Sermon and Illustration Support

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Personal Books

Page Contents


The Personal Book (PB) compiler implements a syntax for Sermons and Illustrations, and you can include slides and handouts. When this syntax is added, the compiler can automatically generate indices at the end of the book by Date, Passage, Speaker, Tags, Topic, and Venue.
The compiler will also automatically generate headwords for the topics, which will be used by the Topics section (for Sermons) and Illustrations section (for Illustrations) of the Passage Guide.


Fields are added via a table format, where the top-left cell contains ‘Sermon File Type’ e.g.

Title of the sermon or illustration ——> as a Heading 1

Sermon File Type Sermon
Passages Gen 1:1; John 3:16
Topics Creation; Love
Tags Examples; Testing
Date October 23, 2000
Speakers John; Mary
Venues Bellingham; Washington

<Sermon or Illustration text>

[repeat above for other sermons (or illustrations) you want to include in the PB]


The ‘Sermon File Type’ is required for the first row, but the other metadata lines can be added as desired in any order.
The field types are:

  • Sermon File Type: ‘Sermon’ or ‘Illustration’ (Note: the compiler will only recognize one type, the type in the first table, per book.)
  • Passages: Standard Bible reference formats. Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.
  • Topics: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.
  • Tags: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.
  • Date: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon. (The compiler will attempt to parse the date.)
  • Speakers: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.
  • Venues: Accepts multiple values separated by a semicolon.

Passages, Topics, Tags, Dates, Speakers, and Venues specified in the metadata above are preserved in the compiled document and restyled. Any other information will not be preserved.
Topics, Tags, Speakers and Venues in the restyled metadata will act as hyperlinks to the index at the end of the book.
Tags are searchable using the ‘My Tag’ search field.
Dates are searchable as well.

Sample Documents

See The Sin of Unbelief
In German language see this sermon

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