Diagnostic Logging

A diagnostic log is a detailed report of what the Logos program is doing and it is used to diagnose problems.
When you are requested to submit logs you need to enable logging, and then try to reproduce the problem.
When finished you can continue logging or disable logging as shown below.
Screenshot can be helpful to show issue(s) in diagnostic logs.

Page Contents


How do I get a diagnostic log?

To enable logging for one session, hold down the CTRL key as you start Logos and then sign in (it will open to a blank layout).

To enable permanent logging, download EnableLogging.js by right-clicking the link, choose “Save Link As...” and save it in a convenient folder.
Double-click the file, or right-click the file and select Open with > Microsoft Windows Based Script Host.
A dialog box should open stating that logging has been enabled.

Then start Logos, and try to reproduce the problem you encountered earlier.

To disable permanent logging, download DisableLogging.js and run it as above.

If you can’t run the Script file...

To enable logging:
Open a regular (not Admin) Command Prompt and enter the following command:

reg add HKCU\Software\Logos4\Logging /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1

To disable logging:
Open a regular Command Prompt and enter the following command:

reg add HKCU\Software\Logos4\Logging /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0

What do I do with the logs?

You will find the log files in %LocalAppData%\Faithlife\Logs\Logos or %LocalAppData%\Faithlife\Logs\Verbum.
Versions earlier than 8.5 stored them in Logos Log Files or Verbum Log Files, in the Documents folder.
Compress (zip) the log files folder before you start Logos again, and then Upload the logs to the Forum .

How to “zip” the Log Files

  • In Windows 11:
    Right-click the folder and choose Compress to ZIP file.
    A new file will be created with a .zip extension. You can rename the file if necessary.
  • In Windows 7/8/10:
    Right-click the folder, choose Send to, then Compressed (zipped) folder.
    A new file will be created with a .zip extension.


Recommend downloading Logos Logging application that can display then change Diagnostic Logging setting plus use Archive Logs to create zip file.

Logos Help Center (LHC) includes How-to-Enable-and-Submit-Log-Files with Mac selection box. Verbum Help Help Center (VHC) includes How-to-Enable-and-Submit-Log-Files with Mac selection box. Clicking Mac selection in support article exposes Logos Logging application link. OS X Troubleshooting has Check Forums for recent issue(s) with forum links for Beta, Stable, and Unsupported releases.

Enable Logging for one session on Mac

To turn on diagnostic logging for one session, launch application, then quickly press and hold command key until Sign In appears, release command key. Click Sign In
Keyboard Shortcuts for Mac includes Sign In tip plus screen shot showing command key.

Report Application Problem on Mac

Tip: Some issues go away after restarting Mac.

Logos Help Center (LHC) includes How-to-Enable-and-Submit-Log-Files with Mac selection box. Verbum Help Help Center (VHC) includes How-to-Enable-and-Submit-Log-Files with Mac selection box. OS X Troubleshooting has Check Forums for recent issue(s) with forum links for Beta, Stable, and Unsupported releases.

Logos Logging application can show then optionally change diagnostic logging for Logos and Verbum, refer to Report a Problem for Mac for details.

  • Indexer diagnostic logging only happens when Logging is Enabled
  • When appropriate, upload screen shot(s) using adding a picture to a post steps. You can press Command-Shift-3 to take a screenshot, then use Preview: File => New from Clipboard, File => Save as (recommend PNG format), use paperclip button in post editor to upload screenshot.

Option: if you do not want to post your logs of a supported Stable releases for public viewing, you can email your zip file to Tech Support, see Contact for email address.

Application User’s Library Application Support folder with Logging
Logos /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Logos4/Logging
Verbum /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Verbum/Logging
Noet /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Noet/Logging

Manually Enable Logging always on Mac

This information no longer applies to recent versions as Logos/Verbum on macOS no longer use defaults to control logging.
Alternative to using Logos Logging application

  1. Quit Logos application
  2. Open Terminal (inside Utility folder in Applications, then copy command in next step, paste into terminal, and press enter to execute command)
  3. defaults write com.logos.Logos LoggingEnabled -bool YES
    Note: use defaults read command to display current setting, value of 1 means Logging is Enabled
    1. defaults read com.logos.Logos LoggingEnabled
  4. Launch Logos application
  5. Optional – Quit Terminal
Application Parameter List (plist)
Logos com.logos.Logos
Verbum com.logos.Verbum
Noet com.logos.Noet

Manually Disable Logging always on Mac

This information no longer applies to recent versions as Logos/Verbum on macOS no longer use defaults to control logging.
Alternative to using Logos Logging application

  1. Quit Logos application
  2. Open Terminal (inside Utility folder in Applications, then copy command in next step, paste into terminal, and press enter to execute command)
  3. defaults write com.logos.Logos LoggingEnabled -bool NO
    Note: use defaults read command to display current setting, if “does not exist” or value of 0, then Logging is Disabled
    1. defaults read com.logos.Logos LoggingEnabled
  4. Launch Logos application
  5. Optional – Quit Terminal

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