Finding How a word is translated in different versions

Updated for Logos version 10+

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To show how an original language word is translated in other bibles – primarily your English bibles with a Reverse Interlinear (RI).

Using Information Tool

The Information tool can be used to show translations in other bibles e.g. from a word in one RI to its translation in your other RI’s (below).

  1. Open a Bible which has Reverse Interlinear e.g. ESV, NKJV, NABRE.
  2. Locate a word which you want to see in different translations and right-click to get the Context menu.
  3. On one side of the menu locate your Lemma and click on it.
  4. On the other side of the menu, click on the Search option that shows your lemma.
    Logos will open a Search panel, where you will need to make some adjustments

  5. Click on the Resources drop down and locate a collection of English Bibles or similar
    (see Creating an English Bibles collection below).
  6. Click on the Range drop down and click in the Reference Range box.
    Type the scripture reference that you started with e.g. Dan 11:6 and run the search.
  7. Now click on the display method Aligned and click on the arrows > to open the bibles.

Creating an English Bibles collection

The example below will show you how to build a collection of English Bibles. But if you have used Tagging to indicate Reverse Interlinear bibles you could use that as a collection rule e.g. mytag:RI

  1. Create a Collection
  2. In the Name box type: English Bibles
  3. In the Rule box type: type:bible lang:english
    and you will see how many books are in your collection
    • a stricter rule is type:bible lang:english -subject:(O.T.-Greek, O.T.-Hebrew) as it will eliminate English versions of Greek Septuagint and Hebrew bibles.

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