Lectionary and Harmony Support

For version 5.1+

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Dynamic text

{{dtext ref=Jn 1:1 }}
The big feature driving the Lectionary and Harmony support is the addition of a {{dtext ...}} syntax. Dynamic text can be used for any of the Personal Book resource types. If you create a Personal Book with the above dtext the verse will display using your preferred Bible.
Personal Books compiled using the Lectionary and Bible Harmony resource types get some special treatment in the resource display. If you change the resource type to “Bible Harmony”, the verse should still default to your preferred Bible, but you now have a dropdown at the top of the resource panel to select any version you prefer.


The syntax for dtext is {{dtext parameters}} where parameters takes the form of a=x | b=y | c=z and can appear in any order. The actual parameters are: ref, res, and filter.

Required – Must be a Bible reference. The exact syntax of the reference is flexible; anything that can be parsed as a reference will work e.g.

{{dtext ref=Bible:1 Corinthians 4:6}}


{{dtext ref=bible.64.3.16}}

If the ref attribute is missing, PB will not interpret the tag.

Optional – Forces dtext to be pulled from a specific resource e.g. Authorized Version:

{{dtext ref= 1 Co 4:6 | res=LLS:1.0.3}}

Optional – Specifies which text and formatting are brought over. Possible values are:
• bible-text, bible-text-plain, bible-text-paragraphed
• bible-text-and-verses, bible-text-and-verses-paragraphed
• bible-text-and-following-verses, bible-text-and-following-verses-paragraphed
• text-plain, text-paragraphed
If not specified, Lectionaries will default to bible-text-and-verses-paragraphed, and Harmonies to bible-text-and-verses e.g.

{{dtext ref= 1 Corinthians 4:6 | filter=bible-text-plain | res=LLS:1.0.3}}

Bible Harmony support

Personal Books compiled as “Bible Harmony” resources will appear with the Parallel Passages section of the Passage Guide, if there are Bible milestones and Dynamic text syntax present. The Personal Book compiler looks for dtext elements that are contained within tables or consecutive paragraphs and creates a parallel out of them.
For example, if you put the following into a table in a harmony, and open a Passage Guide to Matthew 3:1 a 3 column comparison should appear:

[[@Mark 1:2-6]]Mark 1:2-6   [[@Matthew 3:1-6]]Matthew 3:1-6   [[@Luke 3:3-6]]Luke 3:3-6

{{dtext ref=Mk1.2-6}}         {{dtext ref=Mt3.1-6}}                      {{dtext ref=Lk3.3-6}}

(you will likely need to click the “more” link or prioritize this book in your library to see it).

Lectionary support

The Dynamic text syntax can also be used for Lectionaries. For example, if you include the following in a resource type of Lectionary, the dynamic resource picker will display in the resource panel for the book.

[[@YearMonthDay:Feb 27, 2013]]
{{field-on:date}}Some Date{{field-off:date}} -- {{field-on:season}}The season{{field-off:season}}
{{field-on:day}}The day{{field-off:day}}{{field-on:year}}the year{{field-off:year}}

{{field-on:reading}}Psalm 25:1-3{{field-off:reading}} {{dtext ref=Ps 25:1-3}}
{{field-on:reading}}Exodus 20:1-6{{field-off:reading}} {{dtext ref=Ex 20:1-6}}

A more complete syntax, showing the different readings in the homepage sidebar, uses labels and was shown in the forum by Louis St.Hilaire.

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