Logos 6.0

Logos 6.0 ( was released on October 27, 2014.

Check out some great videos exploring the new features in Logos 6!

Ancient Literature section


Added a new section “Ancient Literature” to the Passage Guide, Exegetical Guide, and passage-based Sermon Starter Guide.

  • This section is keyed off of a Biblical passage, and provides cross references to ancient literature related to the Bible.
  • The cross references are grouped by type: Citation, Quotation, Allusion, Echo, Topical, Historical, Lexical, or Phrase.
  • Links to cross references in resources you do not own will open the Power Lookup panel, which will display resources that contain those references.

Ask the Author


Added a new tool: Ask the Author.
This tool can be accessed from the Social tab of Tools menu, or the Context Menu for resources with available authors.

  • The panel lists a link to the author’s Faithlife page, if available. If the author is deceased, that will be indicated next to their name.
  • Questions are always public, and come from named accounts. Questions and answers can be viewed via a visual filter.
  • Ask the Author functions similar to Community Notes, but involve a global audience and the opportunity to communicate directly with the author of the selected resource.
  • Only available when working online.



The new Atlas feature has been added to the Tools menu.
The Atlas provides a detailed look at various new maps, set on a general map of the Biblical world.

  • Opening a map from the left panel will pan and zoom the map to the location, and populate it with relevant data.
  • Events and places on the map can be hovered over to display a tooltip with a brief description and sparkline denoting mentions in the Bible.
  • Clicking a location will open the left panel (if hidden) and display a definition, passage link, links to the Factbook entry or Media Search for the item, and list of relevant maps.
  • The left panel supports filtering for Factbook data (Person, Place, Thing, Event) and bible references. Supported filters will be listed in the entry helper dropdown.
  • Only available when working online.

Biblical Entity Tooltips

A hover tooltip has been added to the entry helper dropdown, which provides further context when making a dropdown item selection.

  • Rich Previews for Biblical People, Places, Things, and Events will display brief descriptions of those entities, such as family relationships for People.
  • Rich Previews for Lemmas will display a small translation ring for that lemma.

Bible Word Study: Clause Participants section


Added a new lemma-based section “Clause Participants” to the Bible Word Study.

  • This section is a summary of clauses with Biblical people, places, and things. It replaces “Grammatical Relationships” in default guides (this section is still available to support existing notes, etc.).
  • It provides information on Grammatical and Semantic roles for original language nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Community Tagging


Community Tagging allows users to enhance the content of a book by identifying People, Places, Things, Events, Topics, Cultural Concepts, Preaching Themes, Bible references, and other references that have not been tagged in the resource.

  • Community tags can be shown or hidden with the new “Show community tags” visual filter.
  • Users can add a tag via “Add community tag” in the Context Menu, under the Selection tab.
  • A popup will appear where the desired tag can be entered. This will bring up an entry helper listing entities, topics, etc. that match the entered text.
  • Selecting “Remove community tags” from the Context Menu on a tag that you entered will remove it and prevent syncing to other users.
  • Removing someone else’s tag will remove it from your resource.
  • If a tag has been removed by numerous users, Faithlife may then remove it.
  • Only available when working online.

Context Menu


The Context Menu has been rearranged and restyled.
The restyle cleans up the cluttered right-menu, and provides more specific options based on the selected tab. The information contained in tabs is more detailed.

  • Information has been added when hovering over tabs to describe the type of information. Icons have been added for quick identification.
  • New options have been added, such as “Open annotation” for opening associated note/highlight files, or for new features such as Visual Copy.
  • Selected text in the resource updates to match selected tabs in context menu. Original selection is preserved in the top “Selection” tab. This will expand the selected text to Sentence/Paragraph, Reference, Popular Highlight, Headword, etc.

Cultural Concepts Section


Added the Cultural Concepts section to Passage Guide.

  • This section lists cultural concepts that intersect with the guide passage.
  • Each concept links to the Factbook article for that concept, lists a breadcrumb of all parent concepts, and provides a link to search your library for the concept.


Added a new option for Basic Search: “Search Everything.” Each section links to the complete result set. Sections include:

  • Preferred Bible shows the first few hits in your preferred Bible.
  • Your Documents shows hits in your user-created documents.
  • Your Books shows hits in your personal books.
  • Factbook shows the first few Factbook articles.
  • Library Resources shows matching resources from the Library.
  • Media shows a sample from media library results and Logos Media results.
  • Atlas shows a sample of atlas maps. Only available when working online.
  • Community Tags shows locations of references tagged by other users. Only available when working online.
  • Library Results shows all of the hits in your library.
  • Books.logos.com shows results from scanned books available on books.logos.com.



This new tool replaces Bible Facts, and provides information for People, Places, Things, Events, Topics, Cultural Concepts, Preaching Themes, and Books of the Bible.

  • The Factbook opens in a docked panel, and is formatted similarly to Guides. Sections cannot be added or removed, but all sections (except the heading) can be collapsed.
  • The Factbook always has at least a heading and the “Respond” section, in which users can rate and review the article to suggest improvements.
  • People information includes non-biblical people like John Wesley or Martin Luther King, Jr.

Added a new option for Basic Search: “Search Factbook.”

  • Lets you explore all available Factbook articles for a search term. Factbook articles pull together information about People, Places, Things, Events, Topics, Cultural Concepts, Preaching Themes, and Books of the Bible.

Groups Tool


Added the Groups Tool, which supports viewing different Faithlife groups and their News, Community Notes, and Documents.

  • Documents can be dragged to the Groups tool from the Documents menu or a Document panel to share them with a Faithlife group.
  • Only available when working online.

Home Page


A freshly designed Home Page layout:

  • New scrolling content section with tile-based layout (rather than the old paging metaphor).
  • Significant performance improvements.
  • Home Page settings moved to upper right and reorganized to reflect the new layout.
  • Resource update notifications and application update notifications now appear in the settings bar and are displayed until dismissed.
  • Added support for displaying multiple lectionary resources.
  • Some content is only available when working online.


Inline search is a new way to search directly within the content of the resource without switching context.

  • This can be activated via Control-Shift-F on Windows, Command-Shift-F on Mac, in the resource panel menu, by clicking the magnifying glass icon, or by clicking “Search: this resource (inline)” from the context menu.
  • You have the full power of the resource view within your search results (e.g. notes, highlights, visual filters, context menu, interlinear display, etc.).
  • You can select various contexts for your search hits (i.e. verse, pericope, paragraph, sentence, or article depending on the features of the resource being filtered).

Information Panel

Added a Supplemental Data section to the Information tool, which includes:

  • Cultural Concepts links
  • Book Guide Comment reference links
  • Literary Type definitions
  • It can be toggled on/off through the Settings menu.

Install Proclaim

The Send to Proclaim Church Presentation Software command in context menus will now bring up dialog allowing users to directly download and install Proclaim, rather than opening the browser.

Journals Section


Added a new guide section limited to journals that offers customized sorting and results display for journals.

  • Journals have been revamped in this release, and now are tagged with our new label system.
  • The Journals Section now runs the specified search through every resource that is tagged as a Journal Article. There are currently two ways to group the results: By Journal and By Year.
    • In both views you have the option to open each grouping search in a new panel, or open the entire search in a new panel.
    • This section will become more powerful as more journals are converted into this new format.

Label Entry


Added Label Entry to Notes and Highlighting.

  • With Label Entry, you can add searchable and share-able labels to your notes and highlights for easy recollection. Create custom labels, like “narrative,” “prayer,” and “prophecy,” then group your notes under these categories.

Logos Media Collections


Logos Media provides relevant image results pulled from a number of Faithlife-curated collections.

  • Sections have been added to Media Search, Atlas, Visual Copy, Guides, and the Media Resource display.
  • Image results are from several media archives and resources, and include high-quality photography as well as our Verse of the Day graphics.
  • All Logos Media opens in the Visual Copy panel, with the exception of videos which open in your default browser.
  • Only available when working online.

Media Resources

Biblical People Diagrams and Biblical Places Maps are now available as resources in the Library, and can be searched via Media Search.

  • Added a Visual Copy option to the context menu in Media Resources.
  • Supports books downloaded from books.logos.com as media resources.


Image Search has been renamed Media Search, and now includes results for numerous media types.

  • Supported media types can be toggled in the search parameters; if no selection is made the default is “All Media.”
  • Video, audio, interactive, and pdf results are indicated visually with an icon.

New results sections have been added.

  • Your Books: Results from media in your personal books.
  • Logos Media Library: Media from the Logos Media service. Only available when working online.
  • Online Results: Links to media from the internet, not curated by Faithlife. Only available when working online.
  • Atlas Results: Relevant maps from the Atlas tool. Only available when working online.
  • Library: Results from media in your library.



Spell checking has been added for Notes.

  • Spell checking can be turned on via Program Settings, by toggling “Check Spelling While Typing” to Yes.
  • The language can be changed for your current selection via the Globe icon in the Rich Text toolbar.
  • Right-clicking a misspelled word will suggest correct spellings, or you can add the selected word to the current language’s dictionary.

Added Quotes view for Notes, which shows the resource content of long highlights, grouped by resource.
Notes now support multiple attachment points:

  • Attachment points can be added by clicking the arrow next to the Note, and selecting “Edit attachment points”
  • This method allows you to select points by entering a reference, or by selecting text and clicking “Attach to current selection”
  • Notes can be attached to lemmas, people, etc.

Personal Book Sync

   Implemented Personal Book sync, allowing you to automatically download compiled personal books on other desktop installations.

  • After compiling a Personal Book, the “Upload” button will appear when selecting the resource from the list.
  • After uploading a Personal Book, the PB will be downloaded on other Windows/Mac installations (v. 5.3 and above) when updating resources.


Popular Highlights have a dedicated tab in the Context Menu when right-clicking part of a popular highlight.

  • Right-clicking part of a popular highlight will select the entire highlight in the Context Menu tab.
  • The left panel of Context Menu has the following options:
    • Copy
    • Visual Copy – This will automatically fill the content boxes of a smart media slide with the highlight information, with various templates to choose from
    • Send to Proclaim Church Presentation Software
    • Share buttons
    • The “pencil” icon after the highlight also opens a popup menu with these options.
  • Only available when working online.

Reading Plans

Reading plans have been extended to add support for fully custom reading plans.

  • Predefined Reading Plans
    • Choose from one of the many predefined reading plans
  • Generated Reading Plans
    • Can now right-click edit individual sessions
    • Added support for aligning boundaries to Chapter or Pericope
    • Reading plans that used to generate from page numbers will now generate from the table of contents
  • Custom Reading Plans
    • Can add readings from multiple resources in a single session. Plans with multiple resources will require Logos 6 or newer
    • Can drag and drop selections to a reading session
    • Can drag and drop panels to a reading session
    • Can add sessions based upon current position and selection in opened resources
    • Can add sessions for specific references
  • Users can now open plans with resources they do not own. When this occurs they should see a lock icon next to the reading in that session
  • Readings can be added from an existing reading plan, passage list, or clippings document

Searching for Factbook entities (in reverse interlinears and some morph Bibles) has been added to Basic, Bible and Morph Search.

  • Requires a resource update with new data to support searching. Sample searches:
    • <Person Jesus>
    • <Person Jesus> AND <Place Jerusalem>
    • <Thing Foot, Heel> OR <Thing Hand, Wrist, Palm>
    • <Person Jacob (son of Isaac)> AND (<Person Leah> OR <Person Rachel> OR <Person Bilhah (maidservant)> OR <Person Zilpah>)
  • Added ability to search within reported speech. Examples:
    • {Speaker <Person Jesus>}
    • love WITHIN {Speaker <Person Jesus>}
  • Added Label searching.
    • Example: {Label Activity WHERE Person = <Person Paul>}

Added semantic role searching for Biblical entities to Clause search, including columns for Analysis view. All possible fields:

  • agent: benefactive: cause: comitative: comment: comparative:
  • content: cost: current: event: experiencer: goal:
  • instrument: locative: manner: path: patient: result:
  • resultant: source: stimulus: temporal: theme: topic: topic-and-comment:

Added case-frames to Clause search, including Analysis view columns for Case Frames and Case Frame Brackets. There are two kinds of searches – brackets specify null complements (like [Agent]):

  • Not sensitive to null complements. Brackets are invalid here.
    • case-frame:agent-patient
    • case-frame:agent-patient-benefactive
  • Sensitive to null complements, and brackets are allowed.
    • case-frame-brackets:agent-patient
    • case-frame-brackets:agent-[patient]

Search: Books.logos.com section


New section in Basic Search for Everything that searches book images from books.logos.com.

  • Returns the first few results from books.logos.com. Results are listed by title.
  • Shows the book title and the first two pages with results.
  • Result images are links that open the to those pages.
  • The “Search” link opens the website with all the query results for that book.
  • Only available when working online.
  • Click the “Send to Logos Desktop” button at books.logos.com to download that book as a media resource in Logos 6.

Search: Collection

Improved the “Search In” box for Search and added support for quickly searching collections of resources.

  • The “Search In” box now supports Library filter commands for selecting resources to search.
  • When using “Search In” with a Library filter, a “Quick Collection” option will appear at the bottom of the list.
  • Quick Collections are a convenient way to search all resources that match the given criteria.

Send to Kindle


The Send to Kindle feature is now available for all users. A kindle.com email address must be assigned to the account by entering “set kindle to #####@kindle.com” into the command box.

  • Note: Users cannot unlink their Kindle account once it has been linked. Please be sure to check your kindle.com address carefully before submitting.
  • The Send to Kindle email address must end in kindle.com. You can check the address at Amazon.com > Manage Your Content and Devices > Your Devices.
  • Also, you must add “noreply@logos.com” to your Approved Personal Document Email List at Amazon.com > Manage Your Content and Devices > Settings.

Senses Section


Improved the Senses section in the Bible Word Study and Factbook.

  • The Senses section now has a ring graph similar to the Translation section. This organizes the different senses associated with the guide’s key lemma.
  • Each selected sense will display the part of speech and definition, a list of lemmas that the chosen sense contains, and a small concordance of where the sense and lemma overlap.

Textual Variants section


Added a new guide section “Textual Variants” that will replace the current Guide section “Apparatuses”.
This section includes several collapsible sub-sections:

  • Textual Commentaries
  • Editions
  • Transcriptions
  • Ancient Versions
  • Online Manuscripts
  • The “Online Manuscripts” section of Textual Variants in Exegetical Guide will now provide links to manuscript images from the Institute for New Testament Textual Research. Only available when working online.


Additional content and filtering controls have been added to Timeline:

  • Timeline data can be filtered by Subject. These subjects include: Biblical Events, Biblical Studies, Catholic Studies, Classical Studies, Protestant Studies, and General Interest.
  • A Type filter has been added. Each type has subtypes which can be enabled/disabled individually.
    • Main types: Archaeology, Arts and Culture, Group of People, Individual, Nature, Other, Time Periods, Worldview and Practice
  • Some events will be merged into a single event on the timeline when zoomed out. All sub events can be seen by clicking on the parent event.

Added “Show all matching events” filter to the Fit menu in Timeline, which will resize the view to fit all events matching the current filter.


The Tools menu has been restyled and several items have been rearranged.

  • Added the “Utilities” section, which now contains Personal Books, Program Settings, and Visual Copy.
  • “Bible Reference” has been renamed “Reference” and contains Atlas, Bible Sense Lexicon, Factbook, Reading Lists, and Timeline.
  • The interactive resources that function as tools have been added to the Tools menu:
    • Weights & Measures Calculator
    • Text Converter
    • Numeric Converter
    • Hebrew Cantillation Structural Diagrams
    • Greek Alphabet Tutor
    • Hebrew Alphabet Tutor
    • Form and Structure of the Psalms
    • Morphology Charts

User Interface

Many aspects of the user interface have been updated and improved.

  • Many icons have been added or updated, such as new icons for data types and Context Menu tabs.
  • Many colors within the app have been improved and brightened, for example the Translation rings and sparklines.
  • New sparklines have been implemented. These can be seen in the BSL, and many Guide and Factbook sections.
  • The interface for Guides has been cleaned up, with better delineated section headers. Section data is now persisted, including expander states and deletions.
  • The toolbar for Notes and Rich Text formatting has been restyled.

Visual Copy


This tool allows users to view and create visual media “slides”, for use in Proclaim/Powerpoint presentations or as standalone graphics.

  • Available media can be searched by reference, topic, keyword, etc. within the tool.
  • Selecting the “Visual Copy” option in the Context Menu will open Visual Copy with a list of templates relevant to the type of content selected.
  • Visual Copy includes templates for Selections, References, Lemmas, or Images in addition to our “Verse of the Day” slides.
  • Bible Book Guide slide decks open in Visual Copy.
  • Only available when working online.

Visual Filters

Visual Filters can be enabled/disabled as a group.

Bible Text Only visual filter


The “Bible Text Only” filter has been improved with several options.

  • Options are: Bible text formatting, Chapter/Verse numbers, Footnote indicators, Headings, and One verse per line.
  • Each option can be toggled on/off individually, and your choices will be retained whether the main filter is on or off.

Outline Formatting visual filter


Implemented the “Outline Formatting” Visual Filter for Lexicons, which restructures the text in a more readable format.

  • This filter is supported in the lexicons BDAG, BDB, and HALOT.

Propositional Outlines filter


Implemented new “Propositional Outlines” filter:
This is a visual filter which can be applied to most Bibles.

  • The filter reformats the filtered Bible text in the style of a “flow diagram” (not unlike HDNT or Deppe) and then labels each part in the margin.
  • Try Eph 1:3-14 or Eph 2:21-22 for some good examples.



Added the Wikipedia tool to the Library section of Tools and the right-click context menu. Requires internet.

  • This tool allows searching and viewing of Wikipedia articles directly in Logos 6.
  • Bible references within Wikipedia pages have popups on hover, and will open to the reference in your preferred Bible on click.
  • Wikipedia pages support Note attachments and highlighting.
  • Only available when working online.

Interactive Resources


“Interactives” are a new type of resource, and many can be accessed directly in the Tools menu, or by the All Interactive Resources link within the Tools menu.

Ancient Inscriptions


An interactive geographical map with points of interest defined by the sites of ancient inscriptions. Artist’s renderings of the inscriptions are already available in the Faithlife Study Bible. This interactive puts them in geographical context. Useful for navigating some of the physical archaeological evidences and confirmations of the biblical text.

Before and After: Ancient and Modern Biblical Archaeology Sites


Display images of modern archaeological sites with overlays of artist reconstructions.

Bible Outline Browser


Given a Bible passage, returns all of the outlines marked throughout the user’s library for that passage. Each outline is shown in a collapsible tree view, and also with the Bible text copied in underneath each outline point – as if the headings in the outline were also the headings in your Bible. Useful for evaluating and comparing various ways of documenting the structure of a Bible passage, which is useful for interpretation and sermon preparation. Requires a Bible and at least one resource with outline labels applied (see the Outlines section of the Sermon Starter Guide).

Biblical Event Navigator


A zoomable “map” of events in the Bible. Useful for seeing events in the Bible in sequential context, and to navigate by narrative event hierarchy; not by the book/chapter/verse hierarchy.

Canon Comparison


An interactive comparison chart that shows the similarities and differences between traditional scriptural canons and historical canon and scripture comment lists. Useful for getting a complete picture of how communities, traditions, and church leaders have answered the question “Which books are the defining texts for us?”

Counting the Ten Commandments


Narrowly focused on presenting the different ways to enumerate the Ten Commandments. Useful for illustrating how theological and traditional concerns can shape the interpretation of texts that may seem quite straightforward.

Days of Creation


Narrowly focused infographic showing the seven days of creation graphic that ships with Faithlife Study Bible, but in a usable day-by-day presentation.

Form and Structure of the Psalms


Interactive faceted browser for selecting Psalms based on their properties and themes. Structural diagrams of each Psalm. Useful for digging in to the phenomenology of the Psalms. * Requires a reverse interlinear Bible, plus LHB to see the Hebrew column.

Greek Alphabet Tutor


Interactive audio/visual flashcard deck of each letter in the Greek alphabet. Useful for learning the Greek alphabet. Includes audio in various pronunciation schemes, and “Read it” and “Write it” views for learning typographical forms versus handwritten forms.

  • Requires Greek pronunciation resources for audio.

Hebrew Alphabet Tutor


Interactive audio/visual flashcard deck of each letter in the Greek alphabet. Useful for learning the Hebrew/Aramaic square script alphabet. Includes audio in various pronunciation schemes, and “Read it” and “Write it” views for learning typographical forms versus handwritten forms. Requires Hebrew pronunciation resources for audio.

Hebrew Cantillation Structural Diagrams


Given a short passage of the Hebrew Bible from a cantillated text (LHB), it reformats that passage into a hierarchical flow diagram using the cantillation marks as a clue to the structure. Useful for comparing the prosodic structure of cantillation marks (which is otherwise very difficult to visualize) with the grammatical/syntactic structure it overlays. Requires LHB.

Interactive Infographics from the Faithlife Study Bible


Zoomable infographics from the Faithlife Study Bible. Useful for engaging presentation of infographic content. Includes:

  • Armor of God
  • Ancient Hebrew Conception of the Universe
  • Priestly Garments
  • Tabernacle Furniture
  • Solomon’s Temple Furniture
  • Temple Size Comparison
  • Ancient Altars
  • New Testament Coins

Interlinear Explorer

Educational slide deck that shows a traditional interlinear as a transitionary resource between an original language text and an eventual translation. Requires an interlinear Bible (e.g., LGNTI) and a reverse interlinear translation.

Israelite Feasts and Sacrifices


A calendar of the Hebrew year superimposed on the modern calendar with biblical feasts and prescribed sacrifices noted. Also, a faceted browser for finding sacrifice passages based on which animal, what kind of sacrifice, or the occasion for the sacrifice. Requires at least one Bible.

Lives of Prominent Biblical Characters

Interactive sequence of events illustrating the lives of prominent biblical characters: Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Paul. Makes the long horizontal graphics shipped with Faithlife Study Bible usable on screen, and links them to the Bible text and Factbook events they’re based on. Useful for tracing one major Bible character’s narrative/historical arc.

Morphology Charts


Interactive “paradigm” charts which enumerate the extant forms of a given lemma in the biblical text. Given a lemma, it plots the forms of that lemma into a grammatical grid with frequency numbers. Useful for learning about the forms of a word, and how commonly they’re used. Requires a morph Bible and its lemma list.

Narrative Character Maps

Shows which characters in an event are together at one time, and where they are. Useful for tracking the flow of people throughout the scenes of a complex narrative.

Numeric Converter


Conversion utility that takes a number in standard, Roman numeral, Greek numeral, or Hebrew numeral form and converts it to its equivalent numbers in the other systems. It also assigns numeric values to Greek or Hebrew words and shows other lemmas with the same numeric value. Useful for demonstrating and confirming ideas such as “Greek words have numeric values” or “Hebrew letters can be used as numbers”. Useful for demonstrating (in broad strokes) the materials of numerology.

Parallel Gospel Reader

Displays a parallel view of the synoptic gospels (plus sometimes John), based on the synopses and parallels already shipped as resources (e.g., Aland’s Synopsis). Allows user to select their preferred translation to read the text in, allows gospel columns to be hidden or shown at will, and allows the entire synopsis to be reordered by one of the gospels at will (e.g., “I want to see only Matthew and Mark, in Markan order.”) Requires a Bible and at least one parallel gospel resource.

Proverbs in the Hebrew Bible


Interactive faceted browser for selecting Proverbs based on their types, forms, character tropes, and themes. Requires a reverse interlinear Bible, plus LHB to see the Hebrew column.

Reverse Interlinear Explorer


Educational slide deck that shows how a reverse interlinear links backwards from a translation to the original words that generated that translation. Requires a reverse interlinear Bible.

Text Converter


Conversion utility that takes Greek or Hebrew input and converts it to transliteration in all of our internal schemes. Useful for quickly getting text into a publishable or communicable form, especially for students and researchers who must write papers where original language text is not desired.

Weights & Measures Converter


Conversion utility that takes a measurement, either biblical, standard, or metric, and converts it to its equivalent measures, as well as comparisons to everyday objects. Useful for contextualizing the unfamiliar biblical measurement system.

Who Killed Goliath?


Narrowly focused educational slide deck that explores the differences between two parallel texts and harmonizes them using text criticism.

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