 February Rev #1
Logos 4.5 SR-3
Logos 4.5 SR-3 4.5 SR-3 includes all the features of Logos 4.5, 4.5 SR-1, and 4.5 SR-2 with the following additions.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 February Rev #2
Logos 4.5 SR-2
Logos 4.5 SR-2 4.5 SR-2 includes all the features of Logos 4.5 and 4.5 SR-1, with the following additions.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 January Rev #4
Logos 4.5
Resource Panel Inline Footnotes are available in resources that include footnotes when the resource is in Paged view (Columns 1-5, Auto).
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 January Rev #5
Logos 4.5 SR-1
Logos 4.5 SR-1 4.5 SR-1 includes all the features of Logos 4.5, with the following bug fixes.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2012 January Rev #3
Logos 4.5a Beta 1
Logos 4.5a Beta 1 Logos 4.5a Beta 1 (Mac and Windows v4.51.0.1895) was released on January 25, 2012.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 January Rev #2
Logos 4.5 RC 1
Logos 4.5 RC 1 New Features Notes Implemented new command to change the text size of old notes which used the default size set in Program Settings and have not been edited for size since the option was removed: Set Old Default Notes Text Size to x where x is the desired font size or ‘default’ to set notes to current default size.
Tonya J Ross, 2012 January Rev #1
Resouce: TLNT (Theological Lexicon of the NT)
In fact, it is here that Spicq himself believed he made his most useful contribution (1.viii).
NB.Mick, 2011 December Rev #6
Crashing Verb search.
Crashing I have found Logos to be a very helpful tool, however 1 out of 3 times I use logos it crashes.
Ben Harvey, 2011 November Rev #1
Logos 4.5 Beta 1
Logos 4.5 Beta 1 Logos 4.5 Beta 1 (Mac v4.50.0.1142 and Windows v4.50.0.1142) was released on October 12, 2011.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 October Rev #11
Resource: UBS Old Testament Handbook Series
Wiki: TOC, VTOC, Home Forum: Home, Gen, L4, Mac4 Resource: UBS Old Testament Handbook Series Key Features What’s important in each passage for translation along with many cross cultural insights (and textual criticism) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample pages from this book Preface – click for full size image Translating the Psalms 2 sections out of 10 – click for full size image Psalms 1:1-2 Commentary – click for full size image Logos Resource Page The United Bible Societies’ Old Testament Handbook Series (29 vols.)
Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :), 2011 September Rev #3
Resource: UBS New Testament Handbook Series
Observation: New Testament has complete coverage, but Old Testament lacks Numbers, Judges, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hosea, Joel, Suggestion to add UBS new volumes: 1 & 2 Kings, Ezra, Nehemiah Enter next name followed by a comments-line above here Thanks!
Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :), 2011 September Rev #4
Logos 4.3 SR-2
(See threads 1, 2, 3.)
Tonya J Ross, 2011 August Rev #2
Logos 4.3 SR-1
Logos 4.3 SR-1 New Features Library Library Catalog can be filtered by “Edition” (eBook, Logos, User Created).
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2011 August Rev #2
Logos 4.3
Fixed bug that caused ‘x’ not to be highlighted in search results for queries such as ‘x BEFORE 1 WORDS y BEFORE 2 WORDS z’.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 August Rev #2
Logos 4.3 RC 1
Logos 4.3 RC 1 Bug Fixes Context menu Fixed bug that caused a hang when using the right-click menu to run a search.
Tonya J Ross, 2011 August Rev #3
Bug: Logos 4 crashes while trying to update
Bug: Logos 4 crashes while trying to update Software version: 4.0a SR-3 (
Charls, 2011 July Rev #3
Blurry Text Display on Mac
Solution To fix/force Logos 4 Mac to use 100 % zoom (best setting): Quit Logos 4 Mac application Open Terminal (inside Utility folder in Applications) Enter defaults write com.logos.Logos_Bible_Software_4 AppleDisplayScaleFactor 1.0 Note: Use defaults read command to display the current setting, which should be 1.0 for 100 % zoom Enter defaults read com.logos.Logos_Bible_Software_4 AppleDisplayScaleFactor Launch Logos 4 Mac Optional – Quit Terminal Logos 4 Mac AppleScript Application can show, then change Program Display Scaling to default 100 % or custom % (includes note: Logos recommends 100 % for readability) Mac OS X has several accessibility options, including screen magnification zoom + / - with option-command keyboard shortcuts Setting Mac OS X screen resolution smaller effectively magnifies everything (amount of fuzziness for using smaller resolution depends on monitor)
Tonya J Ross, 2011 June Rev #1
Bug: Crash when creating or editing prayer list
Bug: Crash when creating or editing prayer list UPDATE 2011-06-17 Adding logfile to bug report 1.
Rich Thirsk, 2011 June Rev #5
Bug: Snapshots not saving when opening the Layouts Menu
Software version: 4.2b SR-1 (
Melissa Snyder, 2011 June Rev #2
Logos 4.2b SR-1
Logos 4.2b SR-1 Bug Fixes Bible Search Fixed crash when searching ‘Entire Bible’ or a custom reference range including the Old Testament
Tonya J Ross, 2011 May Rev #1
Bug: Various issues with downloading of Galaxie files
Bug: Various issues with downloading of Galaxie files Fundamental conflict appears between resources from user’s L3 direct from Galaxie and those available to L4:- 1. gs_bsac_, gs_caj_, gs_dbsj_ files are downloaded but Indexer concludes that “All indexable resources are indexed” and terminates normally until the next time L4 is started or other resources are updated. 2.
Bradley Grainger (Logos), 2011 April Rev #16
iphoneBug: Anglican Tradition – Reference stuck
The Anglican Tradition : A Handbook of Sources, after page 155 of the downloaded iPhone file, instead of showing the page number in the reference (swipe), it shows “39articles 1”.
Arnold McKinlay, 2011 April Rev #1
Logos 4.3 Beta 1
Logos 4.3 Beta 1 New Features Resource Justification and Hyphenation Full justification of resource text, with hypenation, can be enabled/disabled in Program Settings.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #3
Resource: Apparatus for the Greek NT SBL Edition
As for the one specific example you mention, 1 Thess 2:7, take a look at the NIV Application Commentary on 1-2 Thessalonians, p. 64 note 14, for the reasons why I preferred ?
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Targum Lexicon
George Somsel (forum: partial-comment) http://community.logos.com/forums/p/70/1162.aspx There are a limited number of lexica which are worth having: 1.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #2
Resource: Commentary on the NT from the Talmud Hebraica
Covers Mat-Acts, plus selected chapters in 1 Corinthians Doesn’t directly link to source materials Includes discussion of locations in Palestine, relative to the Mishnah/Talmud (see example below) About page from Logos4 for this book Sample page from this book Verse-based Commentary Example: Palestine-Locations Example: Logos Resource Page http://www.logos.com/product/5912/a-commentary-on-the-new-testament-from-the-talmud-and-hebraica Forum Threads That Include Significant Discussion on this Resource http://community.logos.com/forums/p/9479/75325.aspx#75325 (this one had no reply, but only one found; remainder are light references) Wiki & Key Forum Comments Denise Barnhart First, remember that the Mishnah was compiled well after the NT, and the Talmuds even later.
DMB, 2011 March Rev #4
Indexer stops working – deleting LibraryIndex files doesn’t help
Software version: 4.2 SR-1 (
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #3
Bug: Short Description
Software version:4.2 SR-1 (4.204.8289 Reported by William Messenger Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/ Status: confirmed Steps to reproduce 1.Start Windows 2.Logos4Indexer icon appears in taskbar 3 notification area with message “Logos 4 Bible software is indexing (26 minutes remaining) 3.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #3
Bug: Logos 4 Perpetually indexing when Windows 7 starts
-14 10:11:32.0125 1 Info Program Starting application (4.2 SR-2, version 2011-01-14 10:11:32.0593 1 Info Program Using language en-US 2011-01-14 10:11:32.1997 1 Info UserManager Opening UserManager in C:\Users\Brad\AppData\Local\Logos4\Users. 2011-01-14 10:11:32.2309 1 Info LocalFileDatabase Found existing database at C:\Users\Brad\AppData\Local\Logos4\Users\UserManager.db 2011-01-14 10:11:32.4493 1 Info Program Setting status to Initializing 2011-01-14 10:11:32.4493 1 Info Program Processing existing commands. 2011-01-14 10:11:32.4493 1 Info Program Setting status to PreparingLibrary 2011-01-14 10:11:32.4493 1 Info Program Creating digital library services. 2011-01-14 10:11:32.4649 1 Info DigitalLibraryServices Initializing DigitalLibraryServices.
Melissa Snyder, 2011 March Rev #2

Logos Bible Software Wiki

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