Logos 5.1a SR-2

Logos 5.1a SR-2 ( was released on September 16, 2013.

Bug Fixes

Home Page
   Fixed crash when opening to home page at startup. (See this thread.)
LLS Resources
   No more extra vertical spacing in LLS:20.10.1 resource. (See this thread.)
    Fixed crash when registry encountered invalid characters preventing startup.

Bug Fixes for Mac

    History elements are no longer truncated vertically on opening the History pane with a large font size set. (See this thread.)
Morph Search
    Fixed crash on making a morph search from LLS:1.0.207. (See this thread.)
My Library
   When viewing Library in tile view, the resource’s rating can now be set to a value higher than three stars. (See this thread.)
    Fixed a crash when exporting bibliographies containing citations from specific resources. (See this thread.)
Resource Panel
    Keyboard shortcut icon for paged view in certain languages is no longer truncated.

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