Finding Highlighted Text

Updated for Logos version 10+

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Finding your Highlights

  1. Click on Search in the Logos toolbar
  2. Choose Bible or Books from the Search toolbar.
  3. Select a specific resource, or a collection of resources.
  4. In the Search box, enter a Highlight term e.g.
    • highlight:* for all your highlights
    • highlight:"My Palette/*" for all styles in my custom palette.
    • type highlight:Blue for the Blue style
  5. Start the search.

Using the Information Tool

  1. Open the Information tool.
  2. Open your resource to where there is highlighted text.
  3. Click on the highlighted text.
  4. Expand the Highlights section in the Information panel:
    • you can use the Add menu to include it
    • Click on the Palette name to start an Inline Search for any highlight with that palette.
    • Click on the Style name to start an Inline Search for all highlights with that style.

Finding Highlighted words

  1. You can use either of the Highlight search methods above.
  2. Use the IN operator to find a word/phrase in the Highlight e.g.
    • Lord IN highlight:Blue
    • “Jesus Christ” IN highlight:Blue

  1. Click on Search in the Logos toolbar
  2. Choose Bible or Books from the Search toolbar.
  3. In the All... Text drop down menu, click on the arrow next to a Palette name e.g. Solid Colors.
  4. Click on one, or more, Style names.
  5. Select a specific resource, or a collection of resources.
  6. In the Search box, enter the word/phrase that you want to search for e.g. Lord
  7. Start the search.

Browsing your Highlighted text

Browsing Annotations

  1. Turn on the resource Visual Filter for Notes and Highlights
  2. Set the Navigation Choice in the Locator bar to Annotation.
  3. Use the vertical arrows on the Locator bar to move between highlighted text
    • It will also navigate to your Notes unless the Notebook(s) you selected in the VF only contain Highlighting.

Browsing with a Visual Filter

Using a Visual Filter can be an effective way to highlight a word/phrase within your Higlighting,
as the results can be displayed with your choice of Highlighting styles.

  1. Perform a highlight search using any of the above methods.
  2. In the Panel menu, select Save as Visual Filter
  3. Give the Filter a name e.g. Highlighting
  4. Select a style from the Formatting box.

The Filter will probably be active if your resource is open. Otherwise:

  1. Open your resource

  2. Click on the Visual filters icon on the resource’s toolbar.
  3. In the drop down menu under the heading Visual Filters, click on the filter that you want to use.
    For best results deselect any other filters.

  4. Click on the Navigation Choice button in the Locator bar.
  5. In the drop down list click on Filter Highlight
  6. Use the vertical arrows on the Locator bar to navigate to the highlighted text in your resource.

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