Creating a Full Path & Filename

Instructions for Windows users

The steps below will guide you in creating a Full path & filename. The result will be in your clipboard, which will allow you to paste it into where ever you need. This is only one method of doing this. By you reading this page, then you are probably not familiar with how to perform this task. So please follow the steps below carefully.

  1. Open File Explorer and locate the file that you want to use.
  2. Open Notepad. We will need it for our Copy/Paste operation.
  3. In Explorer right-click on the file that you need the full path/filename for. In the drop down menu (not shown above) click on Properties.
    • Windows will open a Properties window for your file, similar to what you see above.

      [If you click the Security tab you can copy the full path and filename from Object name (click and drag from left to right to select the full name, then use CTRL+C).
      Go to Step 7]

  4. Now move your mouse to the right side of the text for Location. With your mouse press the left mouse button and drag to the left across the location text (this should turn the text blue as shown above). Right-click on the selected text. In the pop-up menu (not shown) click on Copy.
    • Now with your mouse, right-click in the text area of Notepad. In the pop-up menu (not shown) click on Paste.
    • Now make sure that the cursor is at the end of the text line in Notepad. Press the Backslash key (\) once to insert a backslash character at the end of the text line.
  5. Now back in the Properties window, with your mouse drag across the filename (start from the right side and drag to your left). Now right-click on the selected text. In the pop-up menu click on Copy.
    • Go back to Notepad and make sure the cursor is at the end of the line (to the right of the backslash that you entered). Right-click there, in the pop-up menu click on Paste.

  6. Now in Notepad, drag your mouse across the whole line to select it.
    • Now right-click on the selected text.
    • In the pop-up menu click on Copy.

  7. Now you have the whole path & filename in the clipboard. You should be able to go paste it where ever it was that you needed the File’s path & filename. (Usually you will right-click in a box and in it’s pop-up menu click on Paste).

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