Biblical People

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 Biblical People 1
 Biblical People 2
 Bible Facts (Mark Barnes)

Note: Logos 4 and Logos 5 only
See Factbook

Page Contents

What is Biblical People?

  • Biblical People is a tool which will provide you with diagrams of people in the Bible along with detailed information.
    • In many cases it will provide related images which are in your library to this person. (see Media Ribbon details)
    • It can in some case provide you with different name of this person. (e.g. Jesus, Messiah, or Christ)
    • It will have links of this person to different dictionaries in your library.
    • It will have links to relatives of this person which are viewed in Biblical People.
    • It can provide you with links to other people with this name. (e.g. Jesus, Joshua, Justus)
    • It will often provide a link to wikipedia for this person.
    • It may provide links to Things which might be related to this person.
  • Please watch the Logos Video Tutorials Biblical People 1 and Biblical People 2.
  • Please watch Mark Barnes video: Logos Tutorial Video #3 – Bible Facts


Opening Biblical People

From the Toolbar

  • You can open Biblical People from the Tools menu button.
    1. Click on Tools button on the top menu bar.
    2. Click on Biblical People in the center column of the drop down menu.

  • Once you have Biblical People open, you can type in the name of a person found in the Bible into the Person box. As you are typing the person’s name Logos will show a list of people which are in the database in the drop down list. Simply click on one of the people in the drop down list.

From a resource

  • You can open Biblical People from a Bible.
    1. In the Bible that you are using.
    2. Find the name in a Bible passage which you want to view in Biblical People. Then right click on that name.
    3. In some Bibles you may need to scroll down to see Person on the right side of the pop-up menu.
    4. On the right side of the pop-up menu, click on Person.
    5. Now on the left side of the pop-up menu, click on Biblical People.

  • Biblical People window will open with the name of the person that you selected in the Person box.

Tip: using scripture reference

 If you enter a scripture reference in the Person box, Logos will show you a list of people found in that scripture.

What are the parts of the Biblical People window?

  a) Person box. When opening Biblical People, the last person’s name will appear here. You can type a person’s name here and Logos will show a drop down menu with choices for people with the name you typed. (also see Information on people in the diagram)

  b) This is a diagram showing you family relations of the person that you have selected or groups of people associated with this person (e.g. apostles). Or if you navigate to an image relating to this person (see ). If the diagram appears too small, you may change the size of the diagram (see Diagram size).

  c) This shows you the title of the diagram. (see Source/Link of information)

  d) These provide you with different representation methods for your diagram. (see People representation in diagram) Note: with ver 4.1 there are more selections.

  e) Information on your person is displayed in this ribbon. Logos will populate this ribbon with various information. In some cases the name of your person may fit multiple people in the Bible. (see Information Ribbon details)

  f) When there is more information than will fit on the ribbon one or both of the arrows will allow you to scroll the information shown on the ribbon.

  g) This media ribbon will show you different diagrams which are related to your person. These may be other people with the same name or different family members or images which relate to your person. The active diagram will have a brown box around the diagram icon. When you hold your mouse over one of the diagrams/images icons, Logos will flash a pop-up image for a few seconds to allow you to see the diagram/image. (see Media Ribbon details)

  h) When there are more diagrams than will fit on this ribbon, then these arrow permit you to scroll through the different diagram icons.

  i) These buttons will size the diagram. You may also use your mouse wheel to zoom in on the diagram. You can also grab and drag the position of the zoomed in diagram to position it for your viewing. (see Diagram size)

  j) When you navigate to different diagrams, this will become active allowing you go backwards/forwards through the diagrams that you have viewed.



In the Diagram area

Information on people in the diagram

Note: image icons were changed in version 4.1

  • Hold your mouse over a person in the diagram (in the example we used Ruth). A pop-up will appear with information on this person.

  • When you click on this person in the diagram:

    a) The name will appear in the person box.
    b) The ribbon will now show information on this person.
    c) The media ribbon will now display related diagrams/Images for this person.

Diagram size

  • The diagram/Image in the viewing area may be zoomed/shrunk. (see Zooming and Panning)

  • To the right of the Person box you will see two buttons (Actual Size and Fit). When clicked they will adjust the size of the diagram.

    • Fit will size the diagram so that the whole diagram fits in the viewing area.
    • Actual Size will size the diagram to a 1:1 view in the viewing area.

People representation in diagram

  • In the upper right portion of the viewing area of the diagram (when the diagram shows people) you will see a people representative selection. Note: with ver 4.1 there are more selections here.

  • By clicking on different representations the icons in the people diagram will change.



  • On the left side of the diagram in the viewing area you will see the Title for the diagram. And in many cases there will be a link here to a resource (e.g. Bible passage or the book where this image came from).

Information Ribbon details

   a) Person details.
   b) You may find other titles this person may have here.
   c) These are Bible references for each title. You can click on any of these links to open it in your preferred Bible.
       When there are numerous references, you will see the link. If you click on this link more references will be shown.
   d) The next Topic is Related, here you will find links that you can click to see them appear in Biblical People.
       (to view more info in this example we clicked on the arrow on the right, see What are the parts of the Biblical People window? item F)

   e) The next Topic is Dictionaries.
   f) You can click on these link to open the dictionary topics in your dictionaries.

   g) The next Topic is May be the same as ....
       These will be links to other people which Biblical People can show which may be the same person. Addition details on the person may be viewed here.
   h) The last Topic is See also.
       Here you may find other people with this name which can be viewed with Biblical People.
   i) You may also find Things which can be viewed with Biblical Things when clicking the links.

   j) You can click here to have wikipedia open to this person. (it will try to open your browser to this location)


Media Ribbon details

  • The Media Ribbon is located along the bottom of the Biblical People window.
  • It should contain one or more icons depending on how much information is in the database related to the person you have selected.
  • These icons represent other diagrams of people or images associated with the person you have selected in the Person box.

  a) The icon with a brown rectangle around it is the currently selected diagram which is visible in the viewing area. By clicking on any of these icons, Biblical People will open that diagram/image in the viewing area.

  b) When there is more available diagrams/images than will fit on the ribbon, you will see this arrow active. It allows you to scroll through the icons making them visible in the ribbon. As you scroll you will notice that the corresponding arrow on the left side of the ribbon becomes active which allows scrolling through icons which were previously visible in the ribbon.

  c) If you hold the mouse over an icon, a pop-up will appear for a short time allowing you to better view the contents of that diagram/image.

  d) If Logos found any images which are associated to the person you are viewing, then icons for those images will appear in your ribbon.

  e) If you have clicked on a different diagram (than the one you originally opened for this person), you can use these arrows (in the top right area of the window) to sequence back through your previously viewed diagrams/images.


  • By clicking on the Biblical People window’s icon (see item a) a drop down menu appears.
  • This provides options for Copying/Saving/Printing/Exporting (see item b) the diagram or image that you are currently viewing.
    Note: with version 4.1 Print and Export have been replaced with Print/Export, see Print/Export

  • You can also access these features by holding your mouse over an open area (not on a person icon) in the viewing area and right clicking. The pop-up menu below will appear.



  • This will copy the full view of the diagram/image in the viewing area to the windows Copy/Paste buffer (clipboard).
  • You can then paste it into another windows program which accepts clipboard images.
  • You may also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C to copy the diagram.
  • Regardless of how much you have zoomed the diagram/image in the viewing area, the whole image is copied when you use this features.


  • When you select in Biblical People drop down or pop-up menu, you will be able to save the diagram/image to a file.
  • The Save dialog box will appear


  • Use the following steps (if you are not already familiar with saving an image)

   a) Select the Folder in which you want to save your image.
   b) Select the image file format (png or jpg).
   c) Enter the filename for your image.
   d) Press the Save button to save the image.

Adding to Favorites

  • You can add Biblical People to your Favorites and it will remember the person that you had showing when you added it to favorites.
  • Make sure that you have Favorites open in your Layout.
    1. Click on the tab in the Biblical People window.
    2. Drag it into the Favorites window in your Layout.
    3. Drop it in an open area of Favorites.

    4. Right click on the new favorite and select Rename. Then rename the favorite.

    5. You can now move the new favorite into a folder if you would like. [note: to place a favorite in a folder, drag the favorite over the Folder Name and drop it there]

Adding to Shortcuts

  • You can drag the Biblical People tab to your shortcut bar. This will create a shortcut to Biblical People.

Moving to a window in your Layout

  • Biblical People tool opens in a floating window. You can move it to a window in your Layout.
    1. Click on the Biblical People tab.
    2. Drag it to the window in your Layout that you want it to be in.
    3. Drop it in the window of your Layout.

      4. The floating Biblical People window will disappear and the Biblical People will appear in your window of your Layout.

Zooming and Panning

  • You can Zoom in on an area of your diagram.
    • Hold your mouse over an area of the diagram and roll the wheel of your mouse (or use Ctrl + = or Ctrl + - ). You can locate your mouse over an area to have Logos center on that area when zooming (e.g. over the lower right portion of the diagram)



  • Panning is repositioning the zoomed diagram to make different parts visible in the viewing area.
    • Hold your mouse over an area of the diagram (until the cursor turns into an open hand).
    • Hold down the left mouse button (the cursor turns into a closed hand), while keeping the mouse button down, move the mouse.

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