Logos 7.17 Beta 4
Released: August 09, 2018
New Features
- Command Box
- Added a new command to import BibleWorks notes.
- There are two ways to import notes:
- To import notes from BibleWorks’ default notes location type in the command “Import BibleWorks Notes.”
- To import notes from another location (i.e., Editor notes) type in the command “Import BibleWorks Notes from [path].” No brackets are needed.
- This command will gather your BibleWorks notes, convert them, upload them to the server, and sync them to the Logos desktop applicaiton.
- If you have a large number of notes it can take some time for them to appear in the desktop applicaiton.
- Notes will be gathered into a new notebook entitled “Imported Notes.”
- You will also need access to our new Notes Tool by joining the Notes Tool beta testers group.
Known Issue: There are some issues with importing Hebrew fonts so you may wish to delay importing BibleWorks notes until the issue is fixed.