Logos 6.3 Beta 2

Logos 6.3 Beta 2 ( was released on April 21, 2015.

Logos Now


Added improvements to Senses and Biblical Entities in Concordance:

  • Clicking the heading for a Sense will open the Bible Sense Lexicon.
  • Clicking the heading for a Biblical Entity will open the Factbook.
  • Added facets for senses (Sense Part of Speech) and facets for biblical entities (Kind, Role).
  • Added icons for senses and the various biblical entities.

Fixed crash caused by changing parameters while generating a concordance. (Thread.)

Known issues:

  • This release adds new data which require the Concordance to regenerate the first time it is run for a resource.

Bug Fixes


Fixed crash which could occur when running an “update now/resources” command when the updater is already running. (Thread)
Fixed issue where “Preparing Library” would appear after startup and not disappear. (Thread)
Fixed issue where expired resources caused an extra download.
Fixed metadata not being downloaded correctly.

Known Issues:

  • Clicking the notification hyperlink to restart the application does nothing (you can manually close and relaunch the application).
  • When updating the application on Windows, the splash screen will pop up over the app, with a dialog box over the splash screen.


Fixed regression which caused some “Referred to as” headings to be listed twice. (Thread)


Fixed crash caused by opening layout with background Power Lookup tool. (Thread and Thread.)


Fixed issue which caused the Beta 1 installer to uninstall Verbum, instead of the prerequisites. (Thread)

  • Note: An issue has been discovered that can cause Verbum Beta 2 to not launch properly on Windows. This appears to only affect users who had Verbum uninstalled by Beta 1. If you are affected by this, you can launch the app from \Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Verbum\System\Verbum.exe.

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