Bug: Old style libronixdls: links don’t always open correctly in Logos 4

Simple ‘jump’ links work well, but links to most of the reports from Logos 3 don’t work. There’s a list here: https://blog.logos.com/2007/12/external_linking_to_libronix_resour/

Software version: 4.0a Beta 3.
Reported by Mark Barnes.
Forum link: http://community.logos.com/forums/t/6538.aspx
Status: by-design – the most common external links (e.g., resources) are supported, but most of the features in Logos 4 are sufficiently different that Logos 4 can’t completely support all the libronixdls: URL parameters LDLS3 did; these URLs will be passed to LDLS3 (if installed) for processing. We plan to create a logos4: protocol that will expose the new Logos 4 features, as well as solve the issues with Unicode and special URL characters that caused problems with libronixdls: in LDLS3.

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