Logos 6.1 Beta 6

Logos 6.1 Beta 6 ( was released on February 9, 2015.

New Features

Home Page

Clicking on “Catch up” option for a Reading Plan will now leave Today’s reading unread. (Thread.)

Bug Fixes


Fixed issue when hovering over a Biblical Place in a map would not give a hover tip.
Fixed bug that caused Ctrl/Cmd+F (Find) to not work in Atlas. (Thread.)

Passage Analysis

Fixed bug that caused the text box to truncate the text on Mac. (Thread.)

Passage Guide

Fixed bug that showed the incorrect suggestion,”Retaliation (Mt 5:38-42)”, in the autocompleter for “Revelation 12:”.

Reading Plans

Generated reading plans will now break on page numbers in preference to table-of-contents entries. (Thread.)

Search Panel Clause

Fixed bug that caused “Showing the first 10000 results” message to displays for less results in Analysis view. (Thread.)

Visual Copy

Fixed bug that caused the Visual Copy to open to the Verse of the Day slide, instead of opening to a quote slide with the selected text. (Thread.)

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