List of Datatypes

This is a partial list of DataTypes that are used in Logos.
Datatypes are used to create links using standard referencing systems. Unlike normal links, they don’t link to a specific resource. Instead Logos will look through all your resources and choose the most prioritised appropriate resource. Therefore the table below shows a typical resource that this datatype would open. The actual resource that opens (if any) will depend on what books you have available in your library, and what your prioritisation settings are.

Knowing these Datatypes is most useful for searching, and for creating Personal Books.
For example, to find a link to a Greek Strongs number you would search for <GreekStrongs = 5537>

Author datatypes

Nearly 1,500 datatypes are linked to authors, too many to list in this annotated table. They’re available on a separate page as a simple list.

Bible datatypes

Description Code ShortCode Typical resource this datatype would open
Bible Bible bible Any Bible

More than 175 datatypes are associated with different versions of the Bibles. They’re also available on a separate page.

Datatypes for pre-Christian writings

Description Code ShortCode Typical resource this datatype would open
‘nt Texts AntTexts ant Religious Texts from Ugarit
Amarna Letters AmarnaLetters amarna The Amarna Letters
Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew Letters aahl aahl Ancient Aramaic and Hebrew Letters (Texts)
Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts aept aept The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts
Ancient Near Eastern Text anet anet Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd Edition with Supplement)
Aqht Texts AqhtTexts aqht Religious Texts from Ugarit
Aramaic Inscriptions aramaicinscriptions ai Aramaic Inscriptions
Aramaic Papyri of the Fifth Century AramaicPapyriFifthCentury APFC Aramaic Papyri of the Fifth Century B.C.
The Context of Scripture TheContextofScripture cos The Context of Scripture
Corpus des tablettes en cunéformes alphabéticas (CTA) CTA CTA Religious Texts from Ugarit
CTA Ugaritic Texts CTAUgariticsTexts cta Religious Texts from Ugarit
Cuneiform Alphabetic Texts (KTU) KTU KTU Religious Texts from Ugarit
Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition dssse dssse Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition
Hittite Diplomatic Texts hdt hdt
Hittite Laws HittiteLaws hl Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd Edition with Supplement)
Hittite Myths HittiteMyths httmyths
Hittite Prayers HittitePrayers httprayers
Hyppolytus Hippolytus hippolytus Old Testament Greek Pseudepigrapha with Morphology
Lawcode of Lipit-Ishtar LawLipIsh lli Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd Edition with Supplement)
Krt Text KrtText KRT Religious Texts from Ugarit
Laws of Eshunna LawsofEshn le Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd Edition with Supplement)
Laws of Hammarubi HammaurabiLaws hammu The Context of Scripture, Volume 2
Middle Assyrian Laws MidAssyrian mal Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd Edition with Supplement)
Neo-Babylonian Laws lnb lnb Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd Edition with Supplement)
Pseudepigrapha Pseudepigrapha pseud Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament
Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts qsm qsm The Dead Sea Scrolls: Study Edition
Ras Shamra Parallels RasShamraParallels RSP Ras Shamra Parallels
Sumerian Laws Exercise Tablet sl sl Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament (3rd Edition with Supplement)
Ugaritic Data Bank (UDB) UDB TU Religious Texts from Ugarit
Ugaritic Textbook Sections (Gordon) UgariticTextbookSections, Gordon utg Ugaritic Textbook
Ugaritic Textbook Texts (Gordon) UgariticTextbookTexts, UgariticTexts, UT utt Ugaritic Textbook

Datatypes for early Christian writings

Description Code ShortCode Typical resource this datatype would open
Apostolic Fathers ApostolicFathers af Ante-Nicene Fathers
Apostolic Tradition ApostolicTrad aptr The Apostolic Tradition
The Apostle’s Creed ApostlesCreed aposcrd Historic Creeds and Confessions
The Athanasian Creed AthanasianCreed athancrd Historic Creeds and Confessions
Augustine’s Confessions Confessions confess
Berlin Gnostic Papyri BerlinGnosticPapyri bg The Nag Hammadi Library in English
The Diatessaron of Tatian Diatessaron diatess Ante-Nicene Fathers, Volume X
Early Church Fathers EarlyChurchFathers ecf Ante-Nicene Fathers
Eusebian Canons EusebianCanons ec Novum Testamentum Graece (Tischendorf)
Fragments of Papias Papias papias Lightfoot’s Apostolic Fathers in English
Irish Biblical Apocrypha IrishApoc ibapoc Irish Biblical Apocrypha
Letters of Cyprian (Migne Numbering) CyprianLettersM cyprianlettersm Ante-Nicene Fathers: Volume V
Letters of Cyprian (Oxford Numbering) CyprianLettersO cyprianletterso Ante-Nicene Fathers: Volume V
Nag Hammadi Codices NagHammadiCodices nhc The Nag Hammadi Library in English
NT Apocrypha NTApocrypha ntapoc The Apocryphal New Testament
The Q Source Q q The Critical Edition of Q
The Sentences of Sextus SentencesofSextus sentsext The Nag Hammadi Library in English
Sermons of Augustine (Benedictine Numbering) AugustineSermonsBen augustinesermb Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series: Volume VI
Summa Theologica Summa summa Summa Theologica
Works of Ambrose Ambrose ambrose The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. X
Works of Anselm Anselm anselm The Major Works of Anselm of Canterbury
Works of Augustine Augustine augustine Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series
Works of Basil the Great Basil basil The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. VIII
Works of Cyprian of Carthage Cyprian cyprian Ante-Nicene Fathers: Volume V
Works of Eusebius of Caesarea Eusebius eusebius The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. I
Works of Gregory Nazianzen GregNaz gregnaz The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. VII
Works of Gregory of Nyssa GregNyssa gregnyssa The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. V
Works of Gregory the Great GregGreat greggreat The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. XII
Works of Hilary of Poitiers Hilary hilary The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. IX
Works of Irenaeus Irenaeus irenaeus Ante-Nicene Fathers: Volume I
Works of Jerome Jerome jerome The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. III
Works of John Cassian Cassian cassian The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. XI
Works of John Chrysostom Chrysostom chrysostom Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series
Works of John Damascene JohnDamascene johndamascene The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. IX
Works of Justin Martyr JustinMartyr justinmartyr Ante-Nicene Fathers: Volume I
Works of Leo the Great Leo leo The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers Second Series Vol. XII
Works of Origen Origen origen Ante-Nicene Fathers: Volume IV

Datatypes for intertestamental and post-Christian Jewish writings

Description Code ShortCode Typical resource this datatype would open
Babylonian Talmud BabylonianTalmud babtalmud Babylonian Talmud
Babylonian Talmud Folio BabylonianTalmudFolio babtalmudfolio Babylonian Talmud
Jerusalem Talmud JerusalemTalmud jertalmud Jerusalem Talmud
Jerusalem Talmud Folio JerusalemTalmudFolio jertalmudfolio Jerusalem Talmud
Josephus (Loeb) JosephusLoeb josl The Works of Flavius Josephus
Josephus (Whiston) JosephusWhiston josw The Works of Flavius Josephus
Mishnah Mishnah mishnah The Mishnah
Works of Philo WorksOfPhilo phil The Works of Philo
Works of Philo (Yonge) WorksOfPhiloYonge philyng The Works of Philo

Morphology datatypes

Description Code ShortCode Typical resource this datatype would open
Aramaic Morphology (Andersen-Forbes) AFMorphAram af-morph+x-arc
Aramaic Morphology (CAL) CALMorph ?
Aramaic Morphology (Logos) LogosMorphAram lbs-morph+arc
Aramaic Morphology (SESB) ? sesb-morph+x-arc
Aramaic Morphology (Westminster) AramaicMorphology lls-morph+x-arc
Aramaic Morphology (WIVU) WIVUMorphAram wivu-morph+x-arc
Aramaic Morphology Inscriptions ?
Greek Morphology (GRAMCORD™) GrMorph ?
Greek Morphology (Logos) LogosMorphGr lbs-morph+el
Hebrew Morphology (Andersen-Forbes) AFMorphHeb af-morph+he
Hebrew Morphology (Logos) LogosMorphHeb lbs-morph+he
Hebrew Morphology (SESB) ? sesb-morph+he
Hebrew Morphology (Westminster) WestMorph lls-morph+he
Hebrew Morphology (WIVU) WIVUMorphHeb wivu-morph+he
Semitic Morphology Inscriptions ?
Syriac Morphology (Leiden Peshitta Institute) ? lpi-morph+syr
Syriac Morphology (Sedra) ? s3morph

Date datatypes

Description Code ShortCode Typical resource this datatype would open
Date Date Date On This Day
Day of Year DayOfYear dayofyear Any daily devotional
YearMonthDay YearMonthDay ymd Usually a lectionary

Page number datatypes

Description Code ShortCode Typical resource this datatype would open
Page Number Page page Opens in current resource
Volume/Number/Page VolumeNumberPage vnp Opens in current resource
Volume/Page VolumePage vp Opens in current resource
Volume/Page/Line VolumePageLine vpl Opens in in current resource

Other datatypes

Description Code ShortCode Typical resource this datatype would open
The 39 Articles 39articles 39art The Anglican Tradition: A handbook of sources
95 Theses (Luther) 95theses 95theses
Beginner’s Grammar of the Greek New Testament bggnt bggnt Beginner’s Grammar of the Greek New Testament
Beginning Biblical Hebrew futabbh bbh Beginning Biblical Hebrew
The Belgic Confession BelgicConfession belcon Historic Creeds and Confessions
BHQ Apparatus BHQApparatus bhqcapp Biblia Hebraica Quinta: Apparatus Criticus
BHS Apparatus Criticus BHSApparatusCriticus bhscapp BHS Apparatus Criticus
Bible Knowledgebase BibleKnowledgebase bk Tyndale Bible Dictionary
A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar BiblicalHebrewReferenceGrammar, vanderMerwe BHRG A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar
Bibliographic Item Biblio biblio Opens in current resource
Blass, Debrunner, Funk bdf bdf Greek Grammar of the New Testament (Blass, Debrunner, Funk)
Boethius Boethius boethius Boethius: The Theological Tractates and the Consolation of Philosophy
Bonaventure Bonaventure bonaventure The Virtues of a Religious Superior (De Sex Alis Seraphim)
Book of Concord BookOfConcord trig The Book of Concord
Brown-Driver-Briggs BrownDriverBriggs bdb Enhanced Brown-Driver-Briggs Lexicon
The Canons of Dort CanonsOfDort candort Historic Creeds and Confessions
Canons Of The Ecumenical Councils CanonsOfTheEcumenicalCouncils cec Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers 2.14: The Seven Ecumenical Councils
Cascadia Syntax Graphs CSG csg Cascadia Syntax Graphs of the New Testament: Glossary
Catechism of the Catholic Church CCC ccc Catechism of the Catholic Church
Code of Canon Law| CIC cic Code of Canon Law: New English Translation
Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches CCEO cceo Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches: New English Translation
Concordia Triglotta TRIGPG trigpg The Book of Concord
Consolidated Gospel ConsolidatedGospel
The Constitution of the United States of America USConstitution USConst
Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Aramaic) DBLAramaic dbl+x-arc Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Aramaic)
Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Greek) DBLGreek dbl+g Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Greek)
Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Hebrew) DBLHebrew dbl+h Dictionary of Biblical Languages (Hebrew)
Documents of Vatican II VaticanII vaticanii Vatican II Documents
The Federalist Papers FederalistPapers fedpap
Gesenius’ Grammar gesgram gkc Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar
Gesenius’ Leixon GeseniusLexicon geslex Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testament
A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew (Joüon, Muraoka) GrammarofBiblicalHebrew, Jouon, Joüon, JouonMuraoka JM A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew
Grammar of the Greek New Testament RobertsonGrammar, ATRGrammar robertsongram A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in Light of Historical Research (Robertson)
Grammar of New Testament Greek, II (MHT II) MHT II mht2 A Grammar of New Testament Greek, Volume 2
Grammar of New Testament Greek, III (MHT III) MHT III mht3 A Grammar of New Testament Greek, Volume 3
Grammar of New Testament Greek, IV (MHT IV) MHT IV mht4 A Grammar of New Testament Greek, Volume 4
Greek GK Number GreekGK GGK, gk+g Mounce’s Expository Dictionary of Greek and Hebrew Words
Greek Strong’s Number GreekStrongs, StrongsGreek ggbtb Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon
Hebrew GK Number HebrewGK HGK, gk+h Mounce’s Expository Dictionary of Greek and Hebrew Words
Hebrew Strong’s Number HebrewStrongs, StrongsHebrew strongs+h Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon
Hebrew Syntax DavidsonSyntax hebsyn Hebrew Syntax (Third Edition)
The Heidelberg Catechism HeidelbergCatechism heidcat Historic Creeds and Confessions
Idioms of the Greek New Testament IdiomGreekNT ignt Idioms of the Greek New Testament (Porter)
Institutes of the Christian Religion InstitutesOfTheChristianReligion cicr Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion
Introduction to Akkadian IntroAkk iakk Introduction to Akkadian
An Introduction to Hebrew Syntax wltkhebsyn, ibhs woc An Introduction to Hebrew Syntax
Introduction to the Study of New Testament Greek Word List instgwl Introduction to the Study of New Testament Greek
Introduction to the Study of NT Greek Word List ISNTGWL isntgwl An Introduction to the Study of New Testament Greek, Part One: Morphology, Volume 2
IVP Pocket Dictionary Topic IVPPocket ivppocket Pocket Dictionary of Biblical Studies
Kirchliche Dogmatic (KD) KD kd Church Dogmatics (Barth)
Learning the Basics of New Testament Greek BasicGreek, LearningGreek learninggreek Learning the Basics of New Testament Greek
Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament ldgnt ldgnt Lexham Discourse Greek New Testament
Lexham High Definition New Testament Annotation Structure hdnt hdnt Lexham High Definition New Testament Annotation Structure
Lexham SGNT Clause Structure sgnt-clause
Lexham SGNT Syntatic Force SGNTSyntacticForce sgnt-syn The Lexham Syntactic Greek New Testament Glossary
Louw-Nida Semantic Domains LouwNida, louw ln Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains
Morphology Field morph-field morph-field Any morphology glossary
Nestle-Aland 27th Edition Textual Apparatus NA27ApparatusCriticus na27capp Nestle-Aland: NTG Apparatus Criticus
Nunn Syntax Section nunnsyn nunnsyn A Short Syntax of New Testament Greek Syntactic Structures otext otext The Syntactically Analyzed Greek New Testament Glossary
Quran Quran Quran The Quran
Regula Orientalis RegulaOrientalis
Rule of Macarius RuleOfMacarius
Rule of St. Benedict RuleOfStBenedict
Rule of the Four Fathers RuleOfTheFourFathers
Rule of the Master RuleOfTheMaster
Second Rule of the Fathers SecondRuleOfTheFathers
Shakespeare Shakespeare
Synonyms of the New Testament (Trench) Trench trenchsyn Synonyms of the New Testament
Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of New Testament Greek (Burton) Burton smtntg Syntax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament Greek
Tense/Voice/Mood TenseVoiceMood tvm Tense, Voice, Mood
Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament TheologicalWordbookOT twot Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament
Third Rule of the Fathers ThirdRuleOfTheFathers
The Westminster Confession of Faith WestminsterConfession wcnf The Westminster Confession of Faith
The Westminster Larger Catechism WestminsterLargerCatechism wlgc The Westminster Larger Catechism
The Westminster Shorter Catechism WestminsterShorterCatechism wshc The Westminster Shorter Catechism
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament TheologicalDictionaryNT tdnt Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
Word Number wn wn Dictionary of Biblical Languages
Wuest’s Word Studies in the Greek New Testament WuestNT wuest Wuest’s Word Studies in the Greek New Testament
Zerwick Biblical Greek Zerwick zbg Biblical Greek, Illustrated by Examples
Zerwick Biblical Greek (3rd Edition) Zerwick3 zbg3e Biblical Greek, Illustrated by Examples

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