Blurry Text Display on Mac


Random pages may appear blurry and you may notice the menu bar size become bigger when Logos 4 is the active program. Also you may be unable to set link sets or change the column view in a book.


Program Scaling

For several Logos 4 Mac Alpha releases, Program Scaling could be modified to change Logos 4 Mac application display zoom. Due to bugs and other issues, Program Scaling was removed from program settings.


To fix/force Logos 4 Mac to use 100 % zoom (best setting):

  1. Quit Logos 4 Mac application
  2. Open Terminal (inside Utility folder in Applications)
  3. Enter defaults write com.logos.Logos_Bible_Software_4 AppleDisplayScaleFactor 1.0
    Note: Use defaults read command to display the current setting, which should be 1.0 for 100 % zoom
    • Enter defaults read com.logos.Logos_Bible_Software_4 AppleDisplayScaleFactor
  4. Launch Logos 4 Mac
  5. Optional – Quit Terminal

Logos 4 Mac AppleScript Application can show, then change Program Display Scaling to default 100 % or custom % (includes note: Logos recommends 100 % for readability)
Mac OS X has several accessibility options, including screen magnification zoom + / - with option-command keyboard shortcuts
Setting Mac OS X screen resolution smaller effectively magnifies everything (amount of fuzziness for using smaller resolution depends on monitor)

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