Resource: TWOT (Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament)

Key Features

  • Emphasis on theological words, combined with a less technical presentation
  • Separates into derivatives, noting if there’s a demonstrable relationship
  • Arranged by TWOT number; can get confused with Strongs numbers. An index at the back correlates Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with the numbers of the roots and derivatives as given in the wordbook.

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Wiki & Key Forum Comments

Francis (forum)
In OT studies, it’s a different ball game because there is comparatively significantly fewer quality lexical resources available. For instance, there is no real equivalent to Louw-Nida’s semantic domains (however NIDOTTE does have a semantic index that cross references to its lexical entries). For the OT then, I have found TWOT isolated in providing a strong theological and context sensitive analysis of usage. I do regard NIDOTTE as an essential complement to TWOT. If I had to choose between the two, I would go NIDOTTE for more meat. Someone who wants shorter articles might prefer the TWOT.

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