Logos 7 Commands

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Commands that can be issued from the Command Box are listed here.
The format is very flexible, and you will see a number of suggestions if there is any ambiguity.
For example, Jn 3:16 will suggest three (3) different commands, as opposed to Search for Jn 3:16.
Note that Search Jn 3:16 is a shorter alternative.

Use Alt+D (PC) or Option+Command+L (Mac) for quick access to the Command Box.


  1. Copy {Bible Reference}
  2. Copy {Bible Reference} from {Bible Version}

See Copy Bible Verses Wiki Page


  1. Create {Document Type}
    • Create Bibliography
    • Create Clippings
    • Create Handou*
    • Create Passage List
    • Create Prayer List
    • Create Reading Plan
    • Create Sentence Diagram
    • Create Syntax Search
    • Create Visual Filter
    • Create Word Find Puzzle
    • Create Word List
  2. Create {Template Type}
    • Create Bible Word Study Template
    • Create Exegetical Guide Template
    • Create Passage Guide Template
    • Create Sermon Starter Guide Template
    • Create Topic Guide Template

Optionally can specify name: Create {Document/Template Type} named {Document Name}

Delete Unlicensed

  1. Delete Unlicensed Resources - deletes locked/invalid resource files to free up disk space e.g. after leaving Logos Now
    See Delete Unlicensed Resources for details.

Facilitate Serendipitous Discovery

Opens a random resource to a random location. Optionally can specify a collection.

  1. FSD
  2. FSD in {Collection}

Font/Scaling Commands

  1. Set (Content Scaling | Text Size) to {80%|90%|100%|110%|120%|140%|160%|200%|240%} – affects text size in all panels
    e.g. Set Text Size to 120
  2. Set Default Notes Font to {Font Name} – e.g. Set Default Notes Font to Garamond
  3. Set Default Resource Font to {Font Name}
  4. Set Greek Font to {Font Name}
  5. Set Greek Transliteration Format to {Transliteration Name}
  6. Set Hebrew Font to {Font Name}
  7. Set Hebrew Transliteration Format to {Transliteration Name}
  8. Set Syriac Font to {Font Name}
  9. Set Syriac Transliteration Format to {Transliteration Name}
  10. Set Program Scaling to {80%|90%|100%|110%|120%|140%|160%|200%} – affects everything in the Logos window.

Index Commands

  1. Rebuild Index – deletes and rebuilds all your resource indexes.
  2. Rebuild Library Index - deletes and rebuilds only the library index.
  3. Rebuild Bible Index - deletes and rebuilds only the Bible index.
  4. Rebuild Personal Book Index - deletes and rebuilds only the Personal Book index.
  5. Reindex {Abbreviated Title | Resource Id} - re-indexes a single resource e.g. reindex ESV; reindex LLS:1.0.710

Layout Commands

  1. Close All - closes all panels and returns you to a blank desktop
    the Close All Panels button near the Layouts menu does the same as Close All.
    the Close Active Layout item in the Layouts menu removes the layout name from the Title bar but doesn’t close any panels.
  2. Load {Layout Name}
    Open {Layout Name}
  3. Update Active Layout - creates a copy of your named current layout (Ctrl+Alt+L on Windows; Ctrl+Opt+Cmd+L on OS X)


Opens a preferred resource to a reference or headword e.g. Louw-Nida number, bible reference, English headword (topic).
Lookup can also be used for Greek/Hebrew headwords (lemmas).

  1. Go to {Reference} – e.g. Go to G12 for Strong’s Greek #12
  2. Lookup {Reference | Headword} – e.g. Lookup G12, Lookup Aaron’s rod

NB. Lookup can be omitted for many references e.g. Bible, Strong’s number.

Notes Commands

  1. Add Note {Bible Reference} in {Note file/document}
  2. Create Notes Named {Note file/document}
  3. Open {Note file/document} – see Open command below.
  4. Set Default Notes Font to {Font Name} – e.g. Set Default Notes Font to Garamond
  5. Set Old Default Notes Text Size to {8 – 24 | Default} - changes the text size of old notes which used
    the default size set in Program Settings and have not been edited for size since the option was removed.
    See Content Scaling Command above.
  6. Set Prefer Notes Tool to {Yes| No} – Notes are saved to the new Notes tool, or to current Note documents.
  7. Update Note Attachments – will improve response for (old) notes.


  1. Open {Resource Name}
  2. Open {Resource Name | Series} to {Reference | Headword} – similar to the Lookup command.
  3. Open {Resource ID | Filename} to {Reference | Headword} – opens a resource using its Resource ID or filename (without extension)
    e.g. open LLS:1.0.71 or open NASB95 will open the NASB95 bible.
  4. Open {Document Name}
  5. Open {Document Type} Named {Document Name} – see the Create command for Document Types.
  6. Open {Guide Name} to {Reference | Word | Topic} - e.g. Open Topic Guide to salvation, Open BWS to ἀγάπη
  7. Open {Author} – e.g. Open David Jeremiah will provide a list of resources by that author.
  8. Open Factbook to {Person | Place | Thing | Event | Topic | ...} – e.g. Open Factbook to Jesus

NB. Open can be omitted in many cases.

Read Aloud

  1. Start Reading Aloud - starts reading the active panel.
  2. Stop Reading Aloud - stops reading.


This command will search all directories/folders under the given path and prepare licensed resources for use in Logos.

  1. Scan {Resource Path} - finds resources in the path or on a disk.
  2. Scan DVD - finds resources on a media disk in the drive (PC)
  3. Scan Optical Media - finds resources on a media disk in the drive (Mac)

Although a restart isn’t necessary, you may be requested to restart Logos for resources that are being used (or open).

  1. Set Use New Search Engine to {Yes|No} – ‘Yes’ is the default
    See New Search Engine for details.
  2. {Search Term}
  3. Search [for] {Search Term}
  4. Bible Search [for] {Search Term}
  5. Clause Search [for] {Search Term}
  6. Media Search [for] {Search Term}
  7. Morph Search [for] {Search Term}
  8. Syntax Search


  1. Set Accessibility to {Yes| No} – enables or disables UI Automation, used by screen readers to read user interface controls
  2. Set Automatically Download Updates to {Yes|No}
  3. Set Check Spelling While Typing to {Yes| No}
  4. Set Citation Style to {Citation Style}
  5. Set Copy Citations to {Yes|No}
  6. Set Copy Footnotes to {Yes| No}
  7. Set Language to {English | Spanish | Dutch | ...} – changes the user interface language but see UILang below
  8. Set Play Sounds to {Yes|No}
  9. Set Send Feedback to {All|Anonymous|None}
  10. Set Show Alerts to {Yes|No}
  11. set Show Unavailable Features to {Yes|No} – features in Documents and Tools for which you don’t have a licence
  12. Set Update Channel to {default|stable|beta} – see Explanation
  13. Set Use Gestures to {Yes| No}
  14. Set Use Internet to {Yes|No}
  15. Set Use Ngen to {Yes| No} – for performance optimization in Windows.
    ‘No’ will undo optimization.
    Requires a restart.
  16. Set Use Red Letter to {Yes|No}
  17. Set Verbum to {Yes| No} – for Verbum configuration in Logos that may be removed in future. Requires a restart. Faithlife recommends Verbum application instead of using this command


(Tools commands)

  1. Show {Tool Name} – opens tools on the Tools menu e.g. Show Concordance, Show Bible Browser
  2. Passage Analysis tool:
    1. Show Passage Analysis
    2. Show Compare Pericopes for {Bible Reference}
    3. Show Word Tree for {Bible Reference}
    4. Show Morph River for {Bible Reference}
    5. Show Cluster Graph for {Bible Reference}
    6. Show Version River for {Bible Reference}
  3. Show Home
  4. Show Library

Sync Commands

  1. Sync Now – forces an immediate sync and can be used to sync manually if automatic sync is disabled.
    This command synchronizes user items such as notes, layouts, etc.
  2. Sync Repair – forces Logos to re-check that it has sync’d everything when you know something is missing!

Update Software/Resources

  1. Update Now – checks what software/resources have been updated on the server since your last update. Also used to restart Cancelled updates.
  2. Update Resources – performs an intensive check against your licenses, the resources on your computer and resources on the server to ensure that you have everything.

User Interface Language

  1. UILang {lang} – changes the User Interface language

You can substitute the following language abbreviations:
af = Afrikaans, pt = Portuguese, nl = Dutch, en = English,
fr = French, de = German, it = Italian, es = Spanish, sv = Swedish

This works in any language, so you don’t have to worry about the current language setting. Requires a restart.

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