
The Wiki syntax allows you to “emphasize” text in various ways.

Normal Emphasis

To apply normal emphasis to text, place a slash (/) immediately before and after the text.

Normal emphasis is generally rendered with /italics/.

Normal emphasis is generally rendered with italics.

This mechanism for applying emphasis to text only works when the first character to be emphasized is at the beginning of the line, or immediately follows a space or starting punctuation (like an open parenthesis). (Also, the first character to be emphasized must not be a space, and must not be the same character as the special character being used to delimit the emphasized text.) Segments can be used to emphasize the text in these special cases.

Partial-word-/emphasis/ doesn't work but partial-word-{{/ segments}} do.

Partial-word-/emphasis/ doesn’t work but partial-word-segments do.

Strong Emphasis

To apply strong emphasis to text, place an asterisk (*) immediately before and after the text.

Strong emphasis is generally rendered as *bold text*.

Strong emphasis is generally rendered as bold text.

Citation Titles

To appropriately “emphasize” book titles, etc., place an underscore (_) immediately before and after the text.

Have you actually read _War and Peace_?

Have you actually read War and Peace?

Code Fragments

To “emphasize” code fragments or other technical text, place a percent sign (%) immediately before and after the text.

The Windows directory is often at %C:\Windows%.

The Windows directory is often at C:\Windows.

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