Logos 6.0 SR-3
Logos 6.0 SR-3 ( was released on October 31, 2014.
Bug Fixes
Fixed crash when entering text to search in the Help panel. (Thread.)
- Note: Searching Help will not currently give results. This will be fixed with an upcoming resource update.
Home Page
Added the hover tips for individual prayers under Today’s Prayers. (Thread and Thread)
Fixed bug which caused the answered prayers to not disappear until refreshing the Home Page.
Selecting a date other than today from the Home Page Lectionary sidebar, will now correctly open to the selected date.
Fixed bug where Bible references and hyperlinks weren’t displaying popups when hovering the mouse over them on Mac. (Thread)
Fixed crash entering the “return” key when signing in on Mac.
Fixed crash which could occur when opening to the Home Page with an OS language set to something other than English. (Thread)